Anonymous ID: 7ed54e May 27, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.20924309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4336 >>4509 >>4591 >>4675 >>4708

Visiting southern Israel, Nikki Haley blames Iran, Russia and China for October 7


Hamas massacre ‘was orchestrated by Iran. It was helped with Russian intelligence. And it was fueled by money from China,’ former American UN envoy tells reporters in Sderot


Touring communities affected by the October 7 massacre on Monday, former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blamed Iran, Russia and China for the devastation wrought by Hamas.


Standing next to Likud MK and onetime UN envoy Danny Danon at the site of the former Sderot police station, which was destroyed on October 7, Haley warned that “if we are arrogant enough,” such an attack “could absolutely happen in America too.”


Hamas’s attack on October 7 “was orchestrated by Iran. It was helped with Russian intelligence. And it was fueled by money from China. Don’t deny that,” Haley claimed, without offering proof to back up her allegations.


“China’s been funding Iran the entire time. Russia’s intelligence helped them know where everything was. Iran helped get them trained. So this isn’t Hamas. These are all murderers and accomplices. If we really mean it’s never going to happen again, we have to be honest and truthful with ourselves [about] who did this,” she said.


While there is no evidence of Russian or Chinese complicity in October 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government has been very critical of Israel since the start of the war in Gaza, while hosting Hamas officials and leading international calls for Israel to halt fighting.

Anonymous ID: 7ed54e May 27, 2024, 1:04 p.m. No.20924325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4345 >>4684

If You Don’t Stand With Israel, We’ll Work to Defeat You’:


Pro-Israel groups like AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition are heavily involved in Republican primaries, targeting candidates with alleged anti-Israel records and antisemitic rhetoric. They support GOP incumbents and oppose challengers who jeopardize the party’s support for Israel.


Significant attention has been dedicated during the 2024 election cycle to pro-Israel groups’ involvement in Democratic primaries, after groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its affiliated United Democracy Project super PAC broke the mold by spending tens of millions of dollars against progressive Democrats.


But when the pro-Israel establishment’s involvement in 2024’s elections is assessed, the historical outlier may actually be its increasing involvement in Republican primaries.


AIPAC’s Super PAC has fine-tuned its approach during this cycle – including discretely backing other super PACs and keeping its powder dry for higher-profile races – but has largely not undertaken the predicted $100-million effort aimed at unseating high-profile progressive Democratic incumbents (though it has spent over $4 million hoping to unseat Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York next month and will come close to matching that soon after in a similar bid at unseating Rep. Cori Bush in Missouri).


Yet both AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition bucked historical trends earlier this month when their multimillion-dollar spending campaign helped prevent former Rep. John Hostettler from winning his district’s primary in Indiana. Explaining their involvement, both organizations explicitly cited his alleged anti-Israel record and decades-long rhetoric of trafficking in antisemitic tropes.

Anonymous ID: 7ed54e May 27, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.20924337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illegal Israeli settlers attack village in northern West Bank


Israeli settlers continue their attacks on Palestinians, attacking homes in the village of Qusra in the southern city of Nablus.


Israeli settlers attacked the village of Qusra in the southern city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, attacking the homes of Palestinians under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF), reported Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.


It reported that “The townspeople rushed to repel the attack, which led to clashes with the occupation army and settlers,” during which the army used “live bullets."


The Palestinian Red Crescent Society treated and transported a 29-year-old man to the hospital after he was injured during the confrontations in Qusra.


In the southern West Bank, Arif Jaber, an anti-settlement activist, told Anadolu that the IOF reinforced units in Palestinian neighborhoods under its occupation. “The occupation forces spread extensively in the Jaber neighborhood and Wadi al-Hussein around the old town of al-Khalil, and arrested at least five residents,” he added.


Settler violence and aggression against Palestinians have been ongoing since the outbreak of the Israeli war on Gaza. Last week, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank reported an increase in land theft by armed Israeli settlers who are setting up temporary shepherding outposts and refusing to leave the region.


Shepherds living in the occupied West Bank and Jordan Valley face numerous issues like their sheep being confined to enclosures. At the same time, the adjacent grazing field is unavailable owing to violent settlers who have taken over the region, the Israeli daily Haaretz said.


Human rights groups have stated that Israeli settlers in shepherding outposts are armed and have employed attack dogs to intimidate Palestinians, resulting in cattle deaths and property damage. To make matters worse, the expensive cost of food deprives these shepherds of their primary source of life.


Settler intimidation has caused 18 pastoral groups to leave their homes in the Jordan Valley, according to data released by the Israeli organization B'Tselem back in March.

Anonymous ID: 7ed54e May 27, 2024, 1:14 p.m. No.20924358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4364

FLASHBACK 2014 - Google Play offers Bomb Gaza game that lets you kill Muslim women and children


Google Play, the official app store for Android operating systems, is currently offering a side-scrolling game called “Bomb Gaza.”


The description of the game states: “Bomb Gaza – drop bombs and avoid killing civilians. new version uploaded. improved performance. added new israel’s theme music.”


In a screen shot shown on the page (seen below) Israeli jets can be seen flying over a terrain dotted with cartoon Islamic terrorists and women attempting to protect children.


The game currently has a 3.7 star rating among users, with 47 reviewers giving it the highest rating, 5 stars, and 22 giving it a 1 star.


Commenters on the page both praised and condemned the game, with one writing, “Spineless disgusting filth trying to profit from genocide of Palastinians (sic) Trying to profit from the sufferings of others. Scumbag of the worst kind. Would you be doing the same if a member of your family was murdered? Utterly vile filth of a game from a sick twisted individual.”


According to the Google Play Developer Program Policies regarding Hate Speech: ” We don’t allow content advocating against groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.”


There is no indication whether Google Play would consider the game “hate speech.”

Anonymous ID: 7ed54e May 27, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.20924381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4423 >>4524

More than 120 MPs in the UK have said publicly they were either standing down from parliament or not contesting their seat at the general election


Some 78 out of those were Conservative - a record number for the party

Anonymous ID: 7ed54e May 27, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.20924487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mossad news Australia


Note how many pro-Israel stories there are - everyday


Everyone's an Antisemite