Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 4:24 p.m. No.20925253   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5260


Love your Lego memes. Especially the Chabad Tunnel one.


Did you know that the Baker or BVs delete all your Lego posts because they pertain to a certain tribe?


I've saved your posts, and went back to find it's deleted. Even when I repost your Lego stuff and save my post with it, those are deleted too.


Don't know when this site became as bad as Google in Censorship of anything unflattering to the tribe.

Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.20925343   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Brighteon Media SUES Google, Facebook,Twitter, Dept. of Defense for Censorship


Brighteon Media sues Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship collusion against Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News and Brighteon


Memorial Day, 2024: On the same day that we honor our ancestors and fallen soldiers who fought for the fundamental freedoms upon which our constitutional republic is based,we are filing suit against an array of Big Tech platforms, overseas NGOs and Big Government departments,all of which we assert have been deliberately weaponized to silence the free speech of Americans.


The lawsuit, filed in Federal court the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas (Austin Division) explains, "The United States has been helping identify, pay for, and facilitate private corporations’ suppression of Americans' free speech."

The suit presents conclusive evidence that reveals U.S. government departments specifically naming Brighteon, Natural News and the Health Ranger for censorship targeting.


The lawsuit is filed as civil action 24-cv-00576, filed on 5/27/2024. It can be viewed at this link on Natural News servers.


The complaint lays out the global coordination of a vast censorship industrial complex involving government entities, Big Tech platforms and private NGOs such as the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the Global Disinformation Index, and other similar entities. The suit also references ten "Joe Doe" defendants whose identities shall be revealed during discovery.


See the interview with attorney Jeffrey Greyber and expert consultant Jason Fyk at this link on


US government engaged in "censorship laundering" to silence the speech of Americans

In summary, the lawsuit asserts that the United States government, in violation of the United States Constitution, engaged in "censorship laundering" by colluding with (and helped fund) overseas organizations whose censorship directives were adopted by tech platforms to selectively silence the speech of certain Americans.


Mike Adams of Natural News is the founder of free speech platform Brighteon Media.



Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 5:07 p.m. No.20925511   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5528 >>5535 >>5546

9/11 From Cheney to Mossad


7 min Video showing Israeli/Mossad involvment in 9/11.


'''Israeli Art Students in NYC - called their group the Gelitin group.

(Israeli Bomb Experts)

Gelitin often refers to as Gelignite or blasting jelly'''


They were actually allowed to live in the 91st floor. (Twin Tower)


61 page document on the site referenced in 7 minute video.


Can't Embed:



Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 5:18 p.m. No.20925560   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5572 >>5588

Israel Bombed the US Marine Barracks in Beirut and Killed 241 US Marines


*Robert David Steele (co-founder of the US Military Delta Force) was 2nd highest ranking civilian In Marine Corps Intelligence when the Long Commission on the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing came out.


*Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing - Oct. 23, 1983 Attack killed 307 people.

killed 241 US Marines

-58 French soldiers

-6 civilians and the 2 attackers


He says that it was not done by Iran, but by Zionist Israel.

9:01 "There is nothing in the Long Commission that can in any way connect Iran to the Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut.  However … I'll go a step further, what others have Not been willing to say. That Barracks Bombing occurred almost one month to the Day, after a single Marine following orders stopped a Zionist Tank Column from going outside of the established containment lines."


9:31 "I believe the Marine Beirut Barracks Bombing, like the USS Liberty, and like 9/11, was done by Zionist Israel. In order to hurt the United States, and also push the United States into Middle East chaos"


*On Jared Kushner, Mossad, Ivanka marriage:

13:07 "now Jared Kushner, is another Zionist in the White House. Kushner's been reported by MI6 to one of my many London contacts, as someone who is a closet homosexual, who is being sexually and financially compromised by more than one Zionist Sugar Daddy based in New York City."


13:40 "Yes, I have written publicly that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of Robert Maxwell, the very famous Zionist Spy……. I believe that they profiled both Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton. Then the Mossad ran a series of Ashkenazi Jews in front of both of them, so as to Capture both those daughters for the Zionist Tribe".

37:25 "Senator Schumer is an out and out traitor. I think he is an unregistered agent of a foreign power. He works for Israel….. He should be fired, indicted and expelled."

38:18 "Haaretz (publication) in Israel is saying : Is it time for all Jews to Boycott Zionist Israel?"


38:36 "The power of Israel in the United States is based on Bribery, Blackmail and Lies".


38:46 "The second big thing in 2020,  is going to be  9/11 and Expelling Zionists from the US Economy, the US Government and US Society…….. If you are a dual citizen, I am taking away your Passport and sending you back to Israel."


39:56 "There are 23, 25 states that demand that you swear a Loyalty Oath to Israel before you can have a State job or have a contract with the State."


40:07 "There are 90 people in Congress at least, who have sponsored legislation that have makes it a Felony to criticize Israel…..I would be going to every single one of their Districts and ask: do you people really want someone in Congress who represents Israel ? rather than the United States?"

41:50 "Zionists own the Dept. of State,… they own the Dept. of Commerce, they own the Dept. of Treasury, and they own the Dept. of Defense."


Video quoted above has been Censored by ytube

Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 5:28 p.m. No.20925612   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5632 >>5637 >>5667





  1. USS LIBERTY -Killed 34 US Sailors, Injured 172 other US Sailors


  1. 9/11 NYC -Killed 2,977 Americans


*Any Truthful anon being called "muhjoo shill" by Jewish and/or Israeli Jewshills, it will be


A Badge Of Honor

Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 5:33 p.m. No.20925628   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5634 >>5638 >>5651 >>5703


In Pontius Pilate's letter to Emperor Tiberius, he avowed that he held "no ill will towards Jesus", did not wish him dead, but that the Sanhedrin insisted on crucifying Jesus.


Pontius Pilate stated that "Jesus had yellow hair."


Also Jesus' mother Mary was a Galilean. The Galileans were not Jews.

and no Jew has EVER named their daughters "Mary".

Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 5:44 p.m. No.20925669   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5691


I didn't save it when I saw it.

Will find it when I have time.


What I saw was translated.


I've seen it posted here but stuff like that will NEVER be Notabled by the Bakers/BV because this site is now overtly pro-Jew pro-Israel gatekeepers.

Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 5:52 p.m. No.20925715   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5728


Your innate tribal hostility is showing.


i can't wait when the Kabal Media is taken down and all the Sheeple are awakened to who is behind every False Flag killing American Gentiles.


Your vitriole will make that moment so much moar Delicious!



Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 6 p.m. No.20925756   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5764 >>5773



Silverstein has had Parkinson's disease for a long time.

Friend of mine whose family is longtime friends with Silverstein told me that like 20 years ago.

He said that Larry hides his tremors when he does interviews. Probably why he hasn't done any interviews in ages.


Too bad because we may not get to see him hanged.

Anonymous ID: 1e3dcf May 27, 2024, 6:07 p.m. No.20925813   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Why do Jewshills always use profanity and seething hatred? It's like all your inbreeding pinches your brian.


As soon as the "Federal" Reserve Jewish Bankster Cartel is knocked down, the Unlimited Money$$$ protecting your tribe ENDS.


Then the Truth will be revealed to the World.

Can't Wait!!!