Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 6:16 p.m. No.20925845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6067 >>6315 >>6446 >>6533

INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week


INTERPOL’s Stolen Motor Vehicle (SMV) database connects 137 countries and holds data on 12 million vehicles worldwide.

LYON, France: More than 1,500 vehicles stolen in Canada have been detected around the world since the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) successfully integrated the Canadian Police Information Centre’s (CPIC) stolen vehicle information with INTERPOL’s Stolen Motor Vehicle (SMV) Database in February 2024.


The RCMP’s CPIC database contains details on approximately 150,000 vehicles stolen in Canada. Since the integration, more than 200 of the stolen vehicles have been identified each week as their information is checked by law enforcement around the world, usually at national ports of entry.


Canada ranks among the top 10 countries in hits received via the SMV database this year, out of 137 countries connected worldwide.


INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock said:


“Stolen vehicles are international criminal currency. Not only are they used to traffic drugs, but also as payment to other criminal networks as well as fueling activities from human trafficking to terrorism.


“Sometimes overlooked, a stolen car is not just car theft. It is part of a major revenue stream for transnational organized crime. Through increased data sharing at the global level, we can better screen vehicles at border points, identify trafficking routes and arrest the perpetrators.”


INTERPOL’s SMV database allows police in the organization’s member countries to run a check against a suspicious vehicle and find out instantly whether it has been reported as stolen.


In 2023, around 226,000 vehicles were identified as stolen globally through the SMV database.


Joint vehicle crime project


In recent years, Canada has emerged as a key source country for stolen motor vehicles, in part given its large supply of sought-after high value models such as SUVs and crossovers. Many of the vehicles are shipped to the Middle East and West Africa, where they are then traded or re-sold.


On February 21, 2024, the Government of Canada announced that INTERPOL’s joint transnational vehicle crime project will receive $3.5 million (EUR 2.4 million) to enhance information sharing and investigative tactics to identify and retrieve stolen vehicles and parts around the world.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 6:22 p.m. No.20925874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5915 >>6067 >>6315 >>6446 >>6533

Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?


Not just the protests, but myriad polls show a dramatic shift away from unconditional support


That Gen Z Americans have unique foreign policy views isn’t news, but the recent student-led protests over the Israel-Hamas war has highlighted the generational differences in this country and may portend a future political distancing of the U.S. from its long-time client in Tel Aviv.


Some of the indicators may be concerning. Aside from displaying more support for ceasefire than their older cohorts, a majority of 18-24 year-olds in a December Harvard/Harris poll — 67% — said they believe Jews “as a class” are oppressors, and that the 10/7 attack was justified by Palestinians’ grievances (60%). But then, the poll also found 78% of Americans aged 18-34 believe Israel has a right to exist. The majority of this cohort also called what Hamas did on Oct. 7 terrorism and said anti-Semitism is on the rise on college campuses.


Meanwhile, an April POLITICO-Morning Consult poll found only “15 percent of Gen Zers said they’re more sympathetic toward the Israelis, compared to 4o percent of Baby Boomers,” and 24% of Gen Zers said it was a top issue that would affect their vote vs. 11% for over-65 voters. Some 20% of Gen Zers support providing weapons to the Palestinians vs. 2% of over-65 voters.


And in April, Pew Research reported, “A third of adults under 30 say their sympathies lie either entirely or mostly with the Palestinian people, while 14% say their sympathies lie entirely or mostly with the Israeli people” and “older Americans, by comparison, are more likely to sympathize with Israelis than Palestinians.”


In November, the Brookings Institution reported, “Even before the Hamas invasion, there were distinct generational differences in Americans’ attitudes towards Israel,” adding, “only 41% of those aged 18-29 had a favorable view of Israel, compared to 69% of those aged 65 or older.”


To say this generation was primed for a shift is an understatement. New media has certainly taken advantage and is, at the same time, being fueled by these young voices and their consumption habits. Israel can no longer control the flow of information and messages. Networked tribalism, according to John Robb at City Journal, “bypasses traditional media by directly delivering information and moral framing to people using social networks.”. On TikTok, #freepalestine has 31 billion posts compared to 590 million for #standwithisrael, which led The New Arab to claim, “Palestinian solidarity won the internet.”


By the way, the U.S. has the most TikTok users — 116.5 million; a Pew survey late last year reported that about one-third of young Americans get their news from TikTok.


Recently, Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Secretary of State Tony Blinken commiserated over the negative effect of social media on the sustainability of the pro-Israel narrative. Romney volunteered that was the reason Congress voted to ban TikTok.


They don’t like that 50% of young Americans trust news from social media nearly as much as they do legacy media, and that more student protesters are relying on foreign media like Al Jazeera, which had been covering the conditions on the ground in graphic and persistent measure until Israel banned the network from operating there in early May.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 6:30 p.m. No.20925921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5946

Australia, Israel and the ICC. One rule for Ukraine, another for Palestine


Already on trial for genocide, Israel has defied the International Court of Justice and amped up its slaughter of Palestinians. Ian McGarrity looks at the ‘global rules based order’, Australia and the predicament for world justice.


How many times have you heard Australian political leaders and senior bureaucrats intone our country’s belief in, and strategic reliance on the international community conforming to the ‘rules-based international order’?


But how consistent is a country like Australia likely to be when faced with supporting orders and obligations flowing from last week’s actions of rules-based entities like the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) when it doesn’t suit us or our own domestic values environment? Let alone those espoused by our ally, the United States?


The ICC is like a standing war crimes entity that deals with individuals accused of committing certain prescribed international crimes who are not likely to be dealt with by their own nation’s judicial system. The ICJ is a UN instrumentality dealing with disputes between countries.


Anthony Albanese and our urbane Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, are currently trying to navigate the complex thicket the ICC and ICJ have presented them. And the PM is seemingly not making a great fist of mastering the nuanced political, and arcane legal language used by the ICJ and the ICC in their respective orders and actions concerning the Gaza war last week.


ICJ orders and ICC’s Netanyahu arrest warrant

The ICJ made orders on May 17, which, on their face, appear to require Israel to cease military operations in the Gaza city of Rafah. The language of these orders is so tortured from seeking compromise and agreement from 13 of the 15 relevant judges, that international legal experts and the two dissenting judges are not really sure of their exact legal meaning.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 6:34 p.m. No.20925941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6067 >>6315 >>6446 >>6533

Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF, including Governor-General David Hurley, from war crimes


National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) Commissioner Paul Brereton headed up the “Brereton Inquiry” into war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan with Brereton finding “that some responsibility for the “murder” of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians could not fall on the most senior officers”.


The problem is that Commissioner Paul Brereton is also Major General in Australia’s Army Reserve so the “most senior officers” are Brereton’s mates and it should be no surprise that Brereton found they were not liable for the “murder” of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians.


Brereton has been busted in his “Brereton Inquiry report” trying to protect his “senior officer” mates in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) which totally undermines Paul Brereton’s position as Commissioner of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).


The government also set up the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel to oversee the implementation of the recommendations in the Brereton Inquiry report.


A report by the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel was only released on Thursday (16/5/24) and the ABC reported:


Afghanistan panel suggests military top brass be held ‘accountable’ for command failures over alleged war crimes


Serving and former defence chiefs, including Governor General David Hurley, are facing fresh calls to take responsibility for command failures which may have led to alleged war crimes in Afghanistan under their watch.


A report from an independent panel appointed to oversee the landmark Brereton inquiry has finally been released, warning that a lack of accountability from Australia’s military top brass has generated “anger and bitter resentment” among troops and veterans.


In 2020, a report prepared for the Inspector General of the Australian Defence Force by Justice Paul Brereton recommended 19 soldiers be investigated by police for the “murder” of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians, and the cruel treatment of two others.


Now, the subsequent Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel has rejected Justice Brereton’s conclusion that senior commanders should not be held accountable for the murders of 39 Afghans.


“The Panel did not agree with the Brereton Inquiry’s view that some accountability and responsibility could not fall on the most senior officers and it suggested that issue should be the subject of further consideration,” it said.


“There is ongoing anger and bitter resentment amongst present and former members of the special forces, many of whom served with distinction in Afghanistan, that their senior officers have not publicly accepted some responsibility for policies or decisions that contributed to the misconduct, such as the overuse of special forces.”


Members of the oversight panel, led by former inspector-general of intelligence and security Vivienne Thom, also compared the failure of senior Defence leaders to accept accountability for war crimes to company bosses who face dismissal or even criminal charges for corporate collapses.


“In the private sector, major corporate failures result in both an organisational and individual responsibility,” the report handed to the government in November 2023 states.


“Personal knowledge or direct involvement of the senior officers in the causes or behaviour that led to the corporate failure are not required.” (Click here to read more) (Click here: for a full copy of the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel report)


For example, if an employee dies working for a company in breach of Workplace Health and Safety laws on a construction site, the directors can be found liable and jailed and fined, which Paul Brereton would know because he is also a former judge of the Supreme Court of NSW.


So, why did Paul Brereton fail to “look closely at the collective accountability and responsibility of Defence’s most senior leaders” as the Afghanistan Inquiry Implementation Oversight Panel found? Brereton was protecting his mates is the only conclusion that a “fair-minded lay observer might reasonably apprehend” and his job as NACC Commissioner is not tenable.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:05 p.m. No.20926291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6381

Don’t even think about siding with Israel until you read this indisputable and shocking history of the rape of Palestine.


For many Palestinians, al-Nakba not only refers to the forced expulsion from 1947 to 1949 but evokes the entire history of Palestinian displacement, which is still occurring in 2021. Forced displacement of Palestinians was occurring even during British colonization, and between 1936 and 1939, British authorities destroyed up to 5,000 Palestinian homes.


From its inception, the Zionist project has sought to create a nation through colonialism, made apparent by organizations such as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association. And as noted by Hadar Cohen, this violence has been committed and continues to be committed in the name of Judaism, despite the fact that for many, “displacing and oppressing others is antithetical to [their] Jewishness.”


As of 2021, Palestinian people continue to fight for their right to self-determination and their right to return. Meanwhile, countries like the United States continue to provide billions of dollars of aidto Israel, effectively funding the continued forced displacement of Palestinian people. This is the tragic true story of the 1948 Palestinian displacement.


Throughout history, the land currently occupied by Israel, also known as Palestine, has seen numerous conquerors, from the Assyrians in 721 B.C. to the Ottoman Empire in 1516 C.E. And according to Palestinian anthropologist Ali Qleibo, “throughout history a great diversity of peoples has moved into Palestine as their homeland: Jebusites, Canaanites, Philistines from Crete, Anatolian and Lydian Greeks, Hebrews, Amorites, Edomites, Nabateans, Arameans, Romans, Arabs … the various cultures shine for a brief moment before they fade out of official historical and cultural records of Palestine. The people, however, survive.”


The Ottoman occupation of Palestine lasted until 1918, one year after British forces entered Palestine, seeking to gain control over the territory as World War I drew to a close. ARIJ writes that although it was believed that Palestine would become an “international zone not under direct French or British colonial control,” Palestine ended up remaining under British occupation until 1948. With the Partition Plan, the land was divided by the United Nations, with one part for the Palestinian people and one part for the Zionist state of Israel.


This wasn’t the first time that Palestine was treated by Europeans as a place for Jewish people to return to. In 1799, Napoleon offered Palestine to Jewish people who were under France’s protection, describing them as “Rightful heirs of Palestine!“

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:06 p.m. No.20926294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6299 >>6323

Prince Richard Windsor the Duke of Gloucester with his wife Duchess Birgitte of Gloucester. Prince Richard is related to the House of Montagu through his mother Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott and he works with the Montagu, Douglas, Scott, and Percy families which are Anglo-Scottish nobles that are all involved with Freemasonry.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:07 p.m. No.20926297   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prince Vittorio Emanuel IV of Savoy the Prince of Naples is the primary owner of the Genovese crime syndicate and a major owner of various Camorra mafias as well as a top authority over the nation of Switzerland. The Savoys were the monarchs of Italy and were rulers in Switzerland for hundreds of years. The Swiss flag and Savoy coat of arms are the same with a red background and white cross. JP Morgan was knighted by the House of Savoy in 1906 and JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley are currently run by the Roman Catholic and Jesuit agents Steve Burke and James Gorman. Prince Vittorio finances particle accelerator weapons through CERN which is based in Switzerland. The Genoveses specialize in extortion and theft through stock fraud as well as prostitution and gambling rackets. The Savoys have residences in Geneva, Switzerland. Prince Vittorio was a member of the P2 Masonic lodge and he was arrested for murder and investigated for arms trafficking while working for Augusta and later investigated for running prostitution rings, racketeering, bribery, and rigging slot machines.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:11 p.m. No.20926310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6330

House of Savoy


Princess Marina of Savoy the Princess of Naples is a top authority over Goldman Sachs and Switzerland. Princess Marina is from the Ricolfi-Doria family of Genoa and she was born in Switzerland. The Italian city of Genoa or Genova has the same name as the Swiss city Geneva. The Savoys have a noble branch in Genoa and the Dorias originated from Genoa. The Savoys also ruled regions of Switzerland for hundreds of years before becoming the Italian monarchs.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:13 p.m. No.20926317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Princess Elvira Grimaldi di Nixima a Sicilian noble with her husband Alfred Oeteker who is a billionaire and whose family were Nazis involved with financing Hitler and using slave labor during WWII. The Oetekers finance modern Nazism and they also finance Sicilian Mafia crime operations. The Grimaldi di Nixima family are Sicilian nobles related to the royal Grimaldis of Monaco which originated in Genoa.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:14 p.m. No.20926320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vladimir Putin with his close friend Prince Albert II of Monaco. Putin and Prince Albert can be seen together many times over the past decade. Putin was knighted by Prince Albert II and the Russian Mafia have a major headquarters in Monte Carlo with the Sicilian Mafia. The royals of Monaco or House of Grimaldi originated in Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region including Ghazaria which had major influence over trade in Russia. Genoa and Russia and the Grimaldis and Romanovs have worked together for centuries.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:16 p.m. No.20926330   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy is a top authority over the Club of Leaders which is mostly a Swiss based secret society of wealthy and powerful European and Middle Eastern royals, bankers, politicians, and businessmen.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.20926335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stephen Hearst is a major landowner with hundreds of thousands of acres for timber and cattle. The Hearsts also owned gold mines which is where they obtained a portion of their wealth. The Hearst family are worth about 28 billion and they are one of the most evil families in the United States.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.20926337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6343

Tom Disney is a member of the Disney family which are worth 1-2 billion. Roy E Disney was a Vatican Knight of the Order of Saint Gregoery. The Disneys are business partners with the Hearsts and both the Disneys and Hearsts have old French ancestry which migrated to Ireland before moving to the United States. They are from the same clan. Tim Disney is the Director of Shamrock Capital Advisers which is part of their family’s investment firm Shamrock Holdings. The Disneys are Freemasons and they run a massive pedophilia ring in the United States.

Anonymous ID: bb330b May 27, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.20926345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lachlan Murdoch is co-chairman of News Corp and the Executive Chairman and the CEO of Fox Corporation. He is also worth over 2 billion. The Murdochs have Scottish ancestry. Lachlan Murdoch is a high level authority over Scottish Rite Freemasonry and is a major media propagandist. Fox News heavily promoted the criminal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq which led to the deaths of about 1 million people. Fox News also heavily promotes Christianity and uses religion as its shield of self proclaimed righteousness. The Murdochs are major war criminals and they use religion as a shield which is Luciferianism. Fox really refers to the English Foxwell family. The Foxwells are married with the Massimo di Roccaseccas which are Roman-Vatican nobles that reside in London and work in business with the Spencer-Churchills. Rupert Murdoch was knighted by the Vatican’s Order of Saint Gregory.