Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 7:50 p.m. No.20926242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20925615 (You) Tucker: Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His LifePN



This was the longest interview with Tucker I’ve heard, extremely interesting and educating, they really went over so many subjects, but each of them were very enlightening


If you want to zone out and just listen, it was very good

Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 8:14 p.m. No.20926324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6325 >>6446 >>6533


Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury



Below is my column in the Hill on the approaching closing arguments in the Trump trial. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg appears to be launching his own school of abstract legal work in the Trump indictment. The key is to avoid any objective meaning.

Here is the column:


Abstract artistJackson Pollock once said that his paintings have no objective meaning, so the best way for people to enjoy them is to stop looking for it.


For many of us, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has created a new school of abstract law where there is no need for objective meaning.The jury is simply supposed to enjoy it for what it is:a chance to convict Donald Trump.


Pollock was famous for his painting drips on large canvases. Bragg has achieved the same effect by regenerating a dead misdemeanor on falsifying business records as 34 felony counts. To achieve that extraordinary goal, he has alleged that the document violations (which expired long ago under the statute of limitations) were committed to hide some other crime.


Originally, Bragg vaguely referenced four crimes and there havebeen months of confusion as to what he was specifically alleging as his criminal theories. Even legal analysts on CNN and MSNBC have continued to question the specific allegations against Trump as we head into closing arguments.


As it stands, there are three crimes that have been referenced by prosecutors: state and federal election violations and taxation violations.


Bragg’s legal vision for non-objective indictments was greatly advanced by Judge Juan Merchan,who will allow the jury to reach different rulings on what crime is actually evidentin Bragg’s paint splatters.


Merchan has ruled that thejurors can disagreeon what actually occurred in terms of the second crime. This means there could be three groups of four jurors, with one believing that there was a conspiracy to conceal a state election violation, another believing there was a federal election violation (which Bragg cannot enforce), and a third believing there was a tax violation, respectively.Nonetheless, Merchan will treat that as a unanimous verdict.


In other words, they could look at the indictment and see vastly different shapes,but still send Trump to prison on their interpretations.


Moreover, Michael Cohen is the sole witness even to address the elements of any of these crimes. Cohen is a convicted serial perjurer and disbarred attorney who appears to have lied again during the trial. Even if they consider his testimony, there is no direct corroboration in evidence on Trump’s intent or knowledge. As a result, the prosecutors will rely on circumstantial evidence to support whichever interpretation the jurors will buy.


Faced with charges that can mean different things to different jurors,Trump’s team will have to focus on the spaces between the paint drips; the canvas itself.


All of this case is based on the payment for a non-disclosure agreement that isperfectly legaland indeed common in business and politics. The Trump team needs to stop dancing around the NDA.


The jury likely believes that Trump knew of the NDA and supported it. The defense has to emphasize the testimony of David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Inquirer, that he killed stories for a variety of celebrities and politicians, including Rahm Emmanuel and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He also said that he killed stories for Trump for years before he even thought of running for president….

Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 8:16 p.m. No.20926325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6446 >>6533



They need to emphasize the testimony of multiple witnesses that Trump seemed to want to avoid embarrassment to his family. He was also the host of a popular television show and an international businessman. The payment of a couple hundred thousand to kill stories is considered a cost of doing business for most celebrities, particularly those who have television contracts with provisions allowing cancellation for scandals.


In the instructions, the court will tell the jurorsthat payments cannot be campaign contributions if they would have been made anyway regardless of the campaign.


They also need to point out other gaps. It was not Trump who listed payments as legal expenses or retainer payments. Witnesses said that payments to lawyers are routinely recorded as legal expenses. Indeed, it is not clear how the money should have been denominatedbut the decision was being made by others in the Trump organizationand by Cohen himself.


Moreover, on the characterization of payments as part of a “retainer,” the other party to that characterization was former Trump OrganizationCFO Allen Weisselberg.He is currently in prison in New York,but was not called by the prosecution. The prosecutors elected to rely entirely on Michael Cohen with various witnesses, including Cohen, referencing Weisselberg’s decision on how to pay the money.


That made the canvas itself largely Michael Cohen. All of this is held together by awitnesswho admitted that he haslied to banks, Congress, prosecutors, business associates, andvirtually every creature that has ever walkedor crawled on the face of the Earth. He alsolied in front of the juryabout the critical call where he said that he told Trump about the NDA payment.


The defense showed that that 96-second-long call was to Trump’s bodyguard, Keith Schiller, in late October 2016. It was preceded and followed by text messages that indicated that their conversation was actually about a teenager harassing Cohen.


Moreover,Cohen admitted to making millions by bashing Trump, and that he has a personal interest in his conviction.


You can throw paint onCohenall day, but it will not cover up the fact that heis a pathological liarand grifter.


That is whyI still believe that a hung jury might even be the most likely possibility. That may change when we see Judge Merchan’s final instructions. However, the only thing worse in New York than being a Trump supporter is being a chump. To rely solely on Cohen and not even call someone like Weisselberg is to play these jurors as chumps.


Pollock was doing more than just throwing paint at a canvas. As Pablo Picasso said, “there is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.”Bragg started with nothing and sold it as a legal abstraction.

Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.20926359   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OK, this is trulykek

Vanity Meets Villainy: California Man Poses for Pictures After Random Attack on Elderly Man


May 27, 2024

Nicholas Hosteter, 25, is not the first alleged felon to be caught after the circulation of a photo. He is one of the few, however,who can claim that he posed for a wanted picture taken by one of his own victims.


Hosteter wasarrested in connection to the two attacks on elderly men, according to the Campbell Police Department.


On May 4, Hosteter allegedly punched a victim on San Tomas Aquino Road and thevictim pulled out his cellphone to take a pictureof his attacker. To his surprise,Hosteter stopped and posed for the picture. The police then used it to capture him.


The second random attack involved a 75-year-old man taking a walk. He was punched in the face. The victim and his family returned to the scene shortly afterward to look for surveillance cameras. They then spotted Hosteter who allegedly tried to fight the family and then left the area.


Police made the arrest at his home where he lives with his parents.


He is now facing two counts of elder abuse and battery of an officer (due to kicking one of the arresting officers).


Obviously, a psychiatric evaluation should be one of the first things ordered by the court.

Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 8:33 p.m. No.20926381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6444


Is this Hamas material being posted here?I think it is because I see a lot of negative posts of Israel and none of Hamas, that do horrific things to Palestinians.


Bakers please be aware of this.

Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 8:38 p.m. No.20926395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


il Donaldo Trumpo




Good Night true autists and anons!


Anonymous ID: eaeefe May 27, 2024, 8:43 p.m. No.20926408   🗄️.is 🔗kun


il Donaldo Trumpo

