sauce or GTFO
>Some sort of ultrasonic device.
More likely an EM device the stimulates the auditory nerves as a side-effect, IMO. Think heart-attack gun.
No point explaining physics to a cartoon fan.
This is why I said "IMO." If you scour declassified documents, you can see that EM weapons existed as early as 1972 which could do all sorts of nasty things to you body from a distance, including stop your heart (change heart rate, cause forced orgasm, etc.) And yes, make you hear voices in your head, too. Since we know that exists, it stands to reason that the same EM technology can cause brain damage and may be stimulating the auditory nerves as a side-effect.
>-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.
FIFY. Quit the divisionfaggin.
very observant.
>Kek, if I was telling you the FACTS about muslims or buddhists would you still call it divisionfagging?
Yes, because the only dimension we should focus on is criminal vs. non-criminal. Stop dividing into sub-groups.
Somehow I am confident this will not be the case. Kek, thoughโฆ
Only one of us is trying to instill hatred for a religious group. You're an idiot and you glow.
>You're dumb, because those groups use muslim and jewish interest groups to perpetuate said criminal activities.
Yes, the cabal does do this. Very good. You've just proven that it is not the majority involved in those groups who are the problem. It is the criminal element that embraces and coopts those groups.
You've just defeated your argument. Now stop the divisionfagging, idiot.
I see the MUH JOOZ club is back. They'll never learnโฆ
Methinks thou protests too much. Plus, your argument is simply one of sowing division. Criminals are the problem and there are criminal elements in nearly all large organizations.
What you're doing is a shill tactic. I suggest you learn from the last 8 months that it doesn't work.
Guess what those ciminal elements that corrupt the Jewish group do to defend themselves? They do โฆ exactly โฆ what โฆ you โฆ are โฆ doing.
>How about giving them their own thread
They wouldn't go to it. It is their intent to shit up the board and discredit this board.
The history books (if you will be able to call them that - databases?) will be fascinating.