Anonymous ID: c45fbc May 28, 2024, 7:56 a.m. No.20927738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7852


Yeah…. the hubris of the "Chosen Ones" (tm) is ridiculous and at this point a little tiresome. The most enslaved human population, has always been African, due to simple numbers, but the Swolen Heeb here still has to claim the top tier victim status. There are estimates of up to 60 million African slaves during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and Jews, as a species, have never amassed numbers remotely close to that estimate, so his opine that "Jews were the most enslaved "race" of Humans" is patently false and an outright lie on Swole Heeb's part.


Of course, I'm sure it was so very real in his mind.