Anonymous ID: 4f3f68 May 28, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.20929113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9206 >>9333 >>9579 >>9685 >>9716


Thank You Anon


Brought over to Scotland #10 and added to what we already have


Updated Infected Blood Scandal Bun

>>20896974 Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials

>>20896991 'Laboratory rats'

>>20896997 Of the 122 pupils attending Treloar's College between 1974-1987, 75 have so far died of HIV and hepatitis C infections

>>20897042 Swinney apologises to victims of blood scandal

>>20897176 Blood transfusion boss apologises over scandal

>>20897242 Bill Wright has lived with the consequences of being infected by concentrated blood products

>>20900721 Blood Scandal Is Just More of the Same (video)

>>20907148 Poisoned by the Government! Scotland's response (video)

>>20929099 (General Research #25669) NHS and government led ‘chilling’ cover-up of infected blood scandal, inquiry finds

Anonymous ID: 4f3f68 May 28, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.20929217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #58 >>20929129

"Holy F**K": US Military Hid Quantico Breach Attempt By Jordanians In Box Truck In Possible Dry-Run

by Tyler Durden Monday, May 27, 2024


Weeks ago, two individuals in a box truck attempted to breach the gates at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Triangle, Virginia. Armed guards immediately stopped them, and the base's top brass quickly covered up the incident.


The reason for burying this incident? It's an election year for President Biden - and this type of news is politically explosive. The suspects were two Jordanian nationals, one reportedly on the FBI's terrorist watch list, raising suspicions that they entered illegally through the Biden administration's open southern border, as one report says, adding this could've been a dry run for a potential vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack.


Potomac Local News first reported the incident. Since then, the New York Post has exposed how the May 3 incident was potentially covered up, even for those on the base for two weeks.


Matt Strickland was the first to report the incident to the local media outlet. He told NYPost, "After I [raised the alarm], I had people who work at Quantico messaging me saying, 'Holy f—k, when did this happen?"


Great reporting from the @nypost. Shoutout to them for somehow getting my address and coming to my house to get the whole story.


That’s real journalism.


Most news outlets won’t report on this story because it shows the danger open borders cause.

— Matt Strickland (@MattForVA) May 23, 2024


He said, "Two weeks after it happened, Quantico finally put an email out to employees on base letting them know."


"It was basically 'F—k, guys, I guess we aren't going to be able to keep this secret, we should try to do some CYA' [cover your ass]," said Strickland, a former Blackwater contractor and combat incident analyst at the National Ground Intelligence Center.


Strickland said, "Every American has a right to know what happened at Quantico," adding, "Citizens have a right to know what is going on in their backyard."


Why is that, you ask?


Well, as the NYPost explained:

Some reports speculated the two men arrested had recently crossed the southern border into the US, and one was [said to be] on the US government's terrorist watch list.


Strickland was told one of the people involved had a Virginia ID, while the other was a terrorist. The Post has not been able to independently verify either rumor.


Both men are in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody. Authorities would not comment further, only saying the two will remain in ICE custody until deported.


Strickland continued:

"Who would they be keeping that information from? The reasoning would be so the terrorists, or whoever the Jordanians are working for, don't know all the information. But whoever those two Jordanian men are working for already know what they planned to do and that they were apprehended.


"The only people who don't know what happened are the American people."


This is why Strickland believes the incident was abruptly covered up:


"The secrecy is purposeful because it was illegal immigrants, one of who was on the terror watch list, who breached the gates.


"And they're allowing these illegal immigrants to come across the border."


And this is not the first incident. We covered a report over the weekend of two undocumented Chechens, with one using a "telephoto lens" - taking photos outside the home of an elite US Army special forces colonel near Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.


None of this should be surprising to ZeroHedge readers. The Biden administration's experiment of letting unvetted and unvaxxed illegal aliens into the nation - upwards of ten million - is truly shocking. Even the Department of Homeland Security admitted the southern border has been open to terrorists and criminals. The FBI has made similar warnings, with known terrorists apprehended on the border.


Recall earlier this year, Ohio Sheriff Richard K. Jones warned, "There are more red flags going off now than before 9-11" thanks to open southern borders.


Also, an Iranian intelligence officer is running around America, plotting assassination attacks against former and current government officials.


Don't forget the countless terrorists that have already crossed the border and are unknown at this point because of open southern border policies.


Great job, Democrats. The American people will never forget how open southern borders have fueled chaos nationwide—all because you want a new voting base. How selfish. This issue will haunt the party in the upcoming elections, as the majority of Americans are fed up.

Anonymous ID: 4f3f68 May 28, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.20929497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Details about the aircraft type, the number of personnel on board, and the cause of the crash are yet to be released

and yet at the start:

>The sole occupant, the pilot, is conscious and is being transported for medical attention

>Witnesses reported that the aircraft seemed to experience problems shortly after takeoff

DEI Commission, Take-off and Departure stall

Anonymous ID: 4f3f68 May 28, 2024, 2:50 p.m. No.20929751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #58 >>20929060

Taiwan to get better weapons than Ukraine – Washington

Taipei will have the newest American military technology, GOP Representative Michael McCaul has said

27 May, 2024


Taiwan will be supplied with more up-to-date US weapons than Ukraine and has access to advanced American technology, Michael McCaul, the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee has claimed.


McCaul announced the imminent arrival of American weapons while on a controversial visit to the self-administered Chinese island on Monday. Beijing has repeatedly warned the US of 'consequences' from its courting and arming of the island. Taiwan has previously complained that Washington’s military assistance to Kiev had caused in arms deliveries to the island.


”We are moving forward on those weapons systems. I’d like to see it faster, but they are forthcoming,” McCaul said, during a press conference following his meeting with President Lai Ching-te, whose inauguration took place last week.


The US has issues with military manufacturing capacity, the Texas lawmaker acknowledged. Some of the arms that Taiwan is yet to receive were ordered in 2020, and the delay is “way too long”. McCaul added: “I put continuous pressure on the defense contractors and the administration … to get these defense articles out as quickly as possible.”


“Taiwan, unlike Ukraine, will be getting new weapon systems, not old ones – especially old Russian weapons. It would be a new stock that would be supplied to Taiwan. Some of our latest technologies,” the Republican congressman added.


In addition to sending US-produced weapons, Washington has worked to procure old Soviet stockpiles in third countries in order to donate these to Kiev.


McCaul noted that Taiwan’s hypothetical conflict with China would be a naval one, unlike Ukraine’s hostilities with Russia, which are primarily conducted on land. He denounced Beijing for sending an “armada of ships and planes surrounding this island,” intended to “intimidate” Taipei.


Beijing seeks peaceful reunification with the island, which served as the last refuge for nationalist forces during the Chinese civil war of the 1940s. However, it has warned that it would resort to force, if Taiwan tries to formally declare independence. Some political forces in the US are pushing Taipei towards separatism, Chinese officials have claimed.


Earlier in the day, McCaul described Washington’s arms deliveries as means to protect “democracies” from “aggression and tyranny, whether it’s Putin in Russia, the Ayatollah in Iran, or Chairman Xi next door to us in China,” referring to Vladimir Putin, presumably, Ali Khamenei, and Xi Jinping, the leaders of the three nations that the US considers its strategic rivals.


Moscow has described the Ukraine conflict as a US-led proxy war on Russia, in which Ukrainian soldiers are used as “cannon fodder.”