Anonymous ID: efbd38 May 28, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.20929978   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oscar Blue Ramirez | Border Network News | May 24, 2024


• The consequences of an open border.

• There are massive consequences because you, Joe Biden, have opened the door to evil. This happened in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Border Patrol Agents trying to stop smugglers and migrants from illegally entering by jumping the border wall.

• Smugglers and migrants, throwing sand in the agents’ faces, throwing rocks and other objects at the border patrol agents. . . the aggression as the border patrol is fighting to get the ladder out of the hands of cartel members and smugglers.

• Joe Biden this is your disastrous open borders, this is your Global compact of migration you have incentivized the cartel to grow and to have the audacity and the disrespect shown to your authorities.

• Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, this administration, they must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

• These individuals entering illegally, they're trying to be smuggled through a part of the wall at Santa Teresa, NM using a ladder that was physically brought by these criminals. The cartels and smugglers will not be stopped. They will not give up their profiteering and they no longer fear authority anymore.

• Both political parties, the leftist progressive democrats and the rinos in Congress, are doing nothing. The NGO’s are in cahoots with the cartels. . .all these Progressive mercenary activists that are making money out of the human misery at the border. Human trafficking, labor trafficking, etc. They want you to know the United Nations is in absolute control. The border patrol agents are outnumbered.

• The Trump Administration implemented tariffs, hit the pockets of international investors, businesses, manufacturing and got the border under control. It will be very difficult to get it under control again.


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