Anonymous ID: 75e9c7 May 29, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.20934194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4210


The jury comes back the judge asks on Count 1, how does the jury find? On Count 2, how does the jury find? The jury finds non-guility or guilty count by count - not "hey…. as a whole on all the charges how did yous guys find"?

Anonymous ID: 75e9c7 May 29, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.20934425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438 >>4446 >>4474

JUST IN: NBC reports that Trump's defense team is "newly animated" and have "cracked" a smile while the District Attorney's team looks "tense and apprehensive" in New York.


The moment came as the jury submitted a second note to Judge Merchan, asking him to give the instructions again.


"The District Attorney’s team looks tense and apprehensive. Todd Blanche, on Trump’s defense team, just cracked a tight smile. Trump, Blanche and Emil Bove, another one of Trump's attorneys, are whispering amongst themselves and look newly animated," NBC reported.


Jurors were then dismissed for the day after a few hours of deliberations.


"You must not google or otherwise search for information about the case," Merchan said.


Deliberations will continue tomorrow at 9:30.