Anonymous ID: d9a244 May 29, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.20934184   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4203 >>4410 >>4610 >>4708 >>4733



The city of Denver, which has cut its law enforcement budget to help fund migrant arrivals, now has a “Newcomer’s Playbook”, which lays out ways to welcome & assist migrants, who they call newcomers to be more “inclusive”.

Shockingly, the city appears to admit to assisting illegal aliens who “entered without inspection”.


That terminology means typically they are gotaways. Entering without inspection means they were not encountered or processed between ports of entry by Border Patrol, nor were they processed by CBP at a port of entry. It means they snuck in without any encounter with a DHS entity.


As such, that would mean these migrants have no parole status, no I-862 Notice To Appear documents etc, and no other DHS paperwork that would allow them to be in the U.S. while their immigration proceedings play out.


If Denver is admitting to assisting & sheltering illegal aliens who entered without inspection, it could be a violation of federal law having to do with harboring aliens, specifically, 8 USC 1324 of the INA.