Anonymous ID: a1319f July 9, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2093749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3781 >>3794 >>3816



This is mostly irrelevant.

You need to ask

Who practices pedophilia?

And then

Who practiced it before things changed?

And you will discover that the elite have always practiced pedophilia.

They are just making it acceptable

Because they are changing the world to conform

To the perverted practices of the elite

It makes life easier for them.


So you are mostly wasting your time chasing the people

Who are making pedophilia acceptable

When you could be identifying the elite pedophiles

Collecting evidence of their crimes

And supporting police investigations and charges.


Because when all the elite pedophiles are out of circulation

Suddenly nobody will be pushing the normalization of pedophilia any more.

Attack the evil at its root

Anonymous ID: a1319f July 9, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2093909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3956 >>3976




The story of two MS-13 assasins who were then 187'ed, does seem a bit improbable. But if you think of who might be able to organize a murder and then another murder of two gangbangers, well…

Let's just say that people with that kind of power and organization ability, could also have setup two gangbangers and offed them to make the trail run cold. Just like the JFK murder where Ruby killed Oswald, the patsy.


Isn't it interesting that the TruePundit article actually has connections between the Seth Rich murder and JFK? Are we seeing here the fingerprint of how a certain organization operates? Shouldn't we be digging to see if there are other murders with the same fingerprint?

Anonymous ID: a1319f July 9, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.2093976   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Look at the bio for Kevin Doherty here>>2093909


If this guy was a blackhat, then how many others with similar credentials like NYPD and Child Abuse investigators, could similarly be blackhats?


As we have learned, the cabal seizes power quietly through infiltrating. This means that potentially EVERYTHING IS COMPED.


Much work needed to clean this up.



Anonymous ID: a1319f July 9, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.2094106   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have reflected on what you say


Because I want to WIN!

I will keep my passion in my heart

But use a cool head

To reason through what you have said

As is often the case


I cannot figure out which is right and which is wrong

But in the midst of chaos

Movement is always the right choice

And choosing the best direction

Is often all that is within our capabilities to do.


I choose to rise up, and do something

In unity with others

I will dig to expose the corruption

I will make connections to unveil the hidden hand

That controls the corruption

I will draw a map

To show the flow of funds

A circular flow diagram that leads to those

Who ultimately benefit

And I will speak out to motivate others

To join me in this fight.

I know that I do not have all the answers

But I am damned if I will let (((them))) treat me like a sheep

So I am going to do what I know how to do

And trust in the people

Who unite with me

To fill in the gaps

And I will pray

For strength

For guidance

And I will never ever,

Not in a million years

I will never give up!!!

And I will never forgive (((them)))

Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord

Well Lord, I will help to deliver (((them)))

To your vengeance.