Anonymous ID: f407d1 May 29, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.20934807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4971 >>4983 >>5028 >>5171 >>5259 >>5268 >>5370 >>5474 >>5495

James Rickards Breaks Down Judge Merchan’s Latest Culpable Actions. “Jury Instruction Is In Violation Of The 5th & 14th Amendment”




Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government. It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


15th Amendment

Amendment XV

Section 1.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2.

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Anonymous ID: f407d1 May 29, 2024, 3:01 p.m. No.20934840   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 May, 2024 20:54

Ukrainian politician suggests US is ‘Putin’s lackey’

Anton Gerashchenko has denounced anyone not attending the Swiss ‘peace summit’


Anyone not participating in the Swiss ‘peace summit’ next month is a lackey of Russian President Vladimir Putin, prominent Ukrainian politician Anton Gerashchenko claimed on Thursday. His post was quickly deleted, however. (Biden Admin need to know that these terrorists will do anything to get phony support, or West involved in their war. You have a problem here idiots)


Vladimir Zelensky has claimed that more than 90 states will attend the event, scheduled for mid-June at the Swiss resort of Lucerne.The US leadership will not be among them, even though Washington is Kiev’s most prominent backer.


“There are states that have clearly outlined their position in defense of democracy. These countries are participating in the June conference in Switzerland. And there are undecided states that can be considered as accomplices of the war,” Gerashchenko wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

“Although I would just call them all [Putin’s] kholui’s,”the politician added, using a Russian word that means “lackeys.”


The post was deleted shortly thereafter. Some X users have speculated that Gerashchenko might have removed it because it risked offending the US. The White House has said that President Joe Biden will be at a fundraiser in California instead and that Vice President Kamala Harris will not be going to Switzerland either.


Zelensky lamented Biden’s absence on Tuesday, arguing the choice not to attend would be cause for a “standing ovation” from Putin and would send the wrong message to other countries.


Russia was not invited to the meeting. Moscow has described the summit as a “scam” intended to whip up support for Zelensky’s “peace formula” among non-Western nations, and under false pretenses.


Kiev’s roadmap to resolving the crisis, which Zelensky has been promoting since 2022, calls for a complete withdrawal of Russian forces from all territories Ukraine considers its own, for Moscow to pay reparations and to subject itself to a war-crimes tribunal. The Kremlin has rejected it as “unrealistic” and a sign of Kiev’s unwillingness to seek a diplomatic solution to the conflict.


“From our point of view, this conference is completely without prospects … because getting together and seriously discussing the Ukraine conflict without our participation is absurd,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told RT on Wednesday.


Gerashchenko served as Ukraine’s deputy minister of internal affairs and later advised Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky (2021-2023). He has been a prominent pusher of Ukrainian narratives on social media since.


(Kiev is pushing the West hard, and are escalating terrorism, and seem to want WWIII. If they can’t win no one will win. The West better shut them down now.)

Anonymous ID: f407d1 May 29, 2024, 3:07 p.m. No.20934877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4898 >>5019

29 May, 2024 15:05

Zelensky is ‘an outlaw’ – top Russian MP

Vyacheslav Volodin warned foreign leaders against signing any deals with their Ukrainian counterpart, whose term expired on May 20


Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has essentially committed a blatant power grab by deciding to keep his presidential post after his term officially expired, Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has said. Writing on Telegram on Wednesday, Volodin proclaimed Zelensky – whose presidential term officially ended on May 20, an “outlaw,” adding thatUkraine has plunged into a “power crisis.”


The lawmaker recalled that the Ukrainian constitution stipulates that presidential duties must be performed by the country’s speaker of parliament until an election is held and a new president sworn in.


Ukrainian parliament speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk has insisted that Zelensky must remain as president and denounced as “an enemy” anyone who questions his legitimacy. He also argued that Zelensky is under constitutionally obligation until a new leader is sworn in.


Volodin disagrees, however, pointing out that the extension of the president’s term can only be done on the basis of an election, which Zelensky refused to greenlight, citing martial law imposed after the start of the Ukraine conflict. “Anything else is a state crime. And this is what Zelensky has committed,” the MP said.


He went on to remark thatforeign leaders found themselves in “a difficult position,” explaining that while they have the right to meet with Zelensky,“international agreements and treaties with him will have no legal force, because he has lost his powers.”“This carries risks of non-return of funds and many other problems in the future,” Volodin added.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the only legitimate authority in Ukraine is now the parliament, addingthat “a deep legal analysis” of Zelensky’s current status should be carried out. The Russian president also suggestedZelensky is being kept in office by “overseas masters”so that he and his government would become scapegoats for all recent and future “unpopular decisions.”


Meanwhile, Zelensky himself has claimed that he “is not really bothered” by talk of his perceived illegitimacy, adding that his fellow Ukrainians know the national law and can draw their own conclusions.

Anonymous ID: f407d1 May 29, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.20934908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917 >>4924 >>4978 >>4983 >>5140 >>5171 >>5259 >>5268 >>5370 >>5474 >>5495

29 May, 2024 14:23

British long-range missiles already being used to strike Russia – Ukrainian official

London had previously given Kiev permission to use UK-supplied weapons against targets deep in Russian territory


The Ukrainian military is already using British-made Storm Shadow missiles to strike targets deep in Russian territory, after being authorized to do so by London, Yuri Sak, Adviser to Ukraine’s Minister of Strategic Industries, has stated.


His comments come after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron stated earlier this month that Kiev has the right to strike Russia with weapons supplied by the UK.


In an interview with Bloomberg TV posted on Tuesday, Sak was asked if Ukraine’s forces intended to use foreign weaponsagainst targets far behind the Russia-Ukraine conflict frontline. He replied thatsuch incidents have already taken place.


“The United Kingdom has already previously allowed Ukraine to use their long-range missiles, Storm Shadows, and we have been successfully using them,” the adviser claimed, without providing any further details about these strikes.


Moscow has previously accused Kiev of using British weapons to carry out attacks against Russian regions. In early May, shortly after Cameron’s comments, Russian Foreign Ministry official Sergey Belyaev claimed that “UK-supplied weapons are being actively used by theUkrainian military in terrorist attacks on civilian infrastructure and the civilian population of Donbass, as well as other Russian regions.”


Meanwhile, Ukraine has continued to demand that more of its foreign backers give it the green light to use Western weapons to conduct strikes deep inside Russian territories. Aside from the UK, several other countries, including Poland and Latvia, have said they have no objections to such a use of their donated missiles.


Last week, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also insisted that bloc members should allow Kiev to use their contributed weapons against Russia, arguing that maintaining a ban on such usage amounted to denying Ukraine the ability to defend itself.


Moscow, however, has sternly warned against such moves, with Russian President Vladimir Putin stressing on Tuesday that long-range strikes on Russia using Western weaponrywould represent a serious escalation of the conflict.


“This constant escalation can lead to serious consequences.If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the US behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?Hard to say.Do they want global conflict?”Putin said.

Anonymous ID: f407d1 May 29, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20934929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4932

Bannon Calls Out America’s Elite For Abusing The Deplorables For Profit.“They Want You To Be A Faceless, Nameless Cog In The Wheel”

