Anonymous ID: ffbd3e May 29, 2024, 3:49 p.m. No.20935064   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5114


Could be there have been lots of New York Police getting caught spying lately. I wonder if it has to do with POTUS trial and they get fake info and caught spreading it?


Dig Deeper

The New York City Police Department fired an officer from China after he was discovered to be allegedly spying for the Chinese Communist Party, according to internal disciplinary records.


NYPD Lt. Steven Li, who worked at the department's Internal Affairs Bureau, had helped a Chinese national connect with a Chinese woman between 2019 and 2021, investigators with the police force and the FBI said, according to documents published last week by the outlet Documented.


He is accused of assisting Chinese national Sun Hoi Ying, who was indicted in 2022 for acting as an agent for China without notifying the U.S. government of his presence as required under the law.


Li is accused of organizing meetings for Ying in New York with the woman, who is identified as "Huang." She was accused of embezzling money in China from a state-owned company before moving to the United States more than two decades ago.


Li, who has not been criminally charged, was fired in February, according to the documents. The police department conducted an internal trial and found he did not act as a Chinese agent, but he did make false statements to the FBI.

Anonymous ID: ffbd3e May 29, 2024, 4:09 p.m. No.20935192   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5346

Is this the Rod and Ring that will strike? Law and Justice?


Codex Hammurapi

The stela of Hammurabi, now housed in the Louvre Museum, was found in Susa, where it was carried off by Šutruk-Nuḫḫunte after the sack of Babylon in 1155. It was composed much earlier during the last part of the reign of the King Hammurabi (1792-1750). The basalt stela records 282 legal provisions that deal with a range of cases, including those that involve economic transactions, loans, robbery and theft, negligence, marriage, and inheritance, among others. The overwhelming majority of the law provisions are expressed using the casuistic formula, where the protasis presents the circumstances of a legal case, and the apodosis presents the appropriate legal response to the case. The text of the laws are set within a larger prologue and epilogue, which are written in the hymnic-epic dialect and which reveal key aspects of kingship, particularly the king's commitment to justice. The top portion of the stela depicts King Hammurabi receiving the laws from Šamaš, the god of justice,along with a ring and a rod, two symbols of law and justice(Moudhy al-Rashid, University of Oxford)

Anonymous ID: ffbd3e May 29, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.20935475   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5481


This poem appears to be a prophetic or cryptic warning, containing symbolic imagery that can be interpreted in various ways depending on current global events and issues. Let’s break down the potential meanings of each line in today's context:


"It will happen when the weather cools."

This line suggests a specific timeframe, possibly autumn or winter, indicating that significant events will unfold during cooler seasons.


"That's when they'll make their move."

A vague reference to an unspecified group or force planning to take action during this period.


"The plans made long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition."

This implies ancient plans or conspiracies that predate the United States, hinting at long-standing schemes or prophecies finally coming to pass.


"They're trying to force God's hand."

An attempt to manipulate divine will or provoke a significant religious or spiritual event.


"Watch for these signs: Three branches will become one."

This could refer to a unification of government branches (executive, legislative, and judicial) or an unprecedented consolidation of power within a country.

Alternatively, it could symbolize a merger of major entities or institutions.

"An island will drift away."

Could symbolize geopolitical changes, like a territory seeking independence or detaching itself from a larger entity (e.g., Brexit).

Also, it might represent literal environmental changes, such as rising sea levels affecting islands.

"A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill."

Could refer to advanced military technology or weapons being displayed or tested without causing actual harm.

Alternatively, it might signify a natural phenomenon like lightning that is dramatic but not fatal.

"The star will gorge itself on clay."

This could be a metaphor for a powerful entity (a nation or corporation) exploiting natural resources or land aggressively.

It might also refer to celestial events affecting the Earth.

"Idols will speak and move about."

This could indicate the rise of artificial intelligence and robots, which could be seen as modern "idols."

Alternatively, it might symbolize influential leaders or celebrities who have a significant impact on society.

"The black flag will fly above the dome."

Often, a black flag represents extremist or militant groups, so this might suggest their rise to power or prominence.

The "dome" could symbolize a significant place of governance or worship (e.g., a parliament or mosque).

"The belly of the dragon will drip water."

The dragon could represent a powerful nation (often China in geopolitical contexts), and this might indicate internal issues or disasters, such as flooding.

"Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear."

This could symbolize a major announcement or revelation that garners worldwide attention, possibly via modern communication technologies.

It might also suggest a shared global experience or crisis.

"A rock will stand on seven hills."

This likely refers to Rome, traditionally known as the city on seven hills, hinting at significant events related to the Vatican or the Catholic Church.

"The ravens will starve."

Ravens are often symbolic of bad omens or death, so this might suggest a disruption of negative forces or a decline in troubling phenomena.

"The bear will leave its cave forever."

The bear is often a symbol of Russia, suggesting a significant geopolitical shift involving Russia.

"Leaving its cave" could mean taking decisive action or changing its stance on the global stage.

"The rod and the ring will strike."

This could symbolize authority and power (rod) and unity or continuity (ring), indicating a significant action or decision by a ruling power.

Interpretation in Current Context:

The poem seems to draw on a range of current global issues, including political power shifts, technological advancements, environmental changes, and geopolitical tensions. Here are a few examples of how these lines might relate to recent events:


Political consolidations or upheavals in various countries.

Technological advancements in AI and robotics.

Environmental concerns like rising sea levels and natural disasters.

Geopolitical movements involving major powers like the US, China, and Russia.

The influence and actions of militant groups in various regions.

In essence, the poem uses symbolic language to describe significant, possibly transformative events in the world, many of which resonate with ongoing global dynamics and anxieties.