Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 5:12 p.m. No.20935523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5670

IN BIBLICAL PROPHECY, the number 44 signifies the Beast of Lies. He is Satan!


Accordingly, after 44 years of lying about the book, "The Plot of the Jews: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", being a non-Jew forgery, the leaders of Jewry in America on the night of 5 Feb. 1949 bragged to what

they supposed to have been an all-Jewish audience in the Shriners Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, that, the Protocols are authentically the blue-print of world conquest by the Serpent race of Jews—the Protocols are Jewry's own property—and the conspiracy against God and man in them is an accomplished fact, except to collapse America's economy and finances then seize the government and destroy the independence of this Nation. Yet, they declared that would be accomplished before the end



It is time that we stood up to be counted!


In the very first paragraph of protocol No. 3 the leaders of Jewry admit Jewry is the Serpent race of

Satan. We first observe that Reptilian race in the third chapter of Genesis in our Bible. In the Hindu

Scriptures he is called Shesha, which is pronounced Shaitan (Satan), He is symbolized as being a 12-

headed cobra. Actually the heads are 12 high-degree B'nai B'rith Jews as the Cabinet of the King of the


That king today is the Asiatic Turko-Mongol Jew, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha. He is the "brains"of

Shaitan the Serpent. A portion of his teeth and claws are the members of the Anti-Defamation League,

which is an un-Constitutional gestapo organized in the United States in 1913 by Jewry's exclusive

Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B'nai B'rith so as to force out of circulation any truth remotely connecting the word "Jew" with the world conspiracy against God and man; and also to prevent as far

as possible the truth being published about the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic people being the House of Israel as God's Kingdom in the material plane.


The axis of Shaitan's spinal column are two Princes of the Jews and one roving ambassador who

answer to no one but the King of the Jews. Shaitan has seven vertebras in his back bone. Hisspinal cord

has 1,000 nerve fibres. They are the Luciferian priesthood known in Christendom as the Learned Elders

of Zion. They are equally divided between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. His nerve system is a

7 x 7 super-secret organization known as the Cahilla. The vertebras in his back bone are seven offices

from which emanate the nerve system consisting of seven Ministers under seven Arch-censors (7 x 7 =

49 Ministers). Under each Minister are seven Heralds (7 x 49 = 343 Heralds). Under each Herald are

seven Couriers (7 x 343 = 2,401Couriers). Under each Courier are seven Scribes (7 x 2,401 = 16,807

Scribes). Under each Scribeare seven Auditors (7 x 16,807 = 117,649 Auditors). Under each Auditor

are seven Mutes (7 x117,649 = 823,543 Mutes).

With the 500 Luciferian priests, the Archcensors, the king and prince there are 961,301 Jews in each

hemispherical Cahilla section. Adding the 24 B'nai B'rith Jews in the two Cabinets of the king and his

co-regent and the roving ambassador, there are 1,922,627 Jews in the hemispherical brains and nerve

system of Shaitan the Serpent, That Cabal and the Jewish race are the brains,nerve system, teeth, claws,

back bone and body of Satan in the material plane, and their collective evilness is the Devil and his

demons in the spiritual plane.

Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 5:42 p.m. No.20935651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5722

Authorities play a control game, and you are being controlled. We have submitted to authorities from

the beginning of our lives, and we’ve been caught in this wheel for millennia. Our parents teach it to us,

just as they had learned it. Then they send us to school and church, where the teachers and priests claim

themselves as authorities. Our parents also put us in front of televisions for hours. We would believe

what we saw on television. The man on the news was an authority. So throughout our childhood, in the

hopes of good guidance and protection, we submitted ourselves to many authorities. We are taught to

trust and believe our authorities, as if they are being truthful to us. But how can they teach truth, when

they themselves have been programmed with lies? Authorities have no credibility.

Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 5:45 p.m. No.20935670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5680 >>5689 >>5699 >>5720 >>6046



Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Sound familiar?

Wonder where they derived that idea from.

Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.

Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The end won't be for everyone.

That choice, to know, will be yours.


Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 6:51 p.m. No.20936103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6125

Israel Launches Airstrikes Deep Into Syria - Reports Of Civilians Dead & Wounded


Israel's military on Wednesday launched a fresh attack on targets deep inside Syria, which reportedly left civilian casualties, according to state media.


State sources identified that it was a neighborhood that was struck, while the anti-Assad opposition outlet Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Israeli strikes targeted "at least one military site… in the eastern countryside of Homs, causing plumes of smoke to rise."


"The Israeli enemy launched an air attack from the direction of Lebanon, targeting a central site and a residential building in Baniyas city in the coastal region, killing a girl and wounding 10 civilians," a Syrian defense ministry statement said.

Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 6:58 p.m. No.20936130   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Person dead after falling into jet plane engine at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport


Dutch military police are investigating the incident, which happened on Wednesday and involved a person ending up in the engine of a KLM airlines Embraer jet plane which was about to take off on a flight for Denmark.


Investigations into the circumstances of the incident are ongoing.

Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 7:26 p.m. No.20936245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government


A recent map has revealed the alarming trend of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) acquiring vast swaths of American farmland, raising serious national security concerns.


Foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land expanded to approximately 43.4 million acres in 2022, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).


According to the USDA, Chinese investors’ ownership of U.S. agricultural land has skyrocketed from merely 13,720 acres in 2010 to an astounding 346,915 acres by 2022 out of the 43 million acres. This vast acreage could have supported the agricultural pursuits of nearly 800 American families.


Chinese entities hold ownership of farmland across 29 of the 50 U.S. states.

Anonymous ID: b2b504 May 29, 2024, 7:35 p.m. No.20936295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

11 August 2012


Book review: how Israeli school textbooks teach kids to hate


At the height of Israel’s brutal 2008-09 assault on the Gaza Strip, then-foreign minister Tzipi Livni claimed that “Palestinians teach their children to hate us and we teach love thy neighbor” (232).


The first part of this myth is propagated by people like US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and more recently Newt Gingrich, who both spread the baseless claim that Palestinian schoolbooks teach anti-Semitism. This calumny originated with anti-Palestinian propagandandists such as Israeli settler Itamar Marcus and his “Palestinian Media Watch.”


In an important new book, Palestine in Israeli School Books, Israeli language and education professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan buries the second part of Livni’s myth once and for all.


Peled-Elhanan examines 17 Israeli school textbooks on history, geography and civic studies. Her conclusions are an indictment of the Israeli system of indoctrination and its cultivation of anti-Arab racism from an early age: “The books studied here harness the past to the benefit of the … Israeli policy of expansion, whether they were published during leftist or right-wing [education] ministries” (224).


She goes into great detail, examining and exposing the sometimes complex and subtle ways this is achieved. Her expertise in semiotics (the study of signs and symbols) comes to the fore.


Inculcation of anti-Palestinian ideology in the minds of Israel’s youth is achieved in the books through the use of exclusion and absence: “none of the textbooks studied here includes, whether verbally or visually, any positive cultural or social aspect of Palestinian life-world: neither literature nor poetry, neither history nor agriculture, neither art nor architecture, neither customs nor traditions are ever mentioned” (49).


Palestinians marginalized, demonized by Israeli textbooks

On the occasions Palestinians (including Palestinian citizens of Israel) are mentioned, it is in an overwhelmingly negative, Orientalist and demeaning light: “all [the books] represent [Palestinians] in racist icons or demeaning classificatory images such as terrorists, refugees and primitive farmers — the three ‘problems’ they constitute for Israel” (49).


“For example in MTII [Modern Times II, a 1999 history text book] there are only two photographs of Palestinians, one of face-covered Palestinian children throwing stones ‘at our forces’ … [t]he other photograph is of ‘refugees’ … placed in a nameless street” (72).


This what Peled-Elhanan terms “strategies of negative representation.” She explains that “Palestinians are often referred to as ‘the Palestinian problem.’” While this expression is even used by writers considered “progressive,” the term “was salient in the ultra-right-wing ideology and propaganda of Meir Kahane,” the late Israeli politician and rabbi who openly called for the Palestinians to be expelled. Peled-Elhanan finds this disturbing, coming as it does “only 60 years after the Jews were called ‘The Jewish Problem’ ” (65).


She reprints examples of the crude Orientalist cartoon representations of Arabs, “imported into Israeli school book [sic] from European illustrations of books such as The Arabian Nights” (74). Arab men stand, dressed in Oriental garb, often riding camels. The cartoons of Arab women show them seated submissively, dressed in traditional outfits. Meanwhile, two Israelis on the same page are “depicted as a ‘normal’ — though caricaturistic — Western couple, unmarked by any ‘Jewish’ or ‘other’ object-signs” (110-11). The message is clear: Arabs do not belong here with “us.”