Anonymous ID: ceab5e May 29, 2024, 5:54 p.m. No.20935745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5806 >>5929 >>5969 >>6209

Prime Minister of Israel



==Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US Senator

@LindseyGrahamSC==, thanked him for his fifth visit to Israel since the outbreak of the war and said that he was a true friend of Israel and the Jewish People:

"We have no better friend, and I mean it."

Anonymous ID: ceab5e May 29, 2024, 6 p.m. No.20935787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5811 >>5838 >>5847 >>5863 >>5877 >>5889 >>5899 >>5907 >>5923 >>5985

Wall Street Apes



We Have Been Lied To About EVERYTHING


Testimony: Challenger Astronauts Allegedly Alive


“I think we all remember the Challenger explosion that took place in 1986 that tragically took the lives of all seven astronauts on board. It launched not too far from where we're standing here today.


Well the interesting thing is a couple decades later this thing called the internet came about and someone allegedly found almost all of those astronauts alive and well, many using the same exact names.


As you can see here, we have Challenger astronaut Judith Resnick and also a Judith Resnick Yale Law Professor. Michael J. Smith, the pilot of the Challenger astronaut, and also professor at University of Wisconsin, now retired, Michael J. Smith.


Commander Dick Scobie, who is now president of cows and trees.


Now if you'll notice, (See video for pictures) they all have the exact same faces 30 some odd years later, the same exact name, and they are the same age. Now we all have a doppelganger out there, right? No big deal. But to have the same face, the same age, and the same exact name is extremely rare.


So where I could only find one case in the last 120 years. And we're supposed to believe that three people from one space flight have exact lookalikes have the same age and same exact names, this, ladies and gentlemen, is beyond statistically impossible.


Miss Resnick was questioned at Yale by a journalist and she panicked and ran from the camera. Why?”


I transcribed a very small potion of this testimony. Watch this video, this is nuts. NASA is laundering our money and feeding us lies.

Anonymous ID: ceab5e May 29, 2024, 6:06 p.m. No.20935826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5833 >>5998


Andrew Tate



Anyone who believes the government cares about climate change is literally a fucking retard.


The gov drops thousands of bombs a day blowing things to pieces all over the world with zero concern for the atmosphere…


but you drive a Prius?




4:16 PM · May 29, 2024

Anonymous ID: ceab5e May 29, 2024, 6:46 p.m. No.20936073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6095

How Trump brought Barron, 18, to meeting with Elon Musk and his son X at Nelson Peltz's sprawling estate to 'offer him White House advisory role'


Donald Trump brought along his 18-year old son Barron to a high impact meeting that included Elon Musk and billionaire Nelson Peltz, exposing his son to some of the backroom dealings that could shape the 2024 campaign or a second Trump term.


The get-together came at Peltz's Palm Beach estate, and also included X, Musk's now 4-year-old son with actress Grimes.


It came at a March meeting where Musk, one of the world's richest men and the Tesla and Space X founder, spoke about a potential 'advisory role' for himself that would involve counseling Trump, the Wall Street Journal reported.


The two men have clashed in the past, but have been brought together by Musk's fears about a rise in 'woke' culture, and Trump's own search for funds to power his reelection campaign.


The meeting came a month before Trump beat President Joe Biden in April campaign fundraising, in a contest that is shaping up to be a vicious and costly online and TV ad battle.


They joined at the mansion of billionaire Peltz, who raised money for Trump's 2020 campaign, then broke with him after January 6th and got behind Ron DeSantis in the primaries, only to get behind Trump after he turned back Republican challengers in the presidential primary. Trump and Musk now speak regularly about such topics as immigration – where Trump has vowed to deport millions of people who came here illegally – as well as high tech issues, science and Space Force, the newest military branch created under Trump.


Musk's slew of government contracts include private space launches and deals for his Starlink aerospace company.


Trump and former first lady Melania Trump took steps to keep Barron out of the limelight during their time in the White House.


They attended his high school graduation from Florida's private Oxbridge Academy this month. He had been announced as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, only to have Melania's office announce that while he was 'honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments.'