ip hopping idiots
Thomas Massie
Which of these foreign countries meddles the most in US politics?
China 27.6%
Israel 60.7%
Russia 3.2%
Other/Show results 8.6%
49,095 votesยท22 hours left
and it's not even close
โฆbitch ass faggot
imagine shilling for a foreign country and calling yourself a patriot
not going to bother posting any digs whatsoever here on this compromised board in the current year
shilling for a foreign country has nothing to do with religious freedom, you fuckwit zogbot
imagine being a ip hopping shill faggot for israel
imagine being so stupid you think israel has the same religious freedom as america does
<hurr durrr if someone says they're sick of israel controlling american politics that automatically means they're hamas
kill yourself
because you're a glownigger shill who has nothing other than the trademarked talking points israel has used for 70+ years
sack of shit
>same tired ass talking points
all backed by jewish money too ironically enough
>b-but i-it's only democrats who call out the israel lobby!
says the retarded zog niggers
there are people so stupid on this board that they believe they should blindly worship a foreign country no matter what
to top it off, they're also so stupid that they try to lump it in as a constitutional endeavor to support said country no matter what
yes they are that stupid