Anonymous ID: 343eb2 May 29, 2024, 8:26 p.m. No.20936464   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Do we have a sleeper?




Nevertheless, there is little doubt as to the ability of a jury to nullify the law. Today, there are several issues raised by jury nullification, such as:


whether juries can or should be instructed or informed of their power to nullify.

whether a judge may remove jurors "for cause" when they refuse to apply the law as instructed.

whether a judge may punish a juror for practicing jury nullification.

whether all legal arguments, except perhaps on motions in limine to exclude evidence, should be made in the presence of the jury.

In some cases in the United States, a stealth juror will attempt to get on a jury in order to nullify the law.[24] Some lawyers use a shadow defense to expose the jury to information that would otherwise be inadmissible, hoping that evidence will trigger a nullification.[25][26]

Anonymous ID: 343eb2 May 29, 2024, 8:55 p.m. No.20936581   🗄️.is đź”—kun


"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons."

"I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."


January 1, 2019

"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law."

  • FBI personnel removal

  • DOJ personnel removal

  • C_A personnel removal

  • State personnel removal

  • WH personnel removal

  • House personnel removal

  • Senate personnel removal

  • Chair/CEO/VP removal

  • MIL budget (largest in our history).

  • MIL presence around POTUS

  • 45,000 sealed indictments

Nothing to See Here.


Anonymous ID: 343eb2 May 29, 2024, 9:07 p.m. No.20936631   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6781


“Should things go south or become a clusterfuck, and if Trump gives the sign, we’re prepped to occupy the cesspool and raze it to the ground if necessary. And do you know what? Those jurors’ identities aren’t a secret to us,” he said.


Although his aggressive language could be hyperbolic, it’s clear that White Hats take seriously threats to President Trump’s freedom and will respond to them based on the outcome of jury deliberations.