Anonymous ID: b51b76 May 29, 2024, 10 p.m. No.20936799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6804 >>6880 >>6920

Who wants a reality check? Brace yourselves. This will put things into perspective of how bad things really are. I have noticed that when network bandwidth resources are shared just between two computers that can both play video simultaneously they both fair very well but the second one computer starts to use a text chat with Instagram or FB, one computer comes to a halt until that app submits it's text, and it is not a question of processors, interrupts, locking etc…. To put this into perspective, playing a one minute video is like taking a swimming pool worth of dirt and stuffing it through a large pipe and typing text is like taking a pinch of dirt and putting it through the same pipe. So why would an app freeze one of the computers video sources to a halt? Logical thinking, because they are capturing your data and basically sharing it with the entire world of interested nodes. Hope that makes sense. If you want to put this into perspective with a real computer file, take this image and drag and drop it into notepad and see how much text is needed to represent an image. Video is audio and video interleaved, so when you do this, consider that one second of video is equal to 1000 times more text per second as there are 15 frames of audio and 15 frames of video interleaving per second. So a 1 minute video would be equal to 1800 pages of text where each page has at least 1000 characters yet a simple text message is only about 50-100 characters. So how can 100 characters out weigh 180,000 characters? Because those 100 characters are being at minimum transmitted to over 180k places.