Anonymous ID: 962f20 May 30, 2024, 6:05 a.m. No.20937772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7785 >>7795

If Military JAG were to take down just one, corrupt, treasonous, seditious, subversive, unConstitutional judge like this Juan Merchen faggot, the message would be heard loud and unmistakenly clear across this entire nation. You fuck around like this? This is what happens to you.


Take him down, put him on trial under the military version of 18 USC Chapter 115 Treason, Sedtion and Subversive Activites, convict him then hang him by his neck until death. Every judge in this land would not have to give a seconds worth of thought to their plight. Just one Q.


Do it out of the public eye. Announce that Mr. Merchen has a health matter he has to deal with and replace him with another judge. Take Mr. Merchen to Guantanamo Bay and try him. Convict him. Hang him. Covertly make it known to every motherfucker sitting on a bench across the fruited plains, coast to coast, what has happened. Tell them they are next if they don't stop fucking around.

With this one act we could recover the entire justice system, rhe rule of law and our Constitution. In one fell swoop.

Do it Q. Just one.