Anonymous ID: 18009f May 30, 2024, 8 a.m. No.20938317   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and btw,

a person that is able to openly admit their shortcomings, faults, or even prior Crimes, yet is able to accurately reflect understanding and appreciation of the Constitution designed to LIMIT Government from fucking with people's lives… would still probably make a vastly superior LEO or Politician than 99% of the current fucks in Office pretending to be spotless.

Anonymous ID: 18009f May 30, 2024, 8:24 a.m. No.20938428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It has been going on for more than ‘such a short period of time’… it is the great increase in public numbers both noticing AND many being adversely driving more crazy by the Noticing.


I’m with ya, anon. It is very difficult to not wish to just cloister away from it all. I myself tried to, but it is really impractical to live as an island. I saw firsthand inside the military more than thirty years ago a shocking kind of ‘character flaw’ deep inside military culture (in complete contravention of the Oath we took to the Constitution. It was impossible for me to describe in words back then, i can still barley describe it to this day. In the past twenty years, it has only become noticeable to me throughout most of American, Western and probably global populations. It a human thing, i think.


We the People (everywhere) have no choice but to try and live through this, and maybe we have a ‘do-over’ and try again to fashion re-fashion our agreements with each other. Personally, i like the spirit inside the Constitution, DoI and BoR… but it will be very very difficult trying to get enough people (a majority?) to want to learn/re-learn that stuff. The global population has been ASSULTED psychologically by shitbags high in gov and intel and media.


Prays, anon. Lots of prays

Anonymous ID: 18009f May 30, 2024, 8:40 a.m. No.20938498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8506


Holder illegally seized guns from Americans, and then Holder ‘lost’ those guns from his inventories, and then that shit bag Holder trafficked those guns south of the border in hopes that crime would be committed so that he could implicate against the Americans that fucker stole the guns from.


The Sauce in on the stupid fuckers face, and in his own fucking words.