Not nearly as dumb as morons constantly calling on Q team to address their pissant concerns.
Did she have that gap in her front teeth drilled out to make her look more like a nigger?
Got some hot sauce in your purse, Rubin?
Well, when we allow every shit hole nation to send their trash to us, then give that trash top legal and political positions, why expect such foreigners to respect or even understand our Constitution?
The Bulwark?? I thought that shit site was defunded and sent swirling down the toilet a couple years ago.
Maybe they just haven't realized they are dead yet.
Q has been right about everything.
Your retarded interpretations have all been wrong.
You types have never read the drops. Just the fake shit your type put up and slap a Q on it.
Are you suggesting the 'system' is not rigged?
That's a special kind of stupid. Real special.
Wow, that is some wild conjecture. Starting with your claim that only guilty people claim the system is rigged.
That's just so far out of the realm of reality, there is really no excuse for continuing discourse with you.
Reason and logic have left you. And only fevered suppositions remain.
Your weird ideas are definitely not the stand of normal people.
Oh, I understand completely. Your little fantasy world of pretending you know what people think and feel is supposition, not reality.
Lumping vast swaths of people together and speaking on their behalf based on what you think they are thinking is justโฆwow!
You even attribute your fantasy notions to total strangers online. That's some serious delusion, fren.
You don't know what I know. That doesn't make me retarded. It just makes you look unintelligent. We work with facts here. Not your idea of how people think.