Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 6:56 a.m. No.20938001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8008 >>8023

The phony conservative proves she is a bitch and stupid again; and a Jewish Nationalist(when will WAPO terminate her?)

Opinion What more need Alito do before Durbin gets off the stick?

Passivity in the face of Supreme Court corruption is unacceptable.

By Jennifer Rubin LIAR

May 26, 2024 at 7:45 a.m. EDT

One wonders what more Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. need do to defile the court’s reputation before Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) will do something more than issue a terse tweet or letter.

After the New York Times reported on an upside-down flag identified with the Jan. 6insurrectionists flying over Alito’s Virginia home in the days after Jan. 6, Durbin responded that he didn’t have “anything planned” in response. No hearing? No bill ready to go? Nope.

“I think [Alito’s] explained his situation. The American public understand what he did,” Durbin proclaimed, as if Alito’s excuses were the definitive explanation for a gross breach of judicial ethics. “But I don’t think there’s much to be gained with a hearing at this point. I think he should recuse himself from cases involving Trump and his administration.” And if Alito doesn’t recuse, Durbin cannot find any “recourse other than impeachment, and we’re not at that point at all.” That weak-kneed response would not be Durbin’s worst on Alito this week.

When a second flag was discovered flying, this time over Alito’s New Jersey home, the Times reported that the “Appeal to Heaven” flag in question was also “carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021” and “is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.” And this symbol of Christian nationalism was aloft Alito’s house in 2023.

With a second flag story, Durbin got huffy on social media. “This incident is yet another example of apparent ethical misconduct by a sitting justice, and it adds to the Court’s ongoing ethical crisis,” he tweeted. “Justice Alito must recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the January 6th insurrection.”

In response to Durbin’s empty words, constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe declaredthat the issue was no longer “just about the insurrection-abetting Sam Alito, [but] about the AWOL Senator Durbin.” Tribe added, “He has no excuse for not holding hearings about Alito now.”

After all, Alito cannot very well blame his wife or another rude neighbor for this violation of the principle of judicial impartiality. The second flag not only sheds doubt on the veracity of the first round of excuses; it suggest he harbors an affinity for an antidemocratic group that defines the United States as a White Christian country, repudiates the division between law and Christian dogma and views the United States as under siege from secular forces. At the very least it suggest theappearance of such partiality. That is a gigantic problem for a justice who is required by statute to be and appear impartial. On issues involving the establishment of religion, gay rights and abortion, litigants opposing theChristian nationalistviewpoint should not have confidence they are dealing with a fair and impartial court.

Durbin inadvertently revealed in a statement just how derelict he has been:

The Senate Judiciary Committee has been investigating the ethical crisis at the Court for more than a year, and that investigation continues. And we remain focused on ensuring the Supreme Court adopts an enforceable code of conduct, which we can do by passing the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act.

More than a year?! (Well, at least we know he has remained “focused” on ethics reform.)

Alito’s misconduct also brings Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who heads an entire branch of government, to an inflection point. If he does nothing, Roberts is complicit in the destruction of the court’s reputation. Such spinelessness might even snatch from Roger B. Taney, the author of the majority opinion inDred Scott, the title of “worst chief justice ever.”…

Alito’s misconduct, if unaddressed, would make the 2024 election a referendum on the court. Barring a sufficient response from Alito and Roberts, voters will be left to decide how to rehabilitate the court, rid it of the stench of scandal and insulate it from MAGA extremists. Democrats must be prepared to offer solutions.


This is how desperate the DS idiots are, the Senate has no power over the SC

Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 7:01 a.m. No.20938026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald J. Trump



Congratulations to United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for showing the INTELLIGENCE, COURAGE, and “GUTS” to refuse stepping aside from making a decision on anything January 6th related. All U.S. Judges, Justices, and Leaders should have such GRIT - Our Country would be far more advanced than its current status as A BADLY FAILING NATION, headed by the Worst President in American History, Crooked Joe Biden!


3.64k ReTruths


May 29, 2024 at 2:01 PM

Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 7:08 a.m. No.20938052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8073 >>8093


Trump Legal Team Pins Hopes on Hung Jury

Is one juror making eye contact to send signals to the defense—or “just doing that to fuck with us before they vote to convict”?

MARC A. CAPUTO. MAY 28, 2024


AS THE JURORS FILED into the Manhattan courtroom, day after day, almost none of them would look at Donald Trump. It’s one of those unsettling signs for defendants and their lawyers who worry about a guilty verdict.

Those worries have only grown in Trump’s orbit as allies have all but abandoned hope of acquittal. Even Trump, though he railed Monday on social media about the judge and the case, has privately sounded a note of resignation.


“Whatever happens happens,” Trump told one person recently. “I have no control.”


But there is one clear hope MAGAville clings to: a hung jury that results in a mistrial.

If that happens, Trump allies suspect that it will be chiefly due to the one juror who has made friendly eye contact with Trump from time to time as the jury enters the room and walks right past the defense table.


“There are eight people on that jury who definitely hate Trump. If there’s one person who doesn’t, it’s [this] juror,” said one court attendee who, like others for this story, relayed their observations on condition of anonymity to The Bulwark, which is also protecting the privacy and safety of the juror in question by not disclosing identifying details.

As the trial has progressed since April 15, these sources relate, this juror has appeared to nod along in seeming accordance with the defense at times. On other occasions, the juror has seemingly reacted favorably to and made eye contact with Trump’s congressional surrogates who began joining him in court in recent weeks.


But even Trump’s most ardent allies acknowledge they’re speculating at best—trying to read tea leaves. A juror or jurors making friendly eye contact might simply be displaying good manners in court irrespective of how they are seriously weighing the evidence and considering their verdict.

“You just never know what people are thinking or what they’re gonna do,” said one Trump insider. “Yeah, the [juror] looks friendly. But maybe [the juror is] just doing that to fuck with us before they vote to convict.”


Whether the hopes about this juror are the result of wishful thinking or dispassionate analysis, the sentiment underscores a broad and growing feeling in Trump’s orbit that the bestoutcome he can hope for is a hung jury.

To the degree Trump is experiencing the stages of grief at trial, the way some are reading the body language of this juror might just be a type of psychological bargaining or even denial.

“They’re hoping for a single juror to give them a mistrial and they’re looking at tea leaves like ‘Are jurors making eye contact?’ as evidence that gives them hope. But no one knows,” said Mitchell Epner, a former federal prosecutor and New York City–based criminal defense attorney who’s closely monitoring the case. “Even if an oracle sometimes got it right, at the end of the day, they’re just looking at bird guts.”

It’s not just Trump allies who believe that at least one juror may look favorably on the defense.

“There’s one juror that people are worried about and I share the worry,” Harry Litman, a Democrat and former deputy attorney general, wrote Tuesday on X, adding he “can’t identify her or him per judge’s orders but seems less engaged and slightly irritable.”

But in the meantime, body-language augury has only grown in MAGAville.

“Whenever our allies or elected officials are in the courtroom, [the juror] sort of gets animated,” said one, noting how the person makes eye contact or gives “a smile or a nod” in the defense’s direction at times.

“When [Sen. J.D. Vance] came to court, that[juror’s] face lit up. It wasn’t the only time.”

That source said the juror also reacted favorably to Reps. Anna Paulina Luna, Lauren Boebert, Byron Donalds, and Matt Gaetz.

Another insider pointed out the juror could barely suppress a smile when Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, appeared to trip up Cohen on the witness stand during a heated exchange. Prior to that, Trump had expressed some displeasure with Blanche’s performance in court, which experts like Epner (and even some in Trump’s orbit) blame on the defendant, not the attorney.

“Todd is doing the best he can with the demands of you-know-who,” said one person familiar with Trump’s legal discussions. “This is a client issue.”…

Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.20938093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8104 >>8130 >>8140



Trump Legal Team Pins Hopes on Hung Jury


2nd part and end of the article


While they’re hoping for a mistrial, Trump’s legal team and allies are bracing for a conviction.


Trump plans to appeal immediately, and his presidential campaign already has fundraising appeals and merchandise ready to go, similar to the way it monetized Trump’s jail mugshot in his Georgia election interference case. Some wanted to sell jail-orange shirts (“orange after all is the new black,” said one insider), but that was deemed too edgy by others (“we don’t have to go there,” said another).


But there’s also a widespread belief in Trump’s orbit that, if convicted, he won’t see a prison cell. Legal experts say it’s a possibility. But no one is sure, and CBS News reported the Secret Service has met with local jail officials.


Throughout the trial, Trump advisers have nervously watched his poll numbers against President Biden and have been somewhat surprised that the former president maintains an inside-the-error-margin lead.


“What would a conviction do? We have no idea, but so far so good,” one adviser said. Polling still shows it would be a net negative for Trump.


A hung jury, the source added, would be “a win for us” echoing Trump’s penchant for always declaring victory anyway. “If they can’t get a conviction in Manhattan, what’s that say about the case? . . . Alvin Bragg can charge again, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”


Look who writes these articles

“Analysis and reporting on politics and culture in America. Home to Sarah Longwell, Tim Miller, Bill Kristol, JVL and more.No partisan loyalties. No tribal prejudices.KEK

Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.20938129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Citizen Free Press





All charges just dropped against world #1 golfer Scottie Scheffler.


This is new video of the arrest that was released this morning.



Alex Myers

1:32 PM · May 29, 2024

Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 7:32 a.m. No.20938181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where Jurors in Trump Hush-Money Trial Say They Get Their News

Prosecutors and defense lawyers tried to divine the political leanings of prospective jurors in the former president’s Manhattan criminal trial from their answers to questions about what media they consume.

By Charlie Smart

Updated May 1, 2024


The 18 New Yorkers selected to serve as jurors and alternates in the Manhattan criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump this week were each asked the same series of 42 questions, from which lawyers hoped to divine how prospective jurors might feel about the case.


One key part of the questionnaire asked about the prospective juror’s media diet, having them identify which media they consume from a list of more than a dozen news organizations and social media platforms. The questionnaire also let them mention media not on the list, or say that they don’t follow the news.


Lawyers for each side have a limited number of so-called peremptory challenges, which they can use to dismiss jurors without having to state a reason. With limited information about the jury pool, what a prospective juror reveals about what they read, watch and listen to can signal their political leanings.


(I don’t believe that many jurors read the NYTs, bet the screwed with the numbers. And the NYP gets more readers for sure. It’s sad if that many people get the “news”, brainwashing from Google)

Anonymous ID: 9311e4 May 30, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.20938652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PFJT messages with his tie colors


Color Symbolism in Flags


Colors within flags differ from country to country and state to state; the colors presented hold deep-seeded meaning and representation.


• Black: Often used to represent determination, ethnic heritage and/or the defeat of enemies. It can also be used as a symbol of death or mourning.

• White: Seen as a symbol of peace, purity and harmony, and has also been used to represent surrender in times of battle.

• Red: Stands for power, revolution, vibrancy and war (symbolic of bloodshed). Other meanings include courage and domination, while it can also be viewed as an alert of danger.

• Blue: Signifies determination, liberation, alertness and good fortune.

• Green: Often seen as a symbol of agricultural influence, as well as prosperity and fertility. It can also be viewed as youthfulness and hope.

• Yellow (or Gold): Has long been viewed as a symbol of wealth and energy, as in the sun. It can also be used to represent happiness.

• Orange: Viewed as representation of courage and sacrifice.