>>20938460 PB
>but only the true Christian God right anon?
You obviously don't understand Christianity.
God is God of everyone.
You got a problem with God's plan of salvation, then take it up with God.
>>20938460 PB
>but only the true Christian God right anon?
You obviously don't understand Christianity.
God is God of everyone.
You got a problem with God's plan of salvation, then take it up with God.
They say that driving is a privilege and then hold the driver's license over people's heads.
Put it next to The Fictional Diary of Anne Frank.
The only real diary that was found was the one written by Ashley Biden.
Gay Men?
How many others are long dead and have been replaced by AI and body doubles?
Who we think are dead, aren't.
Who we think are alive, aren't.
Will this break open that Pandora's Box?
I would guess that robotics have come a lot further than the general public know about.
But would probably be extremely expensive and reserved only for those that will bring in a return on the revenue.
It's been a long time since I've been to a McDonalds.
Is this the menu now?
Halal McDonalds?