Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 7:49 a.m. No.21016626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hungary Fined €200 Million By EU For Not Allowing Migrant Invasion – PM Orban Slams ‘Financial Blackmail’


A European Union court has ordered Hungary to pay a fine of €200 million for refusing to adhere to the bloc’s rules imposing open borders on all its member states.


The ruling, which dates back to Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s refusal to implement a 2020 order from the European Court allow migrants to stay in Hungary indefinitely pending their asylum appeals, also states that Hungary must pay a daily fine of one million euros until it complies. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:11 a.m. No.21016748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: King Willem-Alexander to Convene Dutch Right-Wing Goverment as Geert Wilders Visits Brussels to Plan Saving the Continent


Dutch right-wing leader Geert Wilders has reached a deal with three other parties to form a right-wing government led by former Dutch spy chief Dick Schoof. While patriot Wilders agreed to step aside as Prime Minister for the sake of his country, his Freedom Party will get the most cabinet-level positions, including immigration and security.


After a half-year’s negotiations with the RINO People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), conservative New Social Contract (NSC) and Farmer’s Citizen’s Movement BBB, Wilders’ Freedom Party (Partij voor Vrijheid PVV) has reached a deal that will allow patriots to resume control of their country and end the out-of-control mass immigration that has turned cities like Rotterdam into gang war zones.


Since he could not get the other parties to accept him as Prime Minister despite leading the strongest party in Holland, Wilders picked Dick Schoof, former National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and former secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, as Prime Minister. Schoof is a former Social Democrat who became disillusioned with the Left – and left.


Dutch King Willem-Alexander is expected to soon appear on the palace stairs for the traditional photo with the Netherlands’ first patriotic right-wing cabinet. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.21016805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Arrives in Italy Looking Dazed and Confused… And Will Skip the G7 Dinner! (VIDEO)


Joe Biden and all of Hunter Biden’s adult children landed in Italy Wednesday evening ahead of the G7 Summit.


The Bidens are traveling to Italy on taxpayer dime while Americans struggle to make ends meet.


The Daily Mail reported: Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:30 a.m. No.21016857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Catholics in Mozambique Reveal Extent of Muslim Violence and Murders for Professing Their Christian Faith


Catholic parishioners in Mozambique recently shared their stories of the violence and murders that have been perpetrated against them by Muslims for daring to profess their Christian faith.


Catholics of Chipene in Nampulam, a province in northern Mozambique, told ACI Africa they spoke with a delegation of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (CEM) with disturbing details about how deadly the ongoing insurgency by militant Islamists in the region is for Christians.


They shared details of the murder of Sr. Maria De Coppi, an 84-year-old Italian Comboni missionary sister who served malnourished and orphaned children there almost 60 years after she was reportedly shot dead by insurgents who attacked the Comboni Mission of Chipene in Mozambique’s Nacala Diocese. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:34 a.m. No.21016883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Congressional Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus, Risking Another Global Pandemic


A new congressional report has uncovered disturbing details about a research project conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Daily Mail reported.


The investigation, spanning over 18 months, revealed a pattern of obstruction and misinformation by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the NIH, and NIAID regarding the transfer of genes between different strains of the Monkeypox virus.


Here is the timeline of the investigation: Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.21016919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported In Primary Election, Including Machines Incorrectly Counting and Reversing Totals


Puerto Rico’s elections commission has announced that is will be reviewing its contract prior to the November 2024 election with Dominion Voting Systems after finding hundreds of discrepancies while using over 6,000 Dominion Voting machines during their heated primary elections. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.21016951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ARE THEY HERE? Harvard Study Suggests UFOs May Belong to a ‘Stealth Civilization’ Living on Earth


Look up, there it is: a UFO.


Whatever your personal explanation for these objects or phenomena, there is absolutely no denying that people all over the world, from every culture, have observed them over the course of human history – and exponentially more now in our days, when everyone has a camera phone at all times.


UFOs are real: they are unidentified, they are flying, and they are most probably objects.


That is not to say that one of the two more common explanations has to be right – namely that they are either extraterrestrial ships coming from outer space, or else the whole thing is a mixture of hoaxes and optical illusions.


Now, a team of Harvard scientists has joined forces to make sure that all the different viable theories are considered for the UFO mystery.


The three Harvard scientists have a new research paper in which they estimate that there is a one in 10 chance that the true solution to the UFO mystery could be ‘cryptoterrestrial’ — meaning: they would belong to an advanced species hiding on Earth.


They would have been here all along.


Daily Mail reported: Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 8:56 a.m. No.21016985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gov. DeSantis Declares Emergency As South Florida Swamped By Heavy Rains


A tropical disturbance has swamped South Florida with torrential downpours, flooding city streets and highways and sparking life-threatening conditions for millions of residents. The governor has declared an emergency over flooding concerns.


The National Hurricane Center has reported that an unorganized tropical system is sweeping across Florida from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic. This storm coincided with the beginning of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:04 a.m. No.21017021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden, Zelensky To Sign 10-Year 'Arm & Train' Defense Deal at G7


As they meet on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in Italy, President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine.


The deal commits Washington to ten years of arming and training the Ukrainian military, and which bolsters the military-industrial complex toward producing more of its own needs for the nation's armed forces. However, given the pledge is an "executive agreement" and not a formal treaty, it can be undone by future American administrations. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:09 a.m. No.21017044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elon Musk Says Shareholders Back His Pay Package & Texas Move


Tesla shares surged more than 7% in premarketing trading in New York after Elon Musk announced on X late Wednesday that both Tesla shareholder resolutions—one involving a 2018 pay package nixed by a Delaware judge earlier this year and another on moving the company's legal home from Deleware to Texas—passed by 'wide margins.'


Both Tesla shareholder resolutions are currently passing by wide margins!


♥️♥️ Thanks for your support!! ♥️♥️


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 13, 2024

The votes come ahead of Tesla's annual meeting on Thursday in Austin, Texas. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:14 a.m. No.21017058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fossil Fuels: The Best-Kept Secret In Our World Today


Apparently, you can litigate anything these days, and it’s gotten far more insidious than suing McDonald’s over hot coffee being, you know, hot. A new climate activist group called Our Children’s Trust is suing state and federal government agencies on behalf of individual children, claiming that fossil fuel regulators are negligently ruining their future.


That children should feel entitled to come of age under a specific set of favorable environmental and political circumstances — and to demand punishment for individuals they disagree with — isn’t just a testament to the egocentrism dominating the 21st Century. It also exposes our culture’s deeply warped understanding of climate science, which, surprisingly to many of us, actually shows global warming has no meaningful negative effects on our lives or our environment.


In fact, we have fossil fuels to thank for the twenty-first century for being the best time in human history to be alive. Unfortunately, it’s the best-kept secret in our world today. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.21017107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Which European Nations Are Seeing The Most Emigration (& Where Are They Going?)


Immigration into the EU has been a hot topic since 2011. In fact, in several EU countries, immigrants make up nearly one-fifth of the population. But what of the EU’s emigration patterns?


Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao charts out the number of EU emigrants by their country of citizenship in 2022. Data for this visualization is sourced from Eurostat. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:34 a.m. No.21017134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calgary council proposes permanent water use restrictions


While Calgary’s recent feeder main break has resulted in serious water restrictions for the past week 5, permanent restrictions for the city’s residents could be on the horizon.


Calgary’s city council is set to discuss amendments to the wastewater, stormwater, and water utility bylaws next week.


The proposed amendments include a watering schedule, allowing Calgarians to use sprinklers for just three hours a day, two days a week, between 8:00 pm and 10:00 am.


Currently, Calgary’s water restrictions start at voluntary water conservation before escalating to Stage 1-4 restriction levels. Stages are determined by risk of drought conditions. Stages 1-2 are normally implemented when it is “very dry” and Stages 3-4 when it is “extremely dry.”


Fines for violations during Stage 1 begin at $400, rising to $600 at Stage 2, $1,500 in Stage 3, and $3,000 in Stage 4.


If the changes are implemented, the voluntary water conservation phase will be replaced with the outdoor watering schedule, which will be permanently in effect. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:40 a.m. No.21017166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7212

Marc Miller tells B.C. to take more asylum seekers if it wants federal dollars


If British Columbia and other Western provinces want a slice of the federal immigration funding pie, they need to take in even more asylum seekers.


That was the message from Immigration Minister Marc Miller after complaints from Western premiers, including B.C. Premier David Eby, about Ottawa committing $750 million for Quebec’s immigration pressures.


Miller says B.C. largely accepts immigrants on economic programs that contribute to the province’s economy.


“When you talk about volumes, it’s important to disaggregate it because not all of them are necessarily comparable. Let’s not confuse apples and oranges,” Miller said.


“We need provinces like British Columbia to step up when it comes to actually apportioning asylum seekers.”


Speaking from the Yukon on Monday afternoon, Eby said he sensed frustration “around the table” when Ottawa’s latest deal with Quebec was discussed. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:50 a.m. No.21017208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7217

Non-residents demand compensation for Pride flag rejection


The Ontario township of Emo, its mayor and two councillors find themselves before the province's Human Rights Tribunal in a contentious battle for shake-down compensation after the council members voted down pride proclamations in 2020.


Emo township, its mayor and two councillors (one former) had their second day of tribunal deliberations for rejecting a Pride declaration and flag flying in May 2020.


Activists from Borderland Pride are seeking shake-down compensation from the tiny township with a population of 1,400, whose standing was in question when it was discovered they do not reside in Emo, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (OHRT) heard today.


Yesterday, the OHRT heard from human rights lawyer Douglas Judson, who is a listed applicant in the human rights complaint, seeking $45,000 in hurt feelings damages — $15,000 from the township and $10,000 each from the mayor and two councillors.


Judson proclaimed failure to proclinate Pride resulted in hate against the LGBTQIA+ community. He gave a lengthy deliberation about conservative Christians imposing their views onto others while arguing access to a flagpole and forced affirmation of sexual tendencies is a human right.


Defendants Mayor McQuaker and councillor Toles, who are elected to represent their constituents, stated the community was not in favour of lengthy Pride proclamations that had subjective values and statements not shared by all community members.


The applicants appeared to struggle to establish strong standing in the case since none of them live in the Emo community, which begs the question: does the township have an obligation to offer services to non-residents under the Municipal Act? Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9:54 a.m. No.21017228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VICTORY: Ontario Catholic school board upholds ban on flying LGBT ‘Pride’ flag


On Tuesday evening, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board voted 6-3 to shut down a motion allowing non-governmental flags such as the LGBT 'Pride' flag to be flown on school property. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.21017346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Repugnant’: Josh Alexander’s lawyer blasts Catholic school board over secret expulsion decision


Josh Alexander's lawyer James Kitchen recently skewered the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board after it was revealed the board secretly denied his client's expulsion appeal by characterizing his Biblical beliefs on sexuality as 'unsafe.Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 13, 2024, 9 p.m. No.21020286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

June 13 - Is Ignoring the Danger the Best Strategy?—is-ignoring-the-dang.html

Media Infiltrated By "Foreign Actors" Says Foreign Interference Chairman


Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 8:13 a.m. No.21021716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EPIC! President Trump Releases New Video of Joe Biden’s Jewels of Wisdom Titled: “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden”


President Trump released a hilarious new ad on Wednesday night titled “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden.” Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 8:49 a.m. No.21021879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HILARIOUS: Commedian Ricky Gervais Trolls Hollywood Celebs and TDS Infected Leftists (VIDEO)


Ricky Gervais posted a video earlier this week, aimed at Hollywood leftists, satirically declaring from his bathtub that he will “leave the country” if America doesn’t vote the right way.


As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Gervais destroyed Hollywood elites, while hosting the 2020 Golden Globes in Beverly Hills. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 8:57 a.m. No.21021916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets


Boeing is no longer the pride of American aviation. The plane manufacturer is riddled with so many problems it's impossible to keep track. Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation (yet another…) into a 737 Max 8 jet that encountered a dangerous mid-flight 'Dutch roll' several weeks ago. Now, a report from the New York Times reveals that some Boeing jets are built with 'counterfeit titanium.'


Some recently manufactured Boeing and Airbus jets have components made from titanium that was sold using fake documentation verifying the material's authenticity, according to a supplier for the plane makers, raising concerns about the structural integrity of those airliners.


The falsified documents are being investigated by Spirit AeroSystems, which supplies fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration. The investigation comes after a parts supplier found small holes in the material from corrosion. -NYT


The report continued:

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:02 a.m. No.21021942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Navy Evacuates Injured Mariner From Houthi-Attacked Cargo Ship Set Ablaze By Missiles


Chaos in the Red Sea region continued into the latter part of the week, with the US military rescuing an injured civilian mariner from a cargo ship attacked by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The situation underscores the ongoing disruption in the key maritime chokepoint as some have viewed the Biden administration's Operation Prosperity Guardian as a colossal failure.


Overnight, US Central Command (CENTCOM) released a statement about M/V Verbena — a Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned, Polish-operated bulk cargo vessel — that was hit with two anti-ship cruise missiles, sparking a fire aboard the ship in the Gulf of Aden area. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:07 a.m. No.21021971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Is The Median Pay Of 'Magnificent Seven' Companies?


The Magnificent Seven are lifting the stock market to new highs, led by Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, and Alphabet in particular.


In May alone, these tech giants added $1.4 trillion in market capitalization to the S&P 500 - surpassing the combined gains of 296 other stocks during the same period. Notably, Nvidia contributed to more than half of this rise. As tech stocks boom, many are offering robust salaries with substantial stock option plans.


This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Niccolo Conte, shows the median pay of the Magnificent Seven companies in 2023, based on analysis from The Wall Street Journal and MyLogIQ. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:19 a.m. No.21022006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada's Uranium Mining Boom Positions It To Overtake Kazakhstan As Top Producer


Canada was the world's top uranium producer for years until Kazakhstan dethroned it in 2009. Fast forward to 2022, and Canada held the second spot, pumping out 15% of the global supply. By 2023, Canada became the top uranium supplier to the US, delivering 27% of total deliveries. With uranium prices soaring in the last several years, primarily because of the 'Next AI Trade' theme (laid out for pro subs), Canada's uranium mining boom could lead it to reclaim the top spot.


A new report from Bloomberg highlights that Canada's Saskatchewan province is the epicenter of the country's uranium mining boom:


What Saskatchewan has, though, is uranium. Lots of uranium. The bedrock is so loaded with it that the area around just one stretch of the lake, it is believed, could generate enough nuclear energy to power more than 40 million homes for a quarter century. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.21022032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Which Countries Have Universal Health Coverage?


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means that everyone has access to a full range of health services - from emergency interventions to palliative care - without financial difficulty.


In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Julia Wendling uses data from CEOWorld Magazine to visualize the countries that have UHC versus those that do not, along with how UHC coverage breaks down in terms of the global population. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:29 a.m. No.21022068   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Orban Got What He Wanted From NATO & Ensured Hungary's Objective National Interests


Wednesday’s meeting between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg saw the two leaders reach an agreement on the bloc’s military aid to Ukraine. Hungary won’t oppose NATO’s decisions in this regard like it briefly did the EU’s in exchange for NATO not forcing Hungary to participate in a conventional intervention there, allow its territory to be used to facilitate that, and fund the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Simply put, they agreed to disagree and not interfere in the other’s affairs. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:32 a.m. No.21022087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Lawmakers Seek To Block US Funding For Rebuilding Gaza


Several initiatives were introduced for a vote in Congress on Wednesday meant to block the Biden administration from using taxpayer dollars for future Gaza reconstruction.


One key provision was introduced as an amendment to the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act. It was led by Republican Reps Brian Mast, Claudia Tenney, and Eli Crane - and was subsequently passed by a simple voice vote, though Democrats opposed the amendment. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.21022110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China-Linked Cyber Campaign Infiltrated Dozens Of Western Governments: Dutch Intelligence


A China-linked cyber campaign that infiltrated a Dutch defense network last year is much larger than previously thought and has infiltrated tens of thousands of government and defense systems in Western nations, according to the Dutch government. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:43 a.m. No.21022136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch: IDF Uses Medieval Catapult Weapon To Ignite Concealed Hezbollah Positions


Israeli soldiers have been filmed firing a trebuchet across the Lebanese border. A trebuchet was common in medieval and ancient times as a siege engine utilizing a long arm and leverage to launch projectiles. Though the footage of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops firing a flaming projectile over a large border wall at first appeared either a joke or PR stunt, the Israeli army on Thursday actually confirmed it was genuine.Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:48 a.m. No.21022155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disapproval looms over Trudeau, other leaders at high stakes G7 summit


As G7 leaders gather in Apulia, Italy, many leave behind declining approval ratings in their home countries for the brief reprieve of what’s expected to be a busy itinerary of international decision-making.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is among the most unpopular G7 leaders, scraping by with a 28% approval rating.


Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron, who recently called a snap election due to the sweeping victory of right-wing parties during the European elections, has the lowest approval rating of all G7 leaders standing at a mere 24%. Macron is followed by U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with 25%. As for U.S. President Joe Biden, his approval ratings recently hit an all-time low of 37%.


Throughout the duration of the summit, which is expected to last until Jun. 15, Trudeau will be flanked by his more popular and often adversarial colleagues. Italian Prime Minister and G7 host Giorgia Meloni enjoys a modest 42% approval rating, while Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a 70% approval rating at home.


The summit kicked off on Thursday with the announcement of a $5 billion deal to seize Russian assets abroad for the Ukrainian war effort. It was Canada’s idea to appropriate Russian property in the first place, with Prime Minister Trudeau pitching the idea to his colleagues in February. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:50 a.m. No.21022163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ratio’d | Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok


Canadian immigration agents are shamelessly exposing the loopholes and failures of Canada’s immigration system on TikTok. Whether it is securing work permits for illegals, converitng visitor visas into work permits or using loopholes to sponsor family members as “caregivers” into the country, Canada’s immigration system is clearly broken. Just spend a few minutes watching these shameless immigration consultants on social media to see what’s wrong with the current system.


On the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner exposes some of Canada’s immigration consultants and reacts to their TikTok videos

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.21022200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calls for intifada on Canadian streets discussed in U.S. Congress


Calls for intifada on Canadian streets by radical pro-Hamas protesters have put the U.S. Congress on alert.


U.S. Democrat Congressman Greg Landsman pointed to anti-Israel protesters in Canada as an example of the success of the Islamic Regime in Iran’s plan to control the way that Westerners view the conflict in the Middle East.


“Recently, Canadian protesters gathered and declared, ‘What happened on Oct. 7 was the beginning of the great intifada. It has spread in the minds of people of the free world. When you scream with a loud voice, ‘long live Oct. 7,’ you will understand that these people decided to end their miseries and this nightmare called Israel,’” Landsman said to Congress.


After Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel, open support for terrorism became increasingly common in Canada. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 10:01 a.m. No.21022231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberals release secret carbon tax data following Conservative pressure


The Liberals released carbon tax data, previously kept secret, just moments before a motion compelling them to do so was to be debated in the House of Commons.


This disclosure follows intense pressure from the opposition Conservatives, who accused the government of withholding critical information about the tax and its effect on the Canadian economy. The Conservatives were set to introduce a motion Thursday morning, demanding that the House release a copy of the government’s economic analysis on the carbon tax no later than June 17.


Environment and Climate Change Canada, however, released the data just before the motion was to be debated.


“Just moments ago, Canadians discovered that Trudeau has been hiding the fact that the carbon tax will cost Canadians $30.5 billion by 2030. This works out to $1,824 per family in extra annual costs,” said the Conservative Party in a news release. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 10:06 a.m. No.21022256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NDP MP billed taxpayers $17k for family vacation after “meeting with stakeholders”


NDP MP Niki Ashton came under fire for $17,000 in travel expenses billed to Canadian taxpayers, despite primarily working remotely.


According to parliamentary travel records, Ashton was only present in Ottawa for four days during the entire fall sitting in 2022.


When she did fly into Ottawa from Thompson, Man. on Dec. 21 of that year, the House of Commons had already closed its doors for the Christmas holidays.


Despite the closure, Ashton billed the House of Commons anyway, claiming the trip was for meeting “stakeholders.”


She also brought her husband and kids along for the trip.


The family then travelled from Ottawa to Quebec City on Christmas Day, again billing taxpayers for the trip as well as expenses made during their holiday sojourn. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 2:39 p.m. No.21023308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Digital rights group says porn age verification bill rushed without privacy protections


A Canadian digital rights group is warning that a bill preventing children from accessing adult content online is being rushed through without the necessary scrutiny MPs need to vote on it.


Open Media, which bills itself as a grassroots digital-focused organization, raised the alarm about Bill S-210 being fast-tracked through the committee without MPs hearing from non-government witnesses or receiving any amendments.


The group said it has heard rumblings that a vote could come as early as Friday, although an MP, speaking on background, told True North that it likely won’t happen until September.


Even so, Open Media says the bill’s swift passage through committee – it passed committee without amendment last week – warns that the debate surrounding the bill was “cut short.”


The bill, originally tabled by Liberal-appointed Sen. Julie Miville-Dechêne in the Senate, would force websites to verify the age of their users to block minors from being exposed to sexually explicit content online. However, some have raised privacy concerns about it. Continue…

Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.21023460   🗄️.is 🔗kun

June 14 - Sleepwalking to the Apocalypse—sleepwalking-to-the-.html


'The Darkest Thing I've Seen' Dr. Gabor Maté on Western Countries Supporting Israel's Gaza Slaughter


Anonymous ID: 54c588 June 14, 2024, 9:35 p.m. No.21025136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pope Francis tells prominent pro-abortion comedians that their jokes ‘make God smile’


On Friday morning, Pope Francis received around 100 comedians from 15 countries for a private audience, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Whoopi Goldberg, telling them that their jokes 'make God smile.' Continue…