Anonymous ID: 6e5128 May 30, 2024, 2:34 p.m. No.20940414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0447

The one and ONLY reason Karl Rove is showing any support, is because they know Trump is winning the election and they want to get the Bush Dynasty pick for VP in, which is Nikki Haley.


It ain’t gonna work Karl, so thanks, but go fuck off.

Anonymous ID: 6e5128 May 30, 2024, 2:39 p.m. No.20940473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“Democracy is on the Ballot”: California Democrats Seek to Prevent Voters from Approving New Taxes


“Democracy is on the ballot.” That mantra of President Joe Biden and other Democrats has suggested that “this may be our last election” if the Republicans win in 2024. A few of us have noted that the Democrats seem more keen on claiming the mantle of the defenders of democracy than actually practicing it. Democrats have sought to disqualify Donald Trump and dozens of Republicans from ballots; block third party candidates, censor and blacklist of those with opposing views; and weaponize the legal system against their opponents. Most recently, in California, democracy is truly on the ballot and the Democrats are on the wrong side.


California has always prided itself on the ability of citizens to vote on changes in the law directly through referenda and ballot measures. That is precisely what citizens are attempting to do with ameasure that would require voter approval of any tax increase, including a two-thirds vote for some local taxes. It is called the Taxpayer Protection Act and it is a duly qualified statewide ballot measure slated for the November 2024 ballot.


The state Democrats are apoplectic over the prospect of citizen control over revenue and taxes. What was a quaint element of democratic empowerment is now challenging a core vehicle of Democratic power. So Gov. Gavin Newsom and other Democratic leaders have taken the issue to the state Supreme Court to demand that citizens be denied the right to decide the issue.


In oral arguments, the attorney supporting the challenge explained to the justices that citizens are simply not equipped to deal with the complexities of taxation and should not be allowed to render such a decision.


In a prior decision, Associate Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar wrote that “Whether the context involves taxation or not, all of these cases underscore how courts preserve and liberally construe the public’s statewide and local initiative power. Indeed, we resolve doubts about the scope of the initiative power in its favor whenever possible andwe narrowly construe provisions that would burden or limit the exercise of that power.”(So the CA SC thinks citizens should never get a say in how Politicians wield power by taxation and other means over the people== Kick them out!)


Half of the Court seemed to be inclined to deny the public the right to decide the question.


The Court, however, may wait until after the election to render a decision on the limits of democracy in California.


We should do this referendum on Congress and Senate!

Anonymous ID: 6e5128 May 30, 2024, 2:44 p.m. No.20940526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0541 >>0542 >>0581 >>0688 >>0835 >>0895 >>0947 >>0977

Jonathan Turley



Rep. Raskin is arguing that the DOJ can force Justices Thomas and Alito to recuse themselves.It is an argument that shows how detached from reality the attacks on these justices have become…


(Well Raskin is a Communist, so he believes it…not only detached from reality, but they will to destroy the Court and Country so democrats can take over the Supreme Court forever.)