Anonymous ID: d66411 May 30, 2024, 3:38 p.m. No.20941061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1070 >>1096 >>1149 >>1214 >>1362

I've been around since 2017. Was in the thick of the research. I've also had my fair share of days where I naysay, and argue. Today is an odd day for me. If this is not the precipice, what is. Q said we were safe. But all I've seen since then is suffering. And death. Both necessary, though. I am conflicted, and remain on the fence, with the heavy hope something will change. The older generations (I am a millenial) have gotten far too comfortable in their wealth and complacency. No, I am not advocating for violence, but there has been far too little contribution in regards to fixing this nation. These are all uncomfortable truths in an uncomfortable time. What consoles me, in the end, and offers my solace, is that we remain together. Through it all.


To the remaining anons - (you know who you are), may the Lord bless you, and keep you, and your family safe from harm. In His name we pray. God wins.

Anonymous ID: d66411 May 30, 2024, 3:51 p.m. No.20941182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To the shills/glowies in this thread. Whether you are correct about Q having legitimacy or not is completely irrelevant. At best - you are a subversive snake, serving an evil treasonous agenda. One which hurts/destroys families, and is an affront to God. Your winning scenario is the collapse of the United States of America. Your opinion is worthless, and should, and will be discarded. How you live with yourselves is beyond me. I hope the money was worth it.

Anonymous ID: d66411 May 30, 2024, 4:05 p.m. No.20941319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1332


There is no "Qanon"

Regardless of "Q", "Anons" or a "plan", I have Donald J. Trump. I've put the entirety of my faith and love into him. I trust him. I follow him. Nothing you say, do, yell, fight about, "prove", will change the fact that I intend on following him until the day that I go into the cold hard ground.