>division shillls
Who has been dividing populations for millennia? Just call them jews.
>safe space
There are way too many people here who have shitty face recognition that keep doing this shit.
Both have a beard so it must be the saem person!
Good move.
I tried showing qproofs to a lot of people lately and not one of them found something convincing enough, unfortunately. They all saw it as "conspiracy crap." Not sure if it's doing any good, tbh, but props for trying.
That BV incident really hurt the credibility of the board. Many autists migratred afterwards. Sometimes what they uncover gets disclosed here, but most of it is ignored because of the state of this place.
It was only here to ban people who mentioned jews. No other reason.
People who
Post like
this should
kill themselves.
Can we have more discussions about ALFB? I don't think people are concerned enough.
Same. It's too bad but I blame myself for not noticing the talmudism much sooner.