Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9 p.m. No.20943364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3375



So this movie was released on July 8th which has some anon favorite drops.

It begins with Thor hanging around with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and they part ways unceremoniously.

Thor is the God of Lightning…

There is a literal Q in the movie.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:03 p.m. No.20943375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3410


That Q appears on screen at this minutes and seconds timestamp of 18:16 into the film which is this Q post.

D5 is also mentioned on a July 8th post. I don't know what it means.

Oddly the [20th] MCU movie is the momentum shift against Thanos that enacted a de-population agenda.

The 21st movie when the MCU films go from merely pozzed to full on woke.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:08 p.m. No.20943410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3430 >>3596


After the film Endgame, the MCU films develop a massive tone shift, and all have some kind of anon rhetoric, conspiracy theory, political rhetoric, or meme. Think of the Pope mentioning "faggotry."

In Thor 4, at around the 49 minute mark, he says something about eating children.

>We'll return with the children.

>Then we'll feast.

>Not on the children…

>We don't do that anymore.

>Those were dark times.

One of those lines is at 49:09.


Later in the film he's consoling some children locked in a villain's cage. He pep talks them. He says

>You're the bravest kids I know.

>Team kids in a cage.

Kids in cages…

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:12 p.m. No.20943430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3452 >>3529 >>3610


In Spider Man: No Way Home, the plot deals with the multiverse.

Spider Man asks a wizard, Doctor Strange, to cast a spell to have everyone forget who he is. Mid spell, he realizes he wants some people to remember him, so he has Strange change the spell midcast which breaks reality, causing villains from previous Spiderman movies to appear as well as other spiderman actors.

The news man that hates Spiderman is modeled after Alex Jones. He even sells vitamin supplements.

At this time stamp, Spiderman goes to the building in New York to meet Strange. The address is 177A. The timestamp is a Q post referring to Wizards and Warlocks.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:17 p.m. No.20943452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3487 >>3615


Doctor Strange wants to deport all of the villains as fast as possible. Spider Man does as well, but his Aunt is a bleeding heart liberal that runs a homeless shelter that lectures Spider Man, telling him he needs to help them. Spiderman gets positive attention from his "girlfriend" for this. Spiderman fights strange to stop him from sending them back. The rest of the film is about curing the villains of their ailments before sending them back.

Strange's Sanctum inside is covered in snow. I.C.E. and is holding a reddit-tier comedy coffee mug with a reference to a FOX.

One of the villains kills the Aunt to free Spiderman from her "holy crusade" brainwashing.

The ending of the movie is Strange completing a Mandela Effect on the entire known and unknown realities, so everyone forgets the identity of Spiderman.

It's confirmed to have worked when the Alex Jones character demands Spiderman stop being Anonymous and reveal himself, to cease being a coward.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:26 p.m. No.20943487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3503 >>3511 >>3545 >>3621


In Doctor Strange's sequel, The Multiverse of Madness, Disney/MCU adds a new character. She is a Mexican named "America Chavez." She has 2 moms. Her super power is crossing the boundary between universes. She can travel the Multiverse.

She arrives in our universe already wearing a PRIDE pin, suggesting it exists in other universes.


This may seem like Disney virtue signaling and going woke, but her super power is literally "crossing borders." She sends her moms through a portal because they were admiring themselves while she was being stung by a bee and panicked. She spends the rest of the movie seeking a male role model in Stranges in multiple universes. He helps her achieve her potential through good guidance, and she stays in his universe after the plot is resolved.


There's even a bit that explains how dreams are actually glimpses into your other self in other universes. America Chavez has a line where she says, "I don't dream."


It's often used by liberals to spin illegal emigration.


Also, traveling to other universes is extremely dangerous because they cause Incursions which is where universes collide and one or both are instantly destroyed.

In other words, the whole premise to the Multiverse Saga is the importance of having strong borders.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:32 p.m. No.20943511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3534 >>3629


In The Marvels, a black girl that idolized Captain Marvel is all grown up, and she is angry that Marvel never came back to visit her like she said she would. Captain Marvel explains a lot of people needed her. This character suggests that her needs are more important than billions of people on the multiple worlds Marvel was dealing with.


The Wakanda Forever movie also sends these potentially race baity mixed messages. There's a speech where the Queen is talked to by a UN council. They are demanding aide be sent by Wakanda, an African nation. She hauls in some mercenaries that attacked an outpost of theirs, and says there will be drastic consequences if anymore white nations attempt to steal resources from them.


It's kind of gaslighting the black audience and liberal audiences that are pro-open borders. Maybe you can hear the irony in it, so I don't have to explain it.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:39 p.m. No.20943534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3638


At the end of Wakanda Forever, we discover that the King that died had a son hidden in Haiti. This brings Haiti into canon for the MCU and therefore awareness of Haiti to black audiences. The next Wakanda project is supposed to be Disney+ related, but it's implied that the child will grow to be the new Black Panther at some point. I just found it interesting that it brings up Haiti. It might come into the forefront in the MCU as the truth about crimes against Haiti come out in the public. That's just me speculating.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:45 p.m. No.20943552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3659


It's everywhere. Random people say it in tv shows, even live shows. My guess is it's supposed to ring out to people. Imagine thinking Q is debunked, but you can't escape the constant mentioning of 17 and heard of the reference or "dog whistle."

It would be like water boarding. haha

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 9:49 p.m. No.20943566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3590 >>3666


The Jewish Question is all over these movies. All the MCU movies are essentially Jewish Power propaganda, a giant PR campaign.

RDJ and Scarlett Johansson are both Jewish. They are both the only characters to die in self-sacrifice to save the universe.

The original Thor movie is essentially all about Jewish Supremacy.

Thor gets transformed into a human, losing his God powers. He gets ran over by Natalie Portman, a Jewish actress. He gets tazed and paralyzed by her intern which is also played by a Jewish woman. I could go on at great length about this for most of the movies.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:02 p.m. No.20943619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3623 >>3626 >>3713


Captain Marvel is basically about 2 things.

She's between a conflict between the Kree and Skrulls. In the beginning she thinks the Skrulls are evil, and she fights for the Kree. Skrulls are alien shapeshifters that can assume the form of any humanoid.

Marvel goes to Earth and begins hunting Skrull infiltrators. One takes the form of an old white woman that she gets into a fight with. Prior to finding her, she hunts for her on a train.

A blonde woman is looking for shapeshifters… She finds Stan Lee. Stan Lee is Jewish. He is reading from a script (for his cameo in MallRATS).

He says

>Trust me, believer. Trust me.


She eventually gets told that the Skrulls are the good guys and the Kree are the bad guys.


All the while, she is fighting Toxic Masculinity. She shoots a computer screen that glitches and flashes a memory of hers of a pilot arrogantly asking her if she knows why they call it a "cockpit." (She's a test pilot in the air force.)


It's almost as if the Skrull are jews, being presented as good guys for these movies, and Marvel is waking up from toxic male, anti-semite brainwashing.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:05 p.m. No.20943623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717 >>3729


This reference happens again in The Marvels, her sequel movie.

The Kree leader breaks off a peace treaty with the Skrulls because she accuses them of sending Marvel after them like they're rats.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:09 p.m. No.20943646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3660 >>3741


In Ironman 1, Stark, played by a Jewish man, has to kill his gentile, face of the company, Obadiah Stane, because Stane becomes an "ironmonger" selling weapons to Muslim Extremists.

In Ironman 2, Stark hires a gentile woman to be CEO and the face of the company.


In Avengers Age of Ultron, Stark and Thor argue over which woman is better, the gentile CEO he groomed, or Thor's jewish scientist. The debate ends when Thor claims his woman is better. Why would a jewish man argue otherwise

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:10 p.m. No.20943656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3755


Oh right, Spiderman Far From Home is about drone tech being used to create illusions in the sky like Project Blue Beam, and at the end, a deepfake is used of the villain after he has already died.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:19 p.m. No.20943689   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I forgot to mention the film Black Widow.

There's a shot of girls being brainwashed by American cartoons. They are used for assassinations, to control governments all over the world.

The way to break their brainwashing is with red capsules full of gas…………

In other words, "red pills."

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:47 p.m. No.20943817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3831


Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania

Antman's daughter gets arrested for shrinking a cop car because a group of homeless people were tear gassed for a "peaceful protest."

Hank Pym says they could learn a lot about socialism from an ant hive.

The villain is named Kang from the "We wuz kangs" meme. One of his alternate selfs wears literal Egyptian themed garb.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 10:50 p.m. No.20943831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923


When Kang is presented in the Disney+ show Loki, he's from the past and builds technology to the best of his ability using a book from the future. His invention that controls all of reality and stops multiverses from forming is called a "Time Loom."

What other "looms" can you think of that exist?


A black man invented a loom…. They couldn't come up with any other name.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 11:05 p.m. No.20943923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4023


The point of all this is it seems like there has been a massive tone shift in movies that have more or less coincided with the great Corona happening.

Context used to market to the general audience while the subtext had subversive elements catering to brainwashed people.

For example, Captain America believes in God and desires a heterosexual, monogamous relationship.

Subtextually, that woman is very masculine and beats up very masculine men, and he says things like "I guess the guy that wanted all that went in the ice 60 years ago. A different guy came out."

But now the subtext has become the context with blatant virtue signaling Captain America overtly supports gays in a support group meeting. Then he shows his acting prowess for pretending to be Hydra. Contextually supporting gays… Subtextually learning to lie to virtue signal dishonestly…


Same with the first Mexican super hero with lesbian parents and the pride pin. But the subtext is that they were bad parents, and she needed a father figure.


So while "go woke, go broke" is true, nobody wants to see this crap where super heroes are lesbians or gay (on screen gay kiss in the film Eternals), the overt messages are undercut by relatively wholesome messaging. The demographic targeted by the virtue signaling is being tricked into being bombarded with arguably good subliminal messaging.


The Eternals is about causing an abortion of a Cellestial which is a baby entity inside the Earth. The Earth is an egg. When it hatches, everyone dies. These beings create stars which create new planets and new life, a large cycle of the universe. The Eternals kill it, through an abortion. The white male that was against it, was more or less forced to participate in it, and he kills himself afterward.

Anonymous ID: 8b7c3b May 30, 2024, 11:17 p.m. No.20943985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4030




Also at the end of that movie, God wins. The God Butcher was seeking an entity that grants one wish to the first that finds it, and he was going to use it to have all the Gods killed, but he wished for his daughter back instead because of Thor and Jane.


Of course, a black man welcomes a jewish woman into Valhalla afterward, but….


In Guardians of the Galaxy 3, when the villain says "there is no God," all of his henchmen point guns at him.