Anonymous ID: 3a14a2 May 31, 2024, 5:42 a.m. No.20944897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4901 >>4905


The cult will not persecute Obama or Biden.

This is showing the people if the cult would do this to Q+, they'd do it to them.

(They already were but the people didnt see it, now they're waking up to it)

Anonymous ID: 3a14a2 May 31, 2024, 5:56 a.m. No.20944942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everything the cult is doing to Q+ used to be done in secret because the persecuted did not have enough assets to show the people the truth.

The people just saw random people rise up (puppets) and never saw those who were persecuted to prevent them from exposing the truth about the persecutors.

Q team knew the cult would eventually use lawfare to persecute Q+ after realizing their usual fake news wrap up smear operation failed.

So, Q team set up which court cases they wanted out of all that would happen (preference is of course zero but when you're going up against a death cult the reality is that there had to be 'a' pattern of lawfare.

So the cult was tricked into having to contradict themselves and the law in order to desperately produce the op mockingbird style movies that only superficially look like legitimate legal cases and legitimate law enforcement.

In truth the Q team just proved to the world that Soros crime family has flipped legal into illegal, and illegal into legal, using laundered taxpayer money to fund blackmailed puppets playing the roles of AG, DAs, and judges.


Just imagine if tall these false persecutions were from MAGA DAs breaking the law to attack Obama or Clinton or Biden. The very same assholes now persecuting Q+ under lies would launch all assets feigning outrage at how MAGA was weaponizing the law.

This is why the good guys had to go by the book. To prevent that scenario.

This takes time.

Time well spent.

Even if the death cult behaves this way 'because we're going to die anyway', at least forward thinkers in histoey can save the children and future generations of children and therefore the human race.

Better to die leaving the world in a better place than to be an arrogant self-alienated crybaby living me me me me all becuse you're going to die.


The world is at a philosophical breaking point of extinctionists seeking to negate/destroy expansionists.

Logically, extinctionists depend on expansionists while expansionists do not depend on extinctionists.

History will judge.