Anonymous ID: 5e6a42 May 30, 2024, 11:38 p.m. No.20944087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4098 >>4404 >>4686 >>4873

I was wondering what had the muh joo shills doing overtime tonight. I was curious as to what brought out the CCP/IRGC


Then I looked at the Notables



>>20941989 Reactions to the Trump guilty verdict

>>20941975 Matthew Colangelo

>>20942001 Ben Bergquam Gets Crowd Reaction On Trump Guilty Verdict

>>20941998, >>20942007 Massive donations to Trump Campaign on-going

>>20942040 Supreme Court rules for NRA in First Amendment dispute



>>20940986 MSM / Dems use the BLM keyword to nudge Black voter's emotions for election cycles

>>20941120 Kash: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan's daughter

>>20941241 NYC Democratic Election Commissioner Bussing People Around to Vote



>>20940282 European Parliament raided by police in corruption investigation

>>20940300, >>20940847, >>20940529 Qpost 34 / 3434 | Call the ball

>>20940442 Precedent set

>>20940526 Rep. Raskin is arguing that the DoJ can force Justices Thomas and Alito to recuse themselves - an argument that shows detachment from reality

>>20940732, >>20940757 Stephen Miller: The Magnitude of this Judicial Scandal cannot be overstated

>>20940837 Megyn Kelly Notices Something About the Trump’s Trial No One Is Talking About



>>20939445 DoJ reaches settlement with ex-FBI 'lovebirds' Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were caught in an anti-Trump text scandal

>>20939588 Voter Roll Chaos: Over 26,000 Dead Voters, 92,000 Inactive Voters in Michigan

>>20939606, >>20939621, >>20939655, >>20939714 Call to Dig: John Catsimatidas

>>20939691 Norm Eisen Is Involved In The Trump Trials Through Democracy 21

>>20939786 Advertisers are suing Meta over allegations of monopolizing the online social media advertising market and misleading users' data

>>20939809 Stocks close lower, Dow falls more than 300 (and the ‘glitch’ was fixed) points as Salesforce plunges 20%-Benioff tied to Blood Centers of Pacific via Pelosi



>>20938835, >>20938863 Google suffers 'mother of all leaks' that exposes how its secret algorithm decides what YOU see

>>20938860 Lawsuit: RICO Queen Fani Willis Violated The Same Law She Weaponized Against Trump Republicans

>>20938118 LGBTQ community faces “relentless opposition” across the globe despite some progress


Naughty naughty naughty Anons, causing so much concern and insomnia

Keep it up!

Anonymous ID: 5e6a42 May 31, 2024, midnight No.20944160   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Imagine the hilarity of the religious "arguments" going on through Grave Yard getting bounced to a private chat and not knowing it


Bravo Anon, I say Bravo Sir!

Anonymous ID: 5e6a42 May 31, 2024, 12:07 a.m. No.20944179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4366


What did you do that your Supply people hated you that much? If you had to wonder why your leave papers kept getting rejected, now you know. Blue-black gov't ink is awesome


Skillcraft pen, coffee stir, and rear sights adjuster for M16A1

Anonymous ID: 5e6a42 May 31, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.20944251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4267



"Comfy" denotes not pent up, freaked out, or rattled in any way

Meme out there somewhere shows grunts "concerned" about incoming mortar rounds on Day One but by Day Thirty are lounging around catching up on sleep

Anonymous ID: 5e6a42 May 31, 2024, 12:48 a.m. No.20944274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4737 >>4762 >>4817 >>4873

U.S. Navy Bases are Ejecting Foreign Nationals 2-3 Times a Week



The U.S. Navy's base security personnel are catching and evicting a steadily increasing number of foreign nationals - particularly Chinese citizens - who are attempting to glean national security secrets, a top U.S. admiral said in an interview over the weekend. Many of them have proper papers allowing them to visit the United States as tourists or students, but their presence on a military base is not authorized - and in many cases, may constitute a criminal offense.


"Usually the cover story is 'I'm a student, I'm an enthusiast I want to see the ships,' that type of thing," U.S. Fleet Forces Commander Adm. Daryl Caudle told Fox and Friends. "We have to turn them around, and typically we will get the [Naval Criminal Investigative Service] involved. We will get biometrics if possible."


Chinese visitors have been arrested for accessing or spying on U.S. naval installations multiple times in recent years, and two U.S. Navy servicemembers who were born in China were recently arrested on espionage charges. The more insidious, high-volume, low-effort Chinese attempts at naval base espionage have been gathering pace, Caudle said.


"This thing of our military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. . . . It's really hard for us to tell the underlying motive in these types of cases," Caudle told Fox News. "This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we're stopping these folks at the gate, and this is just the Navy alone."


At least some of these individuals are Chinese nationals who entered the U.S. illegally and then attempted to access a military base. In March, an illegal Chinese immigrant was arrested on the 29 Palms Marine Corps Base and handed over to Border Patrol agents. 29 Palms is the Marine Corps' largest base and is used for its large-scale multi-unit exercises.


"Despite being prompted to exit at the Condor gate by installation security, the individual proceeded onto the installation without authorization," a Marine Corps spokesman told Marine Corps Times. "Military law enforcement were immediately notified and detained the individual."


Suspicious drone overflights are also an increasing problem, Caudle said, and the Navy is working on increasing its capabilities to detect and defend against this new potential threat.


"Generally it's just folks with drones - you can buy them commercially from Amazon or whoever it may be," he said. "But it's hard to differentiate that from a nation-state that's attempting to do espionage."