Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 12:29 a.m. No.20944229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4231 >>4244 >>4873

Government to introduce hate speech laws to combat anti-semitism


The government is preparing to introduce hate speech laws to combat a rise in anti-semitism.

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 12:31 a.m. No.20944239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4246 >>4351 >>4737 >>4817 >>4873

Von der Leyen thinks citizens of EU countries should be vaccinated against wrongthink


Speaking at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit earlier this month, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen suggested the audience think of information manipulation as a virus and then said it’s better to vaccinate than treat the infection.

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 12:35 a.m. No.20944255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4873

Good Lord!




The dairy techno-cows of the future will emit pharmaceutical-grade insulin from their udders in a remarkable achievement for The Science™.


“There may be an unexpected fix for ongoing shortages of insulin: A brown bovine in Brazil recently made history as the first transgenic cow able to produce human insulin in her milk.


‘Mother Nature designed the mammary gland as a factory to make protein* really, really efficiently,’ explained study leader Matt Wheeler, a professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. ‘We can take advantage of that system to produce a protein that can help hundreds of millions of people worldwide.’


His team, which included scientists from the University of São Paolo, described how they developed the insulin-making cow in a report published March 12 in Biotechnology Journal.”


*This is exactly how technocrats view all lifeforms, including humans: as “factories” to produce biologics for some pharmaceutical or industrial purpose — at least until AI figures out how to achieve the same production capacity without them. Then they become utterly useless.


The Public Health™ authorities, of course, could simply advise the serfs on their techno-fiefdom to not consume 500 grams of refined carbohydrates per day to solve the diabetes epidemic, but where’s the profit in that? Where’s the fun? Where’s the gleeful, satanic destruction of the planet’s genome in that?

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 12:46 a.m. No.20944270   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google news keeps pushing the book of revelation timeline


Emperor Constantine the Roman had it added to the official Canon in 397 AD.


Handwriting Experts analyzed the writing structure looking at the small words that are used regularly as the show a pattern in a writers style.


They determined that the Book of revelation was most likely written by one of Constantine's Scribes as the writing style does not match John of Patmos.


This also explains why there are discrepancies in the timelines in Revelation and Daniel 24.


The Book of Revelation is a demonic book and that is why all the plagues and events which align with it's text are man made as if they were from God there would be no need to engineer them.


Fake End times to trick the world into their Noahide world Order

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 12:57 a.m. No.20944284   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Quit ya bitching and keep spreading the truth YOU find


That's the way out!


It fucking sucks but hey that's our job coz we knew first


No get back to:


Saving these dumbfucks who mock us by bombarding them with truth till it starts to resonate

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 1 a.m. No.20944287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4292 >>4873

The Noticing continues


Lawmaker accused of rape arrested upon landing in India


The suspended MP had fled to Germany after hundreds of explicit videos were leaked online amid the ongoing election


A member of the Indian parliament, from the southern Indian state of Karnataka, was arrested upon landing in the country in the early hours of Friday. Prajwal Revanna, who is accused of rape, fled the country in April, after nearly 3,000 videos allegedly showing him sexually abusing women surfaced last month amid the ongoing election.


Revanna, 33, is a leader of the Janata Dal (Secular) party, founded by former Chief Minister HD Deve Gowda. The party suspended him days after the videos were leaked, prompting an investigation.


Earlier this week, Revanna broke his silence on the case, releasing a video statement in which he called the allegations against him false and part of a “political conspiracy.” He promised to return to India and appear before a special investigation team set up by the state government.


Karnataka is ruled by the Congress Party, the main opposition in the federal government, and its allies.


Revanna flew from Munich, Germany to Bengaluru, Karnataka, where he was handed over to police officials waiting at the airport. A day earlier, he filed an anticipatory bail application in a court in Bengaluru.

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 2:03 a.m. No.20944360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4873

Journalist threatened over reporting on spy chief and ICC, Israeli newspaper says


Israel’s leading leftwing newspaper, Haaretz, has said unnamed senior security officials threatened one of its investigative reporters if he reported on attempts by the former head of the Mossad to intimidate the ex-prosecutor of the international criminal court.


Amid growing concern over Israel’s censorship regime, enforced by the military censor’s office and by gag orders issued by the courts, Haaretz published an article on Wednesday with blacked out words and sentences to demonstrate the scale of redactions.


In an article published on Thursday, investigative reporter Gur Megiddo described how two years ago security officials blocked an attempt by the paper to report efforts by the former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen to threaten the then ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda. Details of the operation to influence Bensouda were revealed this week by the Guardian and Israeli media partners +972 magazine and Local Call.

Megiddo described how he had been summoned to meet two officials and threatened with serious consequences after they became aware that he had tried to telephone Bensouda to discuss Cohen’s efforts to influence her.


Megiddo had been investigating what the Mossad chief had been doing during three trips he made to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in which he reportedly enlisted the help of the Congolese president, Joseph Kabila, to assist with efforts to pressure Bensouda.


“At the beginning of 2022, I attempted to contact the former prosecutor through a third party who knew her,” Megiddo wrote. “Bensouda never responded to the approach, but days after the attempt, when I wanted to publish the story, my phone rang and on the other end of the line was the voice of a senior security official. ‘Can you come to see me tomorrow?’ he asked.”


“At the entrance to the senior official’s office, I was asked to deposit my mobile phone to prevent me from recording the conversation. In the room, another senior official from a different security agency was waiting for me. The conversation began with the words, ‘We understand you know about the prosecutor.’”


It was “explained that if I published the story,” wrote Megiddo, “I would suffer the consequences and get to know the interrogation rooms of the Israeli security authorities from the inside.


“In the end, it was made clear to me that even sharing the information ‘with my friends abroad’, referring to foreign media outlets, would lead to the same results.”


Megiddo’s account corroborates key details of the allegations made public this week: that Cohen was tasked with attempting to intimidate and threaten Bensouda and that Cohen received support from Kabila. Cohen and Kabila have not responded to the Guardian’s requests for comment.


“I took the threats very seriously,” Megiddo told the Guardian on Thursday. “Sometimes officials can be quite heavy handed but as a rule there have been no consequences if you bypass these requests.


“In this case it was made clear they would enforce real penalties. It was highly unusual.”


Separately, Haaretz published an article subject to a court gag order, with large sections of the text blacked out, relating to the detention without trial of Bassem Tamimi, a well-known Palestinian activist in the West Bank.

Anonymous ID: 9d0dba May 31, 2024, 2:25 a.m. No.20944388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4873

Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine


President Putin shared a lot of insight about the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine during the press conference that he held during his latest trip to Uzbekistan. The first point of relevance that he made is that Zelensky is no longer regarded by Russia as Ukraine’s legitimate leader after his term expired. According to President Putin’s “tentative estimate” of this legal question, Rada Speaker Stefanchuk should now be seen as Zelensky’s legal successor.


The Russian leader also speculated that the only reason why the incumbent remains in power is for him to carry out scandalous moves like possibly lowing the draft age to 23 and even 18 years. In his words, “I believe that after this and other unpopular decisions are made, those who are acting today as representatives of executive government would be replaced with people who would not be responsible for the unpopular decisions made. These representatives will be simply replaced in a snap.”


Moving along, in response to a question about NATO chief Stoltenberg’s suggestion for members to let Ukraine use their arms to hit targets inside of Russia like the US just tacitly approved of Kiev doing, he reminded everyone that long-range precision strikes require space reconnaissance data. Since Ukraine lacks these capabilities, such strikes can only be carried out with NATO support, including through instructors inside Ukraine masquerading as mercenaries for plausible deniability purposes.


President Putin advised the West to think twice about this and then addressed Russia’s fresh push into Ukraine’s Kharkov Region, which he confirmed was in response to the shelling of Belgorod and aimed at carving out a “security area” exactly as he earlier warned he’d order if those attacks didn’t stop. On the topic of Belgorod, he lamented that the Western media doesn’t report on Ukraine’s strikes there, and hinted that his envisaged “security area” could expand to stop longer-range attacks if need be.


He was later asked about Ukraine inviting French “instructors”, to which he responded by saying that his forces regularly “hear English, French, or Polish on the radio” when listening in their opponents, thus confirming that their mercenaries have long been deployed there. Of those three, President Putin believes that the Polish ones are the least likely to leave, which is an allusion to Russian officials’ prior claims that it plans to annex Western Ukraine or at least incorporate it into a sphere of influence.