The disturbing hypocritical irony of Psychological Projection.
Are those airtank hose reeels, or wrist mounted jet packs?
Can anyanon good with vid editing, make a short of the last few lines? I have been trying to find this excerpt for awhile… but Alphabet GoogleYouTube might want to bore people with the first two minutes before they hear that very last part.
“… yes! I would give the Devil himself the benefit of Law, if only for my own sake.” The Left has no idea what they might reap by destroying The Law.
I still misquoted that line…
“I would give the Devil himself the benefit of Law, for my own safety sake”.
Our Enemy ‘says’ (by their actions) that they are comfortable destroying Law in pursuit of DJT, became they infer his is a Devil among We The People. By doing so, they themselves will have no Law to defend themselves when the tables are tuned. It is a very very dark day in America. I must now go turn my flag upside down.
NASA was bad enough before Skeletor took over