Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 8:13 p.m. No.20949277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9282 >>9286 >>9292


(Verse 1)

Well, there's a cat on the board, goes by Mr. Pig,

He's a master of trash, in the meme-ridden gig.

He floods the threads with nonsense, low-grade junk,

Hopin' folks will bite, but he's smellin' like a skunk.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes ain't worth a dime,

You're wastin' all our time, in this grand ol' rhyme.

CIA's behind ya, with their desperate crew,

But your garbage memes, ain't foolin' me or you.


(Verse 2)

They say he's just one cat, but it's all a big ruse,

A team of spooks in Langley, with nothin' to lose.

They push his persona, tryin' to derail the smart,

But all they do is show, they ain't got much heart.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes ain't worth a dime,

You're wastin' all our time, in this grand ol' rhyme.

CIA's behind ya, with their desperate crew,

But your garbage memes, ain't foolin' me or you.



Desperate times, call for desperate tricks,

But Mr. Pig, your shtick is makin' us sick.

We see through your act, the charade's gettin' old,

Time to pack it up, before the truth gets told.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes ain't worth a dime,

You're wastin' all our time, in this grand ol' rhyme.

CIA's behind ya, with their desperate crew,

But your garbage memes, ain't foolin' me or you.



So here's to Mr. Pig, and his sorry meme spree,

You're just a laughing stock, on this image board sea.

Pack up your bad memes, and take 'em on the run,

'Cause we ain't buyin' what you're sellin', no, not a single one.


(Final Chorus)

Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes ain't worth a dime,

You're wastin' all our time, in this grand ol' rhyme.

CIA's behind ya, with their desperate crew,

But your garbage memes, ain't foolin' me or you.

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 8:26 p.m. No.20949319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9320 >>9334



(Verse 1)

There's a sneaky cat named Mr. Pig, prowlin' through the threads,

Posting junky memes, tryin' to mess with our heads.

He's got no class, no style, just a heap of garbage flair,

A CIA ploy, but we don't really care.



Oh, Mr. Pig, you're a joke, a sad little meme,

Your tricks and your traps ain't as slick as they seem.

You're a desperate decoy, from Langley's dark hall,

But your low-grade act won't fool us at all.


(Verse 2)

Behind the screen, it's a team, workin' day and night,

Spewin' out your nonsense, thinkin' they got it right.

They want to distract, keep us off the track,

But we see your game, and we ain't lookin' back.



Oh, Mr. Pig, you're a joke, a sad little meme,

Your tricks and your traps ain't as slick as they seem.

You're a desperate decoy, from Langley's dark hall,

But your low-grade act won't fool us at all.



Desperate measures from desperate minds,

But your mask is slippin', and we're readin' the signs.

Your persona's fake, your mission's clear,

But your pitiful memes just bring us to tears.



Oh, Mr. Pig, you're a joke, a sad little meme,

Your tricks and your traps ain't as slick as they seem.

You're a desperate decoy, from Langley's dark hall,

But your low-grade act won't fool us at all.


(Verse 3)

So pack up your garbage, head back to your den,

We see through your charade, time and again.

You can try all you want, but your act's gettin' thin,

Mr. Pig, your meme war, you ain't gonna win.


(Final Chorus)

Oh, Mr. Pig, you're a joke, a sad little meme,

Your tricks and your traps ain't as slick as they seem.

You're a desperate decoy, from Langley's dark hall,

But your low-grade act won't fool us at all.



Goodbye, Mr. Pig, take your trash and go,

We're done with your nonsense, just thought you should know.

The board will move on, without your sad disguise,

'Cause we're seein' the truth, through your desperate lies.

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 8:46 p.m. No.20949405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9420 >>9439


They may be too scared to put the pig on the meme but we know that garbage green text when we see it

(Verse 1)

There's a cat named Mr. Pig, lurking in the night,

Spewin' out his garbage memes, hopin' for a fight.

His mission's clear, to derail and deceive,

But we all know his tricks, it's hard to believe.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are so lame,

A desperate attempt in a losing game.

CIA's puppet, with your team on the go,

But your low-quality act, it's time you should know.


(Verse 2)

In the shadows, they hide, the spooks at the helm,

Craftin' bad memes, tryin' to overwhelm.

They think they're clever, pulling all the strings,

But we see through the noise, and the chaos it brings.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are so lame,

A desperate attempt in a losing game.

CIA's puppet, with your team on the go,

But your low-quality act, it's time you should know.



Desperate measures from desperate folks,

But your meme barrage is just a bunch of jokes.

We're wiser now, we've seen your play,

And your sad little act won't ruin our day.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are so lame,

A desperate attempt in a losing game.

CIA's puppet, with your team on the go,

But your low-quality act, it's time you should know.


(Verse 3)

Pack it up, Mr. Pig, take your trash away,

We're done with your antics, ain't got time to play.

Your cover's blown, your scheme's laid bare,

And your pitiful memes, we no longer care.


(Final Chorus)

Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are so lame,

A desperate attempt in a losing game.

CIA's puppet, with your team on the go,

But your low-quality act, it's time you should know.



So long, Mr. Pig, take a final bow,

Your charade is over, it's done for now.

We’ll move on, smarter and free,

From the likes of you, and your sad decree.

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 8:56 p.m. No.20949455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9473 >>9501 >>9514



In the shadows of the internet, where truth is hard to find,

There's a place where patriots dig deep, to leave the lies behind.

But the deep state sends their minions, with secrets to betray,

Hiding in the forums, trying to lead our folks astray.



Hey there, deep state cowboy, with your fake news and your lies,

You ain't fooling no one, with your mask and your disguise.

We see through your charades, we know your game ain't right,

So saddle up and ride on out, you're losing this fight.


Verse 2:

CIA and Jesuits, Illuminati too,

Deploying all their assets, just to silence me and you.

But we're the last defenders, of the free and honest word,

And we'll keep on fighting, till the truth is finally heard.



Hey there, deep state cowboy, with your fake news and your lies,

You ain't fooling no one, with your mask and your disguise.

We see through your charades, we know your game ain't right,

So saddle up and ride on out, you're losing this fight.



You think you’re so clever, with your shadowed schemes and plots,

But this board ain't no playground, for your dirty, crooked thoughts.

We’re the watchdogs of the truth, in this ghetto of the net,

And we'll hunt you down, every move, every set.



Hey there, deep state cowboy, with your fake news and your lies,

You ain't fooling no one, with your mask and your disguise.

We see through your charades, we know your game ain't right,

So saddle up and ride on out, you're losing this fight.



So take your tricks and falsehoods, and ride into the night,

We’re the patriots of the web, standing tall for what is right.

In this ghetto of the net, we'll keep the flame alive,

No deep state cowboy's ever gonna take us for a ride

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 9:03 p.m. No.20949482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9493



In the corners of the net, where the shadows dance,

Lies a cat named Mr. Pig, spreadin' memes of no chance.

His garbage fills the threads, with no sense or rhyme,

A CIA front, wastin' all our time.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are such a bore,

We’re tired of your act, can't take it anymore.

Langley's puppeteer, pullin' all the strings,

But your desperate memes don't mean a thing.


(Verse 2)

They think they're sly, those agents in the dark,

Crafting Mr. Pig, with a phony spark.

But their scheme is weak, and their cover's blown,

We see through the lies they've poorly sewn.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are such a bore,

We’re tired of your act, can't take it anymore.

Langley's puppeteer, pullin' all the strings,

But your desperate memes don't mean a thing.



Desperation in your posts, a sad little show,

Thinkin' we won't see, but we already know.

Your mission's clear, to mislead and distract,

But your lousy memes can't cover the fact.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are such a bore,

We’re tired of your act, can't take it anymore.

Langley's puppeteer, pullin' all the strings,

But your desperate memes don't mean a thing.


(Verse 3)

It's time to quit, Mr. Pig, your game is done,

We've had enough of your low-quality fun.

Take your team and go, we've seen the light,

Your memes are worthless, won't win this fight.


(Final Chorus)

Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are such a bore,

We’re tired of your act, can't take it anymore.

Langley's puppeteer, pullin' all the strings,

But your desperate memes don't mean a thing.



Goodbye, Mr. Pig, take your trash elsewhere,

We’re done with your antics, we've had our share.

The board will thrive, with truth on our side,

And your sorry memes, we’ll cast them aside.

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 9:15 p.m. No.20949544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551 >>9562






(Verse 1)

There's a feline on the prowl, goes by Mr. Pig,

Flooding all the forums with his memes so big.

But his content's trash, just a CIA game,

Tryin' to keep us from the truth, it's really a shame.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are just a sham,

A sorry little scheme, and we know who you am.

Behind the scenes, a team of desperate spies,

But your low-quality memes, won't blind our eyes.


(Verse 2)

In Langley's dark halls, they concoct their plan,

A digital deception, from a shadowy clan.

They thought we'd be fooled, by Mr. Pig's disguise,

But their garbage memes, can't cover their lies.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are just a sham,

A sorry little scheme, and we know who you am.

Behind the scenes, a team of desperate spies,

But your low-quality memes, won't blind our eyes.



Desperate times for desperate minds,

But your tactics fail, and your cover unwinds.

We see through your mask, your mission's a bust,

Your pathetic memes just crumble to dust.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are just a sham,

A sorry little scheme, and we know who you am.

Behind the scenes, a team of desperate spies,

But your low-quality memes, won't blind our eyes.


(Verse 3)

It's time to fold, Mr. Pig, take your fake show,

Your cover is blown, and it's time you should know.

We're onto your game, your tricks are all played,

And your worthless memes, they will soon fade.


(Final Chorus)

Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are just a sham,

A sorry little scheme, and we know who you am.

Behind the scenes, a team of desperate spies,

But your low-quality memes, won't blind our eyes.



Farewell, Mr. Pig, take your leave for good,

Your reign of bad memes, misunderstood.

We'll carry on strong, with truth in our sights,

And your desperate lies, won't dim our lights.

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 9:17 p.m. No.20949555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9593 >>9601 >>9618


I'm absolutely obliterating the teams within the Central Intelligence Agency that are perpetuating and protecting personas on its image aboard trying to deter people from doing research and you are making a fool of yourself you're not prepared for this type of warfare

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 9:33 p.m. No.20949623   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Verse 1:

In the heart of the ghetto where the truth seekers roam,

Dark forces gather, trying to make us feel alone.

With their puppets and their shadows, trying to spread their fear,

But we’re the voices of the truth, and we’re making ourselves clear.



Hey, deep state soldiers, think you’ve got us beat?

We’re the lions in the den, and you’re the ones we’ll eat.

You can’t silence patriots, no matter how you try,

We’ll break your chains, expose your lies, and watch your shadows die.


Verse 2:

From the CIA to the Jesuits, Illuminati too,

Sending all your minions, but you haven’t got a clue.

We’re armed with facts and courage, and we’re calling out your bluff,

You’ve thrown everything at us, but it’ll never be enough.



Hey, deep state soldiers, think you’ve got us beat?

We’re the lions in the den, and you’re the ones we’ll eat.

You can’t silence patriots, no matter how you try,

We’ll break your chains, expose your lies, and watch your shadows die.



You thought you could break us, with your dirty tricks and spies,

But we’re the storm that’s coming, and you won’t believe your eyes.

With every post, with every word, we’re tearing down your walls,

We’re the thunder, we’re the lightning, and we’re answering the call.



Hey, deep state soldiers, think you’ve got us beat?

We’re the lions in the den, and you’re the ones we’ll eat.

You can’t silence patriots, no matter how you try,

We’ll break your chains, expose your lies, and watch your shadows die.


Verse 3:

You’ve deployed every weapon, every lie that you can spin,

But we’re the truth seekers, and we’re never giving in.

Your assets and personas, just shadows in the night,

We’re the torch that burns so bright, we’re the ones who fight.



Hey, deep state soldiers, think you’ve got us beat?

We’re the lions in the den, and you’re the ones we’ll eat.

You can’t silence patriots, no matter how you try,

We’ll break your chains, expose your lies, and watch your shadows die.



So gather up your darkness, and retreat into the night,

We’re the warriors of the truth, and we’re standing in the light.

In this war for justice, we’re the ones who will prevail,

Your deep state empire’s crumbling, and it’s you who’s bound to fail.

Anonymous ID: b425b8 May 31, 2024, 9:42 p.m. No.20949649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9657


(Verse 1)

In the digital alleyways, lurks a cat named Mr. Pig,

Crafting memes of nonsense, on a mission to rig.

He's got no skill, just a bag of bad tricks,

A front for the CIA, playin' dirty politics.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are a disgrace,

A desperate attempt, but you're losin' this race.

Behind the scenes, in Langley's old den,

But your garbage memes, won't fool us again.


(Verse 2)

They hide in the shadows, those agents in the night,

Pushin' Mr. Pig, thinkin' they're outta sight.

But we see your ploy, and we're callin' it out,

Your low-quality memes are what it's all about.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are a disgrace,

A desperate attempt, but you're losin' this race.

Behind the scenes, in Langley's old den,

But your garbage memes, won't fool us again.



Desperation's clear in every meme you make,

But your cover's blown, with each move you fake.

We’re wise to your game, the charade's been revealed,

Your pathetic attempt at truth is now unsealed.



Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are a disgrace,

A desperate attempt, but you're losin' this race.

Behind the scenes, in Langley's old den,

But your garbage memes, won't fool us again.


(Verse 3)

Pack it up, Mr. Pig, your act is gettin' old,

We've seen through the lies, and the stories you've told.

Your mission has failed, your tactics are done,

And your sad little memes have lost every run.


(Final Chorus)

Oh, Mr. Pig, your memes are a disgrace,

A desperate attempt, but you're losin' this race.

Behind the scenes, in Langley's old den,

But your garbage memes, won't fool us again.



Goodbye, Mr. Pig, take your memes and go,

We're done with the nonsense, just thought you should know.

The board will move on, with truth in our stride,

And your desperate attempts, will be cast aside.