The more the Demokkkrats spew 'convicted felon', fhe more they are saying they want you to be politically persecuted
>Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself,”
It's already open source that he was railroaded.
Judge prevented witnesses with exculpatory evidence from testifying.
Prevented Trump from defending his actions by reference to relance on counsel.
Prevented Trump from having an unbiased judge and DA.
Biden is lying.
That too, even worse.
How can a person be given an opportunjty to defend themselves when they're not even told what the charges are until after the defense rested?
That's sufficient to refuting Biden's lie in one statement.
"TruMp wAs GiVeN eVeRy opPoRtUNiTy tO dEfEnD HiMsELf!" - Joe Biden
Nothing can stop referencing one among 24 timezones.
The statistical likelihood of that being coincidental is so astronimally small it's proof the 'appointers' are racists.
Good afternoon!
White and black people in liberal media don't like Trump, but the whites and blacks here worship him. iNtErEsTiNg
Then why doesnt Begala and everyone else who themselves signed NDAs, use the phrase NDAand not hush money to describe their NDA hush money agreements?
Judaism isn't a race.
Nothing can stop good afternoon.
>i am nightshift
There's millions of people in the night time zone.
Good afternoon and good morning
And non jews posting anti whatever in the first place.
Dont hate GA