Anonymous ID: cc64da June 1, 2024, 5:47 a.m. No.20950434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0452

Good morning, Anons, and Happy June!

I feel bad that I have not been able to post here much lately but I've been finalizing something that I know you guise, and President Trump, are going to love and appreciate.

I hardly get out but a couple of days ago I had to run a sick dog to an out-of-state veterinarian, so a good friend (who I met at a rally for President Trump in 2016) came over to drive because my vehicles broke during my struggles and I haven't been able to get them fixed yet.

Well, my friend is part of our movement (and knows what's going on here), and the interesting thing to note is that when we returned to my little house, there was a big, beautiful Blackhawk chopper hovering over my house, as if it had been up there keeping an eye out for our safety.

This work is dangerous.

There have been weird incidents, some of which were almost deadly, but not for a couple of years. It's almost like our enemy is gasping its last breaths, and we just need to lawfully inflict a few moar blows (in courts, etc.) to finish them offfor good.

We're just about there, with lots of info already disseminated to lots of good guys, and with things backed up on multiple servers and hard drives.

We are fighting an information war.

We are winning.

We have no fear but our fear of the Lord, and our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, adores each one of us (and all of you), so we have no fear.

I wrote this note just to say a quick "hello" to all my favorite people here, and to say a big "THANK YOU" to all of the mighty warriors of The United States Military who have been protecting us.

We see you, thanks to AdsBExchange and Flight Radar 24, and we know you're here protecting this great country.

As you've flown over my house, you may have noticed my flag's been missing, but that's only because the bracket broke. That's getting fixed today. The cars can wait, but not our flag. You'll see it flying again here today.

You've inspired us moar than words can ever say, and I feel extremely blessed to have found this Board back on October 28, 2017.

Back to work for now, but rest assured, we're almost there, and things will soon be better, I know.

God bless you all, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, and thanks for letting me check in.
