Anonymous ID: babd11 June 1, 2024, 10:25 a.m. No.20951337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1370

They say "oh she's just bloated" in these pics hidden until 2017.

They say "oh that watch is fake" even though it sold at an auction house for $120k in 2005.

They say oh that article is bullshit even though you can find it on the cia's website under her declass files. Read it carefully.

They say "oh there's nothing in there" about the box 39 of Greensons at UCLA sealed until 2039.

Plus much much more.



Happy Birthday Wonderful!

Anonymous ID: babd11 June 1, 2024, 10:36 a.m. No.20951379   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But WHY was she murdered? That's what I am trying to figure out. They even say oh jfk told her about aliens and she was going to run her mouth. Sounds like more diversion from the truth to me. Why all the misdirection?