Anonymous ID: 207cf0 June 1, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.20951903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1947 >>2204

>>20951728 pb

Royce White on Tyranny

"Free Donald Trump"

Compares Leftist Tyrants to cultists cult

Everybody's banned who asks a question.

No resemblance to fairness.

minute 40~

"There are people who are alright with Tyranny"

"Why are people putting up with this?"

Why so much tolerance for criminality?

'People love tyranny. There's a great sort of… attraction to tyranny"

~ "And not just from people who aspire to be tyrants."

"There is some of that baked into this whole deal…. "

~ Relieved of responsibility when someone else is in control, you can just let - go ~

It's convenient.

~ There is also s a small part of the person who accepts tyranny, that also desires to be a tyrant Relates to:

compensated psychopath

Psychopath is a Spectrum disorder; there are various grades.

Top psychos resent and resist taking orders from anyone.

(cf Fights between Barry and HRC.? who are actually on the same side?)

But others, not so far out on the psychopath spectrum are called "compensated Psychopaths."

They are the ones who hurt others "I'm just obeying orders" and who execute the plans of the top psychopaths; who are on a lower level of hierarchy.

White points out:

"As long as things are relatively convenient, we're ok with tyranny"

"I think a lot of us overestimate people"

Society needs a detox.

Screens / Media / Schools / Music Business all poison people?

Anonymous ID: 207cf0 June 1, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20951947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2204


compensated psychos.


The people who tell the truth have been too alone, for too long, in this society.

The info-authorities, spin meisters and Infotainment sources have claimed "Never Again" about the fascist Germans WW2; for decades;

But it's never ended.

Anonymous ID: 207cf0 June 1, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.20951999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2020 >>2027 >>2114


I think they use scalding water to prepare the skin to be ripped off.

Psychopaths love this stuff.

The fantasize about it and jerk off to it.

The really are strange.

that's why they escape detection by ordinary people; unimaginable to normies.

Anonymous ID: 207cf0 June 1, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.20952114   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Many people conflate /confuse

psychopath with psychotic


Those are very different conditionsbut people miss being educated on either one.

In the "old days", 19th c., when attention was initially drawn to psychopathology and psychopaths, i.e criminals with no conscience, no remorse; They were called "insane," "moral insanity"

But it turns out psychopaths are different from 'crazy.' (schizophrenic); They are VERY DIFFERENT.

The confusion might be because of the similarity of the names?

Thanks for the comment which led to the clarification.



HRC caption contest!

Anonymous ID: 207cf0 June 1, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.20952204   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Compensated Psychopath comment was in response to what White was saying about people tolerating tyranny - and how the people who tolerate it are mini-tyrants themselves.

Apparently the Tyrant Psychopaths deliberatedly created the Liberal Cult, which is based on delusion (which is a symptom of schizophrenia).

I believe most of the Dems who cheated and stole the election from Trump in 2020 knew exactly what they were doing.

(i.e. psychopaths)

The groundlings in the bleechers however, likely believe in the cover-story lies, even when those lies make no sense if they'd bother to look at it closely (illiteracy on their part) (Fauci and the eugenics injections - Trump as a Felon or Russian spy - crazy lies are swallowed ) These deluded functionaries propagate those delusions which fed to them by the tyrants - aided by bots, shadowbanning and outright censorship and even murder of those who speak truth.

They take-on the delusional belief system as a form of tribute to their tyrants? As a form of submission to their "Stars"?

A great number of them know it's all lies, but go along?

"Sisters of the Apocalypse wave with glee" picrel


Apocalypse is the tearing away of veils;

I guess "pulling off the band aid" and looking at the wound, might be necessary for healing?