Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.20951521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1529

America 2100


🏳️‍🌈"Pride Month" begins tomorrow. But here's what they won't tell you: The LGBT movement is losing—badly.


Let's look at some of the polls.


Just a few years ago, it seemed like the LGBT revolution had won, once and for all. By 2020, even a majority of Republicans supported gay marriage.


But the Left overplayed their hand. What began as a backlash to gender ideology and the indoctrination of kids is now turning Americans against the entire LGBT project, including gay marriage—something that would have been unthinkable just five years ago.


Rather than continuing to climb,American support for gay marriage has dropped 7 points in just one year(from 2022 to 2023).


Republican support for gay marriagedropped 15 pointsover the same period. In 2022, 56% of Republicans supported gay marriage. By 2023, that number had fallen to 41%—the lowest it's been in a decade.


Even amongstDemocrats, support for gay marriage dropped 6 pointsfrom 2022 to 2023. (Source: Gallup)


Among young people, too—the most liberal and LGBT-friendly demographic—support for gay marriage is going down, not up. From 2018 to 2024, support for gay marriage among 18-29 year oldsdropped by 8 points.


That decline appears to be overwhelmingly driven by Generation Z. From 2021 to 2023,Gen Z's support for gay marriage dropped by a full 11 points. (Source: PRRI)


This wasn't supposed to happen. "History" was only supposed to move in one direction—and gay marriage was supposed to be a "settled issue."


The majority of Americans still support gay marriage.But the trend lines should serve as a bright-red warning sign for the Left. If they're losing ground on this issue, they're in big, big trouble.


4:11 PM · May 31, 2024


Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20951567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1575 >>1651 >>2171

1 Jun, 2024 13:56

Ukraine won’t exist in 50 years – Tucker Carlson

The country will be sold to foreign investors and its population replaced through immigration, the former Fox News host has claimed (It’s already been sold)


The US has “betrayed” Ukraine and will destroy the country by selling off its land and “flooding” it with third-world immigrants, American journalist Tucker Carlson predicted in an interview with former President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Jr.


In a video interview published on Friday, Carlson and Trump Jr. both agreed that US President Joe Biden had brought the world to the brink of World War III, and that the US is essentially “at war with Russia.”


“No-one’s articulated what victory in Ukraine looks like,” Trump Jr. said. “I don’t know what it means. Is it just like perpetual death of Ukrainians and Russians until they’re all wiped out and Blackrock comes in there and takes over all the farmland? That’s what it feels like to me.”


Blackrock is the world’s biggest investment company, and controls an estimated $10 trillion in assets. The firm is one of Ukraine’s largest foreign bondholders, and in 2022 signed a memorandum of understanding with Kiev stating that it would manage Ukraine’s post-conflict reconstruction.


Several BlackRock alumni serve in the Biden administration, including Brian Deese, the head of the National Economic Council.


After Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky signed a controversial package of land reforms into law in 2020,foreign investment firms like NCH Capital, BNP, and the Vanguard Group now control around 28% of Ukraine’s arable land, according to research by the Oakland Institute, an American think tank. Zelensky’s reforms were backed by the International Monetary Fund and US Agency for International Development.


“They’re already selling off lands in Ukraine to foreign investors, andthey will flood Ukraine with third-world immigrants and Ukraine will not exist in 50 years,” Carlson stated. “There’ll be no Ukrainian nation. We betrayed them like no other country ever.”


Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly promised that he would end the Ukraine conflict “in 24 hours” if re-elected this November, telling a Libertarian Party conference last weekend that he intends to “quit spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fight other people’s wars.”


Trump has never fully elaborated on how he would do this, save for forcing Zelensky to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but recent reports by Bloomberg and the Washington Post suggest that he would leverage the US’ massive military assistance to Kiev to pressure Zelensky into accepting the loss of some of Ukraine’s pre-conflict territory.


However, Trump’s rhetoric on Russia has toughened in recent months, with the former president telling donors last week that he “would have bombed” Moscow when Russia’s military operation began in 2022. Trump did not lobby his Congressional allies to block a $61 billion aid package for Kiev in April, and said at the time that he would support lending, rather than gifting, money to Zelensky in future. (I seriously doubt Trump said it would have bombed Moscow, who ever said that are proxies for Nikki Haley and made it up. They are already trying to prevent a good relationship with Russia and Putin when he is back in office.)

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 11:41 a.m. No.20951626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1639 >>1655 >>1673 >>1685

1 Jun, 2024 16:08

Peace talks without Russia ‘laughable’ – John Mearsheimer

Vladimir Zelensky’s Swiss ‘peace conference’ will achieve nothing without Moscow’s involvement, the professor argued


Vladimir Zelensky’s so-called ‘peace conference’ in Switzerland is “not serious” – only face-to-face talks between Moscow and Kiev will settle the Ukraine conflict, American political scientist John Mearsheimer has said.


The Ukrainian leader’s summit is scheduled to take place on June 15-16 at the Burgenstock Resort near Lucerne. Russia has not been invited to the conference, China has declined to attend, and US President Joe Biden is reportedly skipping the event to attend a fundraising gala in Hollywood.


“This is not serious,’ Mearsheimer told American podcast host Daniel Davis this week. “If you’re going to have a meaningful set of peace negotiations where you’re going to try and settle this war, it’s going to have to involve the Ukrainians directly negotiating with the Russians.”


Since the conflict began in 2022, Mearsheimer noted that only two peace initiatives have made “substantial progress” – Turkish-brokered talks in Istanbul that March, and separate back-channel negotiations mediated by then-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.


Under preliminary terms agreed in Istanbul, Ukraine would have become a neutral state with a restricted military in exchange for international security guarantees. However, then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson convinced Kiev to withdraw from the talks, according to multiple media reports and an admission by David Arakhamia, who headed the Ukrainian delegation.


Bennett has also claimed that any chance at peace in 2022 was torpedoed by the US and its allies, which ordered Ukraine to “keep striking [Russian President Vladimir] Putin” and “blocked” the Istanbul agreement.


Zelensky will likely use this month’s conference to promote his proposed roadmap for ending the conflict with Russia. The ten-point document demands a complete withdrawal of Russian forces from all territories Ukraine considers its own, for Moscow to pay reparations, and for Russian officials to present themselves to war crimes tribunals.


Russia has dismissed the plan as “detached from reality.” Speaking to journalists last month, President Vladimir Putin stated that while Moscow is ready for serious talks, Kiev plans to “gather as many nations as possible, convince everyone that the best proposal is the terms of the Ukrainian side, and then send it to us in the form of an ultimatum.”


“This conference is completely without prospects… because getting together and seriously discussing the Ukraine conflict without [Russia’s] participation is absurd,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told RT on Tuesday.


“The Ukrainians and the Russians have to be face to face talking about what will be an acceptable deal to both sides,” Mearsheimer told Davis.“The idea that you can have peace negotiations in Switzerland without the Russians is laughable.”


A professor of political science at the University of Chicago, Mearsheimer has drawn intense criticism in the West for arguing that NATO’s post-Cold War expansion was the primary cause of the Ukraine conflict.Mearsheimer has argued since 2014that “encouraging the Ukrainians to play tough with the Russians” would end in theircountry getting “wrecked.”


(This is a complete joke and the 90 countries attending this stupid "movie" know it, but they love to virtue signal and waste money of their countries, by taking more vacations)

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.20951655   🗄️.is 🔗kun


6 Apr, 2024 08:33

Prof. John Mearsheimer: Israel wants to drag the US into war with Iran, Ukraine proxy war is lost


On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago. He discusses Israel’s bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus and Israel’s attempts to drag the US into a war with Iran, how US protection allows Israel to ‘get away with anything’ in international politics, how the Gaza genocide is paving the way for a Donald Trump victory in November, the Israel lobby’s grip on US foreign policy, the deliberate failure of the Minsk agreements in Ukraine leading to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch the special military operation,why the US and Europe have lost the proxy war against Russia, the risk of direct conflict between NATO and Russia, and much more.


Mearsheimer is brilliant and the article he wrote in 2014 laid out everything that would happen if US made this happen, and he was right about everythingthe War Loving Think Tanks still say there is a possible victory there.

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, noon No.20951707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1729

>>20951639 Interesting, as I was reading a long article by Scott Ritter this a.m. on Russia's strategy used the grind down military strategy on Ukraine and the West, excellent war strategy explanation1/2 or 3


1 Jun, 2024 11:56

Scott Ritter: Russia’s victory over Ukraine is drawing near

In a war of attrition, grinding the enemy down is just the first part. Stretching what remains until it breaks is how you finish the job1/2


As Russia’s military operation in Ukraine enters its 28th month,the conflict can be said to have gone through several distinct phases, all but one (the opening gambit) of which prioritized attritional warfare as the principal guiding military philosophy. For Western military observers, schooled as we are on what we deem the ‘modern’ military philosophies of maneuver warfare, theRussian approach to fighting appears primitive, a throwback to the trench warfare of conflicts past, where human life was a commodity readily traded in exchange for a few hundred meters of shell-pocked landscape.


Upon closer scrutiny, and with the 'benefit of 27 months of accumulated data, the Russian approach to warfare emerges as a progressive application of military art that considers the totality of the spectrum of warfaresmall-unit tactics, weapons capability, intelligence, communications, logistics, the defense economyand, perhaps most importantly of all,political reality. It is critical to keep in mind that while Russia may have entered the conflict facing a single adversary (Ukraine), within months it became clear thatMoscow was confronting the cumulative military capability of the collective West, where NATO’s financial, material, logistical, command and control, and intelligence support was married to Ukrainian manpower resources to create amilitary capacity designed by intent to wear Russia down physically and mentally, to strategically defeat Russia by promoting the conditions for its economic and political collapse.


That Russia recognized this strategic intent on the part of its declared and undeclared adversaries early on is a testament to the patience and vision of its leadership. Outside military observers criticized Moscow’s inability to deliver a knockout blow against Ukraine early on, attributing this failure to poor leadership and even poorer military capacity on the part of a Russian military machine suddenly deemed incompetent. However, the reality was far different – Moscow was making the strategic transition from a peacetime military posture. It initially intended a brief conflict by compelling the Ukrainian government to the negotiation table (only to be thwarted by Ukraine’s Western partners, who chose to sacrifice Ukraine in the hope of strategically defeating Russia instead of opting for a peaceful resolution), to a posture capable of wearing down both Ukraine’s ability to resist and the collective West’s ability to sustain Kiev economically and politically.


From a military perspective, Russia’s strategic goal has always been the ”demilitarization” of Ukraine. Initially, this could have been achieved by defeating the Ukrainian military on the field of battle. Indeed, Moscow was well on the path toward achieving this goal, even after it pulled its forces back from around Kiev and the other Ukrainian territories it had occupied in the initial phases of the conflict.When Russia moved over to Phase Two, the objective was to complete the liberation of the Donbass region. The battles fought in May and June 2022 nearly brought the Ukrainian military to the breaking point – slow, grinding operations where Russia exploited its firepower superiority to inflict massive casualties on army with finite ability to sustain itself. Only the decision by the collective West to provide massive infusions of military resources – equipment, training, logistics, command and control, and intelligence – saved the Ukrainians. With NATO’s assistance, Kiev was able to rebuild its depleted military and go over on the counterattack, pushing Russian forces back in the vicinity of Kharkov and Kherson.


This military success proved to be the undoing of Ukraine and its Western allies. The impressive territorial gains achieved in the Kharkov and Kherson offensives that took place between late August and the middle of November 2022, proved to be a narcotic. While Russia adjusted to the new realities of an expanded conflict, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of troops, building strong defenses, and putting its defense industry on a wartime footing, the Ukrainians and their NATO advisers assumed that they would simply be able to repeat the successes of summer-fall 2022 through a grand summer counteroffensive in 2023.


This hope proved to be in vain.

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.20951729   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It was at this juncture that the principles of attritional warfare began to be applied by the Russians in a more comprehensive form. While Ukraine and its NATO allies assembled a massive offensive strike capability which married the last of Ukraine’s trained manpower reserves with billions of dollars of Western equipment and training, Russia continued to engage in so-called ”meatgrinder” operations in and around the city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut). These battles produced massive casualties on both sides. Russia, however, was able not only to absorb these losses, but to continue to accrue strategic reserves.Ukraine, on the other hand, squandered tens of thousands of troops and billions of dollars of hard-to-replace military materielwhich had been earmarked for the summer 2023 counteroffensive. As such, when the Ukrainians finally kicked off their counteroffensive, in early June 2023, they did so with forces insufficient to the task. Over the course of the next several months, extending into fall, the Ukrainian army ground itself down in the face of Russian defenses, which were optimized to defeat the attackers.


By the time the counteroffensive ground to a halt, in December 2023, Ukraine was a spent force militarily. Its armed forces had used up their reserves of manpower. NATO had depleted its stocks of available military materiel. And the West had become politically exhausted at the prospect of a never-ending conflict which seemed destined to result in an endless cycle of throwing good money after bad, all the while failing to bring about the strategic goal of defeating Russia.


Moscow, on the other hand, emerged from the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive in a good position. From a military perspective, theRussians had won the war of attrition with Ukraine and the collective West– basic military math had Ukraine consuming manpower and material resources at a far greater rate than they could be replenished, making Kiev grow physically weaker every day the conflict dragged on, while the Russians were able to accumulate manpower and material resources at a rate far greater than Ukraine was able to destroy, meaning Russia grew stronger every day the conflict continued.


Economically, Ukraine and its Western backers were exhausted. The blowback from the aggressive anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the West had severely curtailed the industrial capacity of the European members of the NATO alliance to sustain the scope and scale of its military support to Ukraine, while domestic political realities in the US, amplified by the fact that it was engaged in a hotly contested presidential election cycle, paralyzed the American ability to sustain Ukraine financially. The military and economic exhaustion of Ukraine and the collective West severely impacted the ability of this coalition to politically sustain support for a war that had no discernable prospect of ending well.


While the conflict has not, by any stretch of the imagination, been without cost to Russia, the approach taken by the leadership, to create conditions on the battlefield designed to maximize enemy losses while minimizing their own, meant that Moscow entered 2024 in a much stronger position militarily, economically, and – perhaps most importantly – politically. War, it has been said, is an extension of politics by other means, and this is no exception to the age-old adage. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest electoral victory has provided the leadership in Moscow with a political mandate that strengthens Russia’s hand considerably, especially contrasted with the weakened posture of Ukraine….

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 12:05 p.m. No.20951733   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is within such a context that the Russian offensive north of Kharkov must be evaluated. From a military-political standpoint, the operation has a specific objective – to push Ukrainian forces back from the border with Russia so that Ukrainian artillery and rocket systems can no longer strike Russian territory. But there is a larger purpose for this offensive – to continue the process of grinding down the Ukrainian military, to complete the larger task of ”demilitarization” set by the Kremlin.


In this,Russia is succeeding. First and foremost, by attacking north of Kharkov, Moscow has compelled Kiev to commit not only the last of its mobile strategic reserves in response but, because these forces are inadequate in strength, to force Ukraine to strip away units on the eastern line of contact, in Kherson, Zaporozhye and Donbass, and to divert them to the Kharkov direction. The depletion of reserves is part and parcel of the overall Russian strategy of attrition.


Moreover, as these forces displace to the Kharkov region, they are being interdicted by Russian air, missile, and drone strikes, further eroding their combat power. The result is that Ukraine is now defending a longer line of defense with even fewer forces than it started with.


One should not expect the Russian efforts to stop in the Kharkov direction.


Reports indicate that Moscow is amassing significant forces opposite the Ukrainian city of Sumy. If Russia were to open a new direction of attack there, Ukraine would struggle to find forces sufficient to mount a viable defense. And at some point, one should expect additional reserves to make their appearance on other parts of the battlefield, maybe in Zaporozhye, or Donetsk, or Lugansk, where Ukrainian forces have been stretched to breaking point.


The goal of a war of attrition is to wear your enemy down to the point where continued resistance is impossible. This has been Moscow’s goal since April 2022. And it is the goal today. The Kharkov offensive is simply the current manifestation of the continuation of this strategy, and the clearest indication yet that theRussian endgame in Ukraine is drawing near.

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.20951757   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Participants at Zelensky’s ‘peace summit’ must register their smartphones – media


“Liberal democracies always result in a digital concentration camp – everything described by [George] Orwell,” Zakharova stated.


Earlier this week, a separate report by Russian media outlet Octagon suggested the organizers of the conference had opted to heavily restrict media presence at the summit, effectively banning journalists from post-Soviet states from attending. The number of accreditations was limited to 500, with the organizers reportedly citing “space limitations” and “security requirements” as the reason for their decision.


The conference is scheduled to be held from June 15-16 at the Burgenstock Resort near Lucerne, with more than 160 countries invited. The actual representation however still remains unclear, with multiple invitees reportedly opting to send only minor officials or to skip it altogether. This week, Beijing said that it would not be sending a delegation on the grounds that both Russia and Ukraine must be present at any peace talks.


Russia has been excluded from the conference, with Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky arguing that Moscow must not be present because it could sway other countries and hijack Kiev’s agenda. The event is expected to revolve around Zelensky’s so-called peace plan, which effectively envisions Russia’s capitulation.


Moscow has long-rejected the plan, dismissing it as “absurd” and “detached from reality.” Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested that the summit, among other things, was designed to prop up Zelensky after his presidential term had expired.


“I think one of the goals of this conference for the Western community, the sponsors of today’s Kiev regime, is to confirm the legitimacy of the current – albeit no longer valid – head of state,” Putin stated.


Oh HELL NO, the CIA gets access to all of the cell phones

Anonymous ID: 5d75f3 June 1, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.20951969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(What a strange picture)

30 May, 2024 15:42

Musk and Trump in secret talks – WSJ

The ex-president and Tesla CEO are exploring ways of giving the billionaire “formal input and influence” on government policies


Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump could make Tesla CEO Elon Musk a White House adviser if he wins the election in November, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with discussions between the pair.


According to the paper’s sources, Musk’s possible appointment is by no means set in stone, and specifics of any possible role are still unclear. However, the tycoon and the former US president are said to have forged close ties in recent months, discussing “ways to give Musk formal input and influence” over government policy.


The WSJ’s sources claimed that some of the conversations between Musk and Trump revolved around immigration, technology and science, with their views becoming increasingly aligned. During the conversations,Musk also reportedly asked Trump to write more posts on X(formerly known as Twitter), the social network he owns. The former president posted prolifically on the platform before he was temporarily banned in 2021.


The Tesla CEO, along with prominentAmerican billionaire Nelson Peltz, also reportedly set out a “data-driven” investment project to prevent voter fraud in US elections. He and Peltz also told Trump about an ongoing influence campaign in which they are lobbying those in elite US circles not to support President Joe Biden’s bid for reelection, the paper said.


Musk briefly served on the White House advisory council under the Trump administration but left the panel after the former president pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Accord.


The US billionaire has yet to comment on the report. While the tycoon has stopped short of endorsing the 45th president, he made his pro-GOP sympathies known in May 2022, writing on X that the Democrats “have become the party of division and hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.”


Later that year, he expressed support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a former GOP presidential candidate who dropped out of the race in January 2024 and supported Trump’s reelection bid.