Anonymous ID: c81e2c June 1, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20951948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TYB and derivatives are a fine tradition

You are either too ignorant to know what a psyop actually is or you are a shill trying to start an argument to waste bread

I think the latter

Anonymous ID: c81e2c June 1, 2024, 1:25 p.m. No.20952162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mainstream Media seems to feel safe. Not too long ago Maddcow was squawking on The View about how bad orange man would arrest them all and try them for treason

Yesterday anons had posted about how Trump supporters were threatening violence on TS, TGP and another place in the comments. That would be feds and MM instigators.

Gives an excuse for another gun-grab and a "no paramilitary training" law.

Talked to some local LEO this morning. The word has gotten around to most. Trying Red Flag stuff will initially be successful, but then they expect to get standard infantry ambushes in return and "counter attack" is on their minds. They know the lefties will scream and the politicians will send them in harm's way where those with actual combat experience in Irag and Afghanistan will not accept any surrender

Yeah, I remember, Q said no Civil War

Q said nothing about a revolution and I can think of at least three Canadian Provinces that would join a new country


Hey fedcoats? The local yokels don't trust you, don't like your egos and will be in no hurry to come help you if even a tenth of 21.6 million veterans decide to cut fence


I think the Precipice will be when the vets go after the feds and then right by the local cops and after the politicians.