Anonymous ID: 61eb14 June 1, 2024, 7:18 p.m. No.20953905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3929


Trump at a fight tonight?. Get ready to fight back. There seems to have a Q post linked to it. Yeah that’s just crazy thinking.




Anonymous ID: 61eb14 June 1, 2024, 7:22 p.m. No.20953927   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BACK TO BUSINESS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥I love the rappers.


Did you notice Joe just has docile blacks in the audience. Why is that masta?



Anonymous ID: 61eb14 June 1, 2024, 7:46 p.m. No.20954064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4078

NBC's Example Of a Hysterical Trump Supporter Was a Liberal Kimmel-Employed Actor

Alex Christy

May 31st, 2024 12:07 PM

When NBC went on the air on Thursday for their special coverage of former President Donald Trump’s conviction in New York, legal analyst Laura Jarrett touched on the reaction the verdict received from his supporters. The only problem forNBC was that the footage they showed alongside Jarrett of a hysterical Trump supporter who could be heard yelling and screaming throughout her reportwas of a Jimmy Kimmel-employed liberal actor.


The man’s name is Tony Barbieri, who does a bit for ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live! where he calls himself Jake Byrdand travels across the country acting like a caricatured conservative, and NBC is hardly the first media outlet to treat him as an actual conservative. In 2022, CNN actually interviewed him pretending to be a Herschel Walker supporter.


Jarrett reported that “You can hear the crowd here. There’s a lot of Trump supporters out here that you can hear, are very worked up as I was reading the verdict, I could hear the crowd. Emotion growing behind me. I'm only a couple yards away from the area that you can see on your screens right there, sort of, the First Amendment area, if you will. Just a stone's throw away from the press area. It’s been growing as the day went on.”


Just as CNN should’ve been tipped off by Barbieri’s Hillary Clinton-inspired “I’m with Herschel” shirt, NBC should’ve been tipped off by his “Free Father Teresa” sign, which is a reference to a comment Trump made earlier in the trial that amused Kimmel.


Kimmel confirmed it was a bit later on his show where the production team put together a montage of Barbieri’s antics that naturally showed the NBC clop. It also showed him being unironically interviewed by TV3CAT out of Catalonia, with the reporter asking, “Why are you here today?”


Barbieri was shown, on air, answering, “It's not that we think Trump is innocent. It's that we don't care.”


CBS’s eye-in-the-sky footage also picked up Barbieri as correspondent Robert Costa reported, “Trump supporters across the country, there's anger and frustration right now. And Trump campaign officials are arguing this is going to make Trump stronger inside the party.”


Meanwhile, he was also shown telling a British reporter, “They say he's guilty of fraud. What does fraud even mean? What's it mean? I don't know, do you know?”


After the reporter explained, “Election fraud is what they found him guilty of. By hiding information that voters might have used to vote differently. That's essentially what they found him guilty of,” Barbieri continued in his role as the dumb MAGA voter, “Okay, well, maybe he did that, but he’s not guilty.”


Other outlets that got fooled include Mediaite, which ironically first reported the CNN-Walker prank, the Guardian, and even Fox News.


Oh its Valerie Jarrett’s there


Here are transcripts for the May 30 shows:


Did he come on the board and postI can’t stop crying?

Anonymous ID: 61eb14 June 1, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.20954275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Max Tani

Updated May 31, 2024, 5:53pm EDT


CNN seeks millions in debate ads


The Donald Trump-driven boom times are back for the business of American television — at least, for one night in June.

Trump’s second campaign hasn’t been the ratings and ad revenue windfall for the news media business that it was during his first presidential campaign and four year term in office.

But details of CNN advertising packages reviewed by Semafor suggests that the network anticipates monster ratings — and big ad dollars — from the first debate of the cycle featuring Trump, his face-off with President Joe Biden on June 27.

CNN plans to intersperse the presidential debate between Trump and President Joe Biden with advertising breaks, a notable shift from previous recent presidential debates, which were ad free and conducted under the auspices of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Variety reported Thursday.

The network is offering two tiers to potential advertisers, according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions not authorized to speak publicly. The top tier, available for just a few advertisers, is a $1.5 million minimum advertising buy with all of the network’s features. The package includes a branded countdown clock, advertiser on-air billboards, co-branded tune-in promotions, a 30 second pre-debate ad slot, a 30-second ad during the debate, and one after. The package also includes ads on MAX and a takeover of the CNN Politics section on its digital site. One million buys several more prospective advertisers into the second tier, which includes the three ads, but fewer digital offerings and (sadly) no branded countdown clock.

The network has also limited political spending by campaigns and political action committees to before and after the debate, but will not allow either to buy airtime during the event.

A network spokesperson declined to comment on the ad terms.

While far from Super Bowl prices,the price tag is even higher that it was for advertising during primary contests.

Variety noted thatCBS asked for $200,000 and $225,000 for a 30-second adduring coverage of one of Trump’s debates with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, and CNN asked for a minimum $300,000 commitment from advertisers seeking to buy additional ads during its 2020 Democratic presidential primary broadcasts.

This cycle’s Republican Primary was a media bust. Last year, Semafor reported that Fox set the prices for a single 30-second spot during the first Republican presidential primary debate at $495,000. But the network cut the price of the debate in half to just over $200,000 for the same slot during the event, $225,000 for 30-second ads during the broadcast immediately after the debate, and $125,000 for 30-second spots during the broadcast before it.

The premium ad prices reflect the network-wide effort going into next month’s contest, CNN’s most important live event since its town hall with Trump last year. A network spokesperson told Semafor earlier this week that though journalists won’t have access to the actual debate facility on CNN’s Techwood campus, the network is working to outfit a space nearby that can fit the hundreds of journalists it plans to credential for the debate, as well as two separate presidential Secret Service details.


Americans have largely tuned out the presidential race this election cycle. Presidential election news hasn’t boosted audiences to news sites and television broadcasts like it did in 2016 and 2020. But television audiences have shown that they are willing to show up for presidential debates, particularly the first presidential debate of the cycle.

The debate comes at a crucial moment for the network. While ratings have continued to crater for all of the cable news networks amid a rise in cord cutting and news fatigue, CNN has suffered more than its competitors. By certain measures, CNN’s ratings have dipped to lows not seen in decades. In an interview last month with the Financial Times, network chief Mark Thompson acknowledged that the cable news industry faced “existential” questions about its future due to the rapid change of consumer behavior, and that the network had “plenty of things we have to fix” in order to survive.

“Do we want to get more competitive in cable TV and by strengthening our schedules? Yes, we do,”he said. “But the rate at which people have been and probably will continue to cut the cord and not look at cable TV at all is a far, far greater strategic threat than the finer points of competition between individual cable channels.”

Anonymous ID: 61eb14 June 1, 2024, 9:01 p.m. No.20954390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20951656, >>20951783 Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid DebatePN


Chris Cuomo is trying get his job back in MSM. I cannot stand this fuckin idiot.Chris is truly Fredo

He has no intention of researching or telling the truth.


The most unimpressive of the retards that do what they are told, arrogant (which he obviously still is) and his IQ never broke 100. God, he’s annoying!


And who in the freakin mind would listen to doctors during Covid when they made millions killing people.


He’s worse then slow and retarded, he drank the cool aid and wants to do it again!


I couldn’t even finish listening to it. Damn Tucker for interviewing him!