Probably where all their satanic ritual bodies were buried. Now the patsy takes the fall.
maybe if they try to Jeffery Epstein him in NY prison again people will wake up?
Jeshua: You are Society’s Teacher
Take pride in yourselves, you are the carriers of the Christ energy today, and I want to pass on the torch to you. Imagine that you are holding a torch in your right hand and hold it out in front of you, do not be intimidated. Now look around you, what is the first thing you see? Do you see other people around you? There are people around you who want to enjoy and receive your light, because your torch burns like no other, you are unique.
Sometimes it makes me sad to see how you hide your own torch, your own light, which is so much needed now on Earth. I appeal to you today to stand up and show your light to the world. It will deeply fulfill you to do so, it is your mission, your true path.
Now, when I say to put your light out into the world, I know it scares some of you, because your dealings with the world have not been smooth; they have been difficult and painful at times. Some of you would rather withdraw from the world. You feel you do not belong there; you do not feel at home there.
You feel that you can be yourself only by leaving society behind, but society is waiting for you. You have to travel into the dark to change it from within, and you do this within yourself. I have asked you before to look behind negativity, behind destructive behavior and see the fearful child within yourself. I ask you to now do the same with society. Do not enter into a struggle with the energies there. Enter into it with a sense of peace. When you struggle with society, you are still in the realm of duality.
You feel there are aggressive powers in society and that you are either its slave or its opponent, but both these roles are within duality. You do not want to be a slave of society and for some lifetimes you have become somewhat attached to the role of warrior, of the rebel fighting against the norms of society. But your true role today is neither of those roles. You are not society’s slave. You are not its enemy. You are society’s teacher, and you teach from the heart. This means that you look beyond outer appearances and go straight to the heart of things, of situations, of people. As a teacher, you know and understand that your energy will not always be received or appreciated, and you accept that, and so you do not feel rejected by society. You are very self-aware and act from love and compassion and, most importantly, you know when to act and when not to act. You do not have to change the world. The need to change things comes from a place of dissatisfaction or even judgement. You are truly here to be teachers of love. I am passing this torch on to you and ask you to be in the world and not of the world, to always find your truth within, but also to be available and ready to share it with others.
I now ask you to see the energy of society as a child and to give it the face of a child. There is such a lot going on at the moment; the collective energy of humanity is in a state of confusion. Now give it the face of a child. Think of the old structure that is still active: the hierarchies, the misplaced authority. And even if you think it is all very ugly, see if you can find there the face of a child. If you look deeply, you can see a lost child imprisoned within the aggressive male structures of traditional society. It is, in fact, a male child who has become alienated and separated from its own heart. Feel the sadness of this child for a moment. He lost his way a long time ago. He longs for his mother, the mother energy, and at the same time he resists it. He wants to be in control, wants to rule the world with his mind, with his ego. But it is a terrible state to be in and he is not at all happy.
So what would you do with this child? Right now, he is desperate and ready to change. Reach out to see what this child most needs, which is, in fact, you. The energy you carry within will heal him. So, talk to this child and connect with him. He is a part of you and a part of humanity, and you, too, are a part of humanity.
You all have played different roles throughout your many lifetimes on Earth. You have had lifetimes in which you were a victim of aggressive male energy on Earth. But there have also been lifetimes in which you were on the other side, in which you yourself expressed this form of male energy. It is part of your journey on Earth, so you have been both victim and offender. And today you are a teacher and leave both these old roles behind.
The Galactic Federation of Light: News of Contact
Channel: Octavia Vasile
Greetings to each and every one of you. This time, we greet you along with members of your Lyran star family who are here with us for this transmission. We want to inform you that we are drawing nearer to you, making our ships deliberately visible at specific hours each day, in designated places.
Please remain close to your sacred spots and ancient portals, as these are the areas we visit most frequently. The high frequencies in these areas facilitate our visibility, and the growing expectation of people to see us there encourages us to make ourselves seen. If you wish to establish such an area closer to your home, please create an energy vortex to facilitate our approach. You can do this by meditating in the specific spot and tuning into our frequency. Call upon us, and we will assist you in establishing the energy vortex. Some of you may choose to work with a crystal that can maintain the vibration of the place. Listen to your intuition and create your own place for meeting us.
Some of you are now perfectly prepared to meet us physically, while others will become increasingly aware of our vibration and our motherships. There is a path for everyone. News will spread very quickly, so be sure to spread messages of love and peace, as this is precisely what we bring to you: a new reality aligned with an open heart, filled with love and enthusiasm for living the most exciting lives possible.
Are you ready? After you have created your sacred space, designate a specific area where contact will take place. You might want to place a candle, a statue, or create a piece of art that bears your vibrational signature there. Simply state, “This is the place that I am preparing now for my first contact.” Know that once you say it, you begin to crystallize that timeline. Some of you are ready to receive our telepathic messages and share them forward—please continue to do so. Your work is extremely valuable at this time. Without you, no contact can occur. We call upon all energy workers, light workers, channelers, meditators, and all good-hearted people who desire to live a life in unity and experience what they are meant to: a 5D reality.
Step forward, take initiative, and talk about us. Have the courage to break the shell, for through you, many will change their beliefs. Have the courage to write about us, to share what we say, to facilitate healing sessions, and to share our love for humanity and all the support that we bring forward. Please have the courage to make your voice heard, for you are the Prime Creators, and you are meant to bring about a new reality. We love you beyond mind and matter, space and time. We love you. We are One.
Sun Flares Releasing Codes
The energies now streaming in, go into our very soul’s deepest core.
I was shown by one of my Ascended Masters, just now, that certain codes are being released energetically via the latest sun flares, in symbols, what looks like glyphs.
I was told that each such symbol, has carries immense information and knowledge which is activating our souls at a much higher level.
I was reminded of the five sacred languages, e.g. Hebrew, Aramaic, etc. where every single letter or symbol, has multiple meanings, or attributes. Thus you cannot just take a word as it is, but need to study each letter in turn, in order that the true meaning and message can be known.
The symbols activate the sacred knowledge within our souls, so that we can shift into our Higher Soul Self, in more powerful ways.
We all now are asked to hold the visions for the New Earth and New Golden Age, within our hearts and souls, and then love them into form and being.
These symbols will work with us in the deepest levels, and will trigger our soul’s deepest memory banks, to reveal the deepest remembrance of exactly what we pledged to anchor into the New Earth and New Golden Age, before we incarnated onto this planet, as we were prepared for this incarnations for thousands of earth years.
Expansion is the key word here on all levels, way beyond anything ever known before!
All germinates into form and being within the sacred heart and only within the purest love and with pure intent.
Always in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all!
Andrew Tate is being pushed as the new type of masculine man so that women will hate "masculine men"
Silent meditations are your key to Ascension, without it you will make no spiritual progress at all. It would be like trying to drive a car, which has no gasoline in it, you’re not going to go anywhere. Also, why do you think there are so many countries on your planet. This was done on purpose by the Negative Ones to divide humanity, so they would be constantly fighting among each other over their differences. It doesn’t matter what nationality you have or what is your skin color, you are all one big family of Brothers and Sisters
Jerusalem is just a Jewish city in Israel, it’s not a holy land. There is no such thing in your world as a holy land or a holy building like a monastery, church, mosque, synagogue, monument, statue and ect.
For example, if you have monks in a monastery, a priest in a church, imam in a mosque and rabbi in a synagogue, it doesn’t automatically make the religious building a house of God. If there is not a person in that building, who does daily silent meditations and that person is not connected to their soul and Universal Consciousness, then there will be not light or the presence of God in that religious center.
You will not receive any spiritual benefit or healing for going inside that place of worship. You will get as much spiritual blessing, as you would be going inside a shopping store, which is none. Religions were created by the Dark Ones to divide and control humanity. Most, if not all of the religions actually take you to the opposite direction from enlightenment and hide the Universal Truth from you, that was the whole purpose of the religion. How many religions tell you to do daily silent meditations, a very few, if any at all. Praying is not the same thing as meditations.