lb end of bread
global reported
all your red folder are belong to us
fucking notable
REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids
sorry that i'm late to the party
but it's a huge thing to see this appear in dailyfail, dontcha think!!!
>>20956368 me
what if it's just a red folder to scare dem
oh look, another satanist
are you 'the leader' from pb?
ok, tyvm
we prolly have a special guest
prove me wrong
tyvm, am going to lock myself up now
was nice to be see you all today
except for the satanist
go out in nature and make children actively listen to birds and let them figure out which bird is which (their frequencies are incredible and make sth with your ears)
also let them swim, dive, bathe and play around.
they should always wear a hat when it's cold and windy
also never use ear tips
and for God's sake, do not put anything into children's ears!
>>20956984 me
>make children actively listen to birds
>makes sth with your ears
if the child has liquids and listens to birds the child will automatically scratch it's ears
after a while the liquid will like disappear with time
same with cricket chirping
i love you frens
this one is for the 34 counts
God bless Trump, Q, anons and the entire human family!