Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 10:28 a.m. No.20956239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6242


Gloat While You Still Can 1/2


“The hour is much later than you think…on multiple fronts: Financial, political, medical and geopolitical.” — Edward Dowd


In the pre-gloat hours before the verdict in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom, Lawfare caporegime Andrew Weissmann (“Mueller’s Pitbull”) confessed Valley Girl style from his MSNBC clubhouse perch, “. . . I mean, I am, like, now I have a man-crush on him, he is such a great judge!” Bromance on, looks like! If the two happen to frequent the same athletic club in downtown Manhattan, Judge Merchan better be careful in the post-workout shower when he bends over to pick up the soap. The Pitbull cometh!


Of course, the Alvin Bragg victory in the artfully constructed “Stormy Daniels Payoff Case” decided late Thursday calls to question how come the Mueller Special Counsel Probe into 2016 election interference (actually run by Mr. Weissmann, due to Mr. Mueller’s declining cognitive ability) failed to spot the same web of evidence — hard as they toiled, and they had a good two years and millions of taxpayer dollars to git’er done?


My guess: too many white lawyers on the Mueller staff. Everybody knows now from watching the latest crop of television commercials that white people are unusually stupid and helpless and cannot cope with common problems without assistance from helpful people of color (POCs). So, God bless Alvin Bragg for finally fixing what Bob Mueller’s fifteen bloodhounds led by a pitbull somehow botched.


The former president is now convicted on thirty-four counts of book-keeping errors in furtherance of an alleged 2016 federal election violation that the Federal Election Commission declined to charge — that is, paying a porn star to sign a non-disclosure agreement about a sexual liaison — because it is not a crime under federal election law, and about which the head of the FEC, James E. “Trey” Trainor III, was barred by Judge Merchan from testifying on during the course of the trial for reasons yet unknown.


Of course, that is but one of a great many points of law that will merit appeal in what everybody — even some white people (people of non-color, PONCs) — knows was a case so crookedly contrived that it is fated to get tossed in the higher courts, and probably with harsh remonstrance to the degenerate officers of the court who brought it and adjudicated it. But you will have to wait on that because the mills of the law grind slowly.


Now, in the radiance of the full Woke gloat, we await Judge Merchan’s sentence, to be announced a mere few days before the Republican Convention in Milwaukee in early July. Jail time at Rikers? Home confinement (with ankle bracelet)? Severe travel restrictions? Reporting to a parole officer? Drug tests? Hey, No one is above the law!It is hard to imagine that the judge will demur from inflicting maximum humiliation on this wanton repeat violator (thirty-four times!) of book-keeping errors. It would tend to interfere with the presidential candidate’s campaign schedule, but so what? Where does it say in the Constitution that an election must be fair?


Or Judge Merchan could suspend all that pending appeal and just allow Mr. Trump to go about his election business free on bail. But why would he? After all the trouble he went to. And all the glory he’s reaping for it. “Joe Biden’s” party has Mr. Trump exactly where they want him, they think: pinned down like a moth in a shadow-box, inert and pathetic. (But, in reality, more like King Kong, chained in the rank basementbelow the stage of a Broadway theater before busting loose in midtown and upending subway cars so as to devour the little humans tumbling out like so many tic-tacs.)

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.20956242   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Expect Mr. Trump’s lawyers to file writs to the SCOTUS requesting expedited attention to the denial of due process issues and the election interference question. The situation is comparable to the year 2000 presidential race, where the SCOTUS stepped in on probable cause that the lower court (in Florida that time) had violated the Equal Protection clause of the constitution.


In the meantime, through the luminescent fog of gloat, perhaps you did not notice that“Joe Biden” took a giant step yesterday toward commencing World War Three. The move was framed as the US gives Ukraine permission to use American missiles to strike deep within Russia. That was a bit disingenuous, you see, because Ukraine’s military lacks the know-how to actually launch the missiles, so American military “advisors” will have to be on hand to do it,meaning US military personnel will commit an act of aggression upon Russia.


Voila! That world war you’ve all been clamoring for. . .? The perfect climax to “Joe Biden’s” catastrophic, fraudulently-acquired term in office.I scent the acrid, burnt-flesh odor of miscalculation here, as of a bunch of American cities get turned into radioactive bonfires that will blot out that sublime luminosity of gloat.


Apparently, the “Joe Biden” team has never seen a Clint Eastwood movie — too lowbrow, I’m sure — and they don’t grok the role of the underdog in the American psyche.They have succeeded in making Donald Trump the greatest underdog in US history under the direst circumstances the nation may have ever faced— worse than Valley Forge, Bull Run, or the Ardennes Forest. Sinister forces are driving the country straight into a communo-fascist despotism alien to our nation’s very soul, demonic forces bent on depriving Americans of their rights, their property, and their liberty.This is the “all-is-lost” moment in that movie. This is where the hero comes back from the edge of eternal darkness, raging like Kali the Destroyer to smite the cowards arrayed against him, against the country’s honor, against the people.You asked for it. Now you’re going to get it.

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.20956279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6286 >>6723

2 Jun, 2024 15:35

Zelensky taunts Trump as potential ‘loser’

Donald Trump’s alleged plans to end the conflict with Russia could cost the US its global standing, the Ukrainian leader has said


Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has warned Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump that he could become a “loser president” if he insists on a peace deal with Russia involving territorial concessions from Kiev.


Trump has boasted that he will be able to end the Ukraine conflict within 24 hours by brokering a peace deal if he is reelected later this year. According to a report last month by the Washington Post which cited Trump campaign insiders, his strategy for achieving this involves pressuring Kiev into relinquishing its claims to Crimea and Donbass and recognizing them as parts of Russia.


Asked by The Guardian to comment on Trump’s supposed plan in an interview published on Friday, Zelensky warned that this strategy could have dire consequences for America and Trump personally.


“Does he want to be a loser president later? Let’s imagine what happens if Trump becomes presidentand decides to end the war at the expense of Ukraine… Let’s imagine that after this Putin will go further – then this new US president will be seen as weak, and this does not speak merely of his personality, but of the US government, they will be perceived as weak,” Zelensky said. (Zelensky crossed a line he’s going to severely regret.)


He added that by forcing Ukraine to abandon its territorial claims, the US would lose international influence and allow “Putin to move forward, realizing that the US is no longer a strong player.”


“Then other authoritarian leaders will enter the arena. And this will be the beginning of exactly what everyone is so afraid of – the third World War,” Zelensky claimed.


Trump has never officially detailed his peace plan for Ukraine, but has said that he personally knows both Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin and can make them agree to a ceasefire if he can get them to the negotiating table.


In 2022, the Ukrainian leader signed a law banning peace talks with Russia as long as Putin remains in power. According to Zelensky’s ‘peace formula’ presented that year, negotiations also cannot be held unless Russian forces withdraw from territories that Kiev claims as its own and Russia’s leadership faces an international tribunal for alleged war crimes.


Russia has long said that it is open to a political solution to the conflict, but considers Zelensky’s plan unrealistic. It is expected that the Ukrainian leader’s suggestions will be the focus of the upcoming ‘peace summit’ in Switzerland in mid-June, which Russia has not been invited to attend. Moscow has said it will not attend the event even if it receives an invitation, arguing that it is unlikely to bring about any viable suggestions for ending the conflict.

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 10:48 a.m. No.20956321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Jun, 2024 12:45

Hundreds protest Ukraine aid in Berlin (VIDEO)


Activists demand that the government stop supplying arms to Kiev and “taking orders from Washington”

Hundreds of protesters marched in the German capital, Berlin, on Saturday,demanding a halt to military aid for Kiev and the “dangerous” anti-Russia rhetoric. This comes on the heels of explosive statements from the German government earlier this week regarding Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weapons for strikes deep inside Russia.


Footage from the demonstration shows protesters marching from Berlin’s Alexanderplatz with flags and banners reading: “Stop war and hate speech against Russia,” “Stop Russophobia in Politics and Media,” and “NATO is the aggressor not Russia.” Activists accused the German government of making political decisions “on orders from Washington,” and warned of the consequences of a direct conflict with Moscow.


“The German government is not sovereign…When you see how the German government destroyed its economy with agreeing with Washington… then you see Germany is not in control of the situation,” an activist who identified himself as George told Ruptly video agency. He added that the government’s decisionto give Kiev “weapons that can reach Russia” makes Germany “a partner in this war,” creating a situation which is “very dangerous for Germany, for Germans, and the rest of the world.”


Another activist called on Berlin to “do everything it can to ensure that no war economy is necessary and that no land war comes.”


NATO and its Western allies have provided weapons and equipment to Ukraine, but maintained restrictions on their use. However, Kiev has recently intensified calls to relax the restrictions, especially those limiting its ability to strike targets in Russia. Several NATO states have spoken in favor of the move, including Germany.


Earlier this week, German government spokesmanSteffen Hebestreit said Berlin believes Kiev’s “defensive action is not limited to its own territory, but [can] also be expanded to the territory of the aggressor.” On Friday, he went on to signal that Kiev can use the weapons supplied by the West to attack Russian border regions from which the Ukrainian army’s positions in Kharkov Region are attacked.


Moscow has warned that Western arms supplies to Kiev will only prolong the conflict. Commenting on talk within NATO regarding Ukraine’s use of Western-supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused the bloc of provoking a new “round of tensions.”


“They are doing this deliberately, we hear a lot of hawkish statements… They are in every possible wayprovoking Ukraine to continue this senseless war. Theythemselves intend to continue the war with us, the war in both the literal and figurative sense,” he told reporters on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.20956357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Jun, 2024 15:34


Pentagon seeks books on Russian military strategy


A military purchase order, which also includes a study of Chinese warfare, is intended for US Air Force personnel

The US Department of Defense has put out an order for several books by Western researchers on Russian and Chinese military strategies. The materials are meant for US Air Force personnel stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base inAlabama, which is home to theAir Force Historical Research Agency and Air University.


The order, which was made in mid-May on the government’s e-procurement system, is for the following books: ‘Strategiya: The Foundations of the Russian Art of Strategy’ by Ofer Fridman, a lecturer at King’s College London; ‘Russian Grand Strategy in the Era of Global Power Competition’ by Andrew Monaghan; and ‘Putin’s War on Ukraine: Russia’s Campaign for Global Counter-Revolution’ by Samuel Ramani. Also on the list is ‘The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China,’ accompanied by two more books on the combat application of artificial intelligence and space warfare.


The Pentagon expects to purchase 600 copies of each book by mid-June.


Back in February, the US military’s Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD) released a 280-page overview of Russian military strategy and tactics, especially with respect to ground forces, as well as various scenarios for a potential confrontation between Washington and Moscow.


Promoting the document in a post on X (formerly Twitter), the CADD asked readers: “Do you know your enemy?”


The materials are not classifiedand are intended for US military officers, as well as those serving in allied armies.


The authors of the overview stressed that they had been analyzing developments on the battlefield in Ukraine, noting, however, that their findings would likely need to be revised as the conflict is still underway.


According to the document, it is “highly likely”that future Russian leaders will pursue policies similar to those of the current government “for the foreseeable future,”challenging the “relative position of US influence in the global order while avoiding direct confrontation with the US military.”


The study is part of a series whose previous installments covered the militaries of such nations as China, North Korea, and Iran.

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.20956426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Jun, 2024 07:27


Germany has broken promise to Nazi blockade survivors – Lavrov


The current leadership in Berlin feels that the country has “settled accounts with everyone,” the Russian foreign minister has said


Berlin has failed to honor its promise to build a hospital for survivors of the World War II Nazi blockade and siege of Leningrad, and refused to pay reparations to non-Jewish survivors, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has claimed.


The World War II blockade of Leningrad, conducted by the Nazi Army Group North and forces of their ally Finland foralmost 900 days, killed 1 million people, more than 600,000 by starvation.


In an interview with the ‘No Expiration Date’ education project published on Saturday, Lavrov said that in 2008, Berlin decided to introduce lump-sum payments to survivors of the blockade, the longest and most brutal in modern history, but only those who are Jewish.


“We appealed to them and said that justice must prevail. All [victims of the blockade] suffered the same, froze, died,” Lavrov said. “We were told that Holocaust victims can and should be compensated according to the law, andthat everyone else is not a victim of the Holocaust. I don’t even need to explain how cynical this sounded.”


Berlin instead offered to build a small hospital and organize events for young people to meet the survivors, to which Moscow agreed, Lavrov said. However, no further steps were taken, according to the diplomat.


This meeting house and hospital have still not been completed.


Moscow made lump-sum payments to blockade survivors, following a September 2021 decree by Russian President Vladimir Putin.


According to Lavrov, German officials were “sending signals” that the issue was “a thing of the past, Germany has settled accounts with everyone, paid reparations, apologized repeatedly.” Moscow does not want modern Germany to constantly repent for the past, Lavrov said, but Berlin’s position “smacked of hubris,” which could lead a nation to arrive at ideas of exceptionalism, he added.


Lavrov described how Nazism has managed to rise again in Ukraine as a warning to Germany. The country is useful for the West as a tool to fight Russia, Lavrov said, so itsbackers have turned a blind eye to “open actions to introduce Nazi theory and practice.”

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 11:22 a.m. No.20956461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6481 >>6628 >>6739 >>6869 >>6949 >>6990

A Huge Number of Biden’s Jan 6 Prosecutions Could Fall Apart THIS MONTH, Here’s Why…. 1/2


The United States Supreme Court is set to decide Fisher v. United States, a case in which January 6 Capitol riot defendant Joseph W. Fisher is challenging a federal felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding. Justices heard oral arguments in the case in mid-April, and are likely to rule by the end of June.


Joe Biden‘s Department of Justice (DOJ) has used the felony charge against over 300 individuals who allegedly participated in the 2021 riot in Washington, D.C. Additionally, the obstruction charge forms the core of DOJ special counsel Jack Smith‘s January 6 prosecution against former President Donald Trump.


Fisher and his attorneys contend the obstruction felony — a provision enactedby the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 in the wake of the Enron scandal — represents an abusive application of what was supposed to be a statute addressing document destruction in the course of committing a financial crime.


U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols ruled in Fisher’s favor in March 2022, dismissing the obstruction charge against three of the January 6 defendants.


But the federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Nichols’s ruling in a 2-1 decision in April 2023 — setting up the showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court.



The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted after the 2001 Enron financial accounting fraud scandal, which saw the Texas-headquartered energy firm abruptly declare bankruptcy and dissolve its accounting firm, Arthur Andersen LLP. Congress swiftly moved to address gaps in financial regulations, which they believed allowed Enron executives to perpetrate fraud.Sarbanes-Oxley passed in June 2002 and contained 11 financial reporting provisions aimed at the board of directors for U.S.-based companies.. Additionally, the bill enacted enhanced charges for private corporations accused of destroying documents to obstruct a federal investigation. The statute, found in 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2), reads:“Whoever corruptly—(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”This provision is what Biden’s DOJ used to file enhanced felony charges against the January 6 defendants and former President Trump after congressional proceedings were delayed for a few hours on January 6, 2021.SCOTUS SHOWDOWN==.

April’s oral arguments saw the Supreme Court‘s six originalist justices probe the Biden government over the broad application of Sarbanes-Oxley’s obstruction provision.


Justice Brett Kavanaugh challenged the DOJ on why the obstruction charges were needed, pointing out that Fisher faced six other charges for his actions on January 6, 2021 — including assaulting a U.S. Capitol Police officer…

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20956481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6628 >>6739 >>6869 >>6949 >>6990



“Why aren’t those six counts good enough?” Kavanaugh asked the Biden government attorneys, while Justice Clarence Thomas inquired if the Sarbanes-Oxley provision had ever been used in a case prior to the January 6 trials to prosecute “violent protesters.


“EvenJustice Elena Kagan— one of the court’s more liberal members — appeared to agree with Thomas,noting the intent of Sarbanes-Oxley was to address financial crimes, not protests at the Capitol, which caused a short-term nuisance.


Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, representing the Biden regime, stressed the unique nature of the January 6 cases.


“The fundamental wrong committed by many of the rioters, including petitioner, was a deliberate attempt to stop the joint session of Congress from certifying the results of the election,” Prelogar said.


She added: “That is, they obstructed Congress’ work in that official proceeding.”



Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch asked the Biden government the most piercing questions and pressed them to determine the extent to which they believed activities could be prosecuted under the enhanced provisions of the law on financial crimes.In his questioning,


Gorsuch made specific references to several recent incidents, one where a Gold Star father was arrested for shouting at President Joe Biden from the House gallery during the recent State of the Union Address.


The other regarded Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who pulleda fire alarm while the House of Representatives voted on a government funding bill in September last year.“Would a sit-in that disrupts a trial or access to a federal courthouse qualify?” the Justice asked before probing further:


“Would a heckler in today’s audience qualify, or at the State of the Union address? Would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify for 20 years in federal prison?”



The Supreme Court’s ruling could have far-reaching implications beyond the over 300 individuals charged under Biden’s DOJ’s use of the enhanced obstruction provision.If the Justices rule against using Sarbanes-Oxley in the Jan 6 prosecutions, it would also invalidate two of the four felony charges brought by DOJ special counsel Jack Smith in the Washington, D.C.-based prosecution of former President Trump.


Smith alleges the former President illegally attempted to interfere in the 2020 presidential election and overturn its results.In addition to the potential impact of Fisher v. United States, the Supreme Court also heard a ‘presidential immunity’ challenge brought by Trump against Smith‘s prosecution in April.


Trump and his defense attorneys contendthat he is immune from prosecution as his actions challenging the 2020 election results were committed in his official capacity as President of the United States.


If the Court rules in favor of broad legal protections for current and former U.S. presidents, it could result in most of the state and federal charges against him — in at least three current prosecutions — being dismissed.


(They are all so fucked, DOJ, Smith and Joe himselfand the corrupt Judges that sent the J6 Prisoners & indicted them under this scam)

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.20956783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6869 >>6949 >>6990

Thayer: Xi Wants Quick And Decisive Victory In Taiwan At Lowest Cost


(My opinion; Bidan and Pelosi blew up Taiwan intentionally to make another crisis. Just like Ukraine, Israel and in America)



Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 1:12 p.m. No.20956841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6869 >>6949 >>6990

Fanell: The Coming War In Taiwan Is Heating Up. Ukraine is a major diversion, the lies about Russia invading the continent is a diversion. All of them are allowing the real enemy from taking overTreason!



Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.20956863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6867

Citizen Free Press



Meanwhile in Philadelphia, we have an intersectional conundrum.


The Hamas cosplayers are blocking the gay pride parade.


Which side has more intersectional victim points.


Jack Poso

4:03 PM · Jun 2, 2024




Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 1:29 p.m. No.20956899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6949 >>6955 >>6990

Russia threatens to charge chess grandmaster Kasparov under ‘foreign agent’ law

Former world champion is accused of “heading a terrorist society, funding terrorist activity and justifying it publicly,” TASS reports.


JUNE 2, 2024 12:02 PM CET


Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov may be charged by Russian authorities for violating the Kremlin’s “foreign agent” law, TASS news agency reported on Sunday.


There is “every reason” to prosecute Kasparov, Russian law enforcement officials told the state news outlet, without providing further details. They added that the U.S.-based Kremlin critic could face up to two years in prison.


Kasparov was “arrested in absentia” in April, along with an environmental activist, a former member of the Russian Duma, and the co-founder of an anti-Kremlin NGO, according to TASS. The four were accused of “heading a terrorist society, funding terrorist activity and justifying it publicly,” it said.


The foreign agent law forces anyone identified as having foreign support or influence to register with the justice ministry and declare themselves foreign agents, subject to hefty bureaucracy and state surveillance.


The chess grandmaster has been on that list since May 2022, after he co-founded the Anti-War Committee of Russia. An organization of political exiles, the committee calls on “true Russian patriots” to “fight against the aggressive dictatorship of Vladimir Putin” and has demanded Kremlin officials be tried as “war criminals.”

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 1:34 p.m. No.20956916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6949 >>6952 >>6990

Netanyahu Accepts Johnson's Invitation - First Foreign Leader To Address Congress A 4th Time



SUNDAY, JUN 02, 2024 - 03:45 PM

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to address both houses of Congress,after House Speaker Mike Johnson issued a formal invitation on Friday, with the backing of fellow Democrat leaders.


Netanyahu boasted that he will be the first foreign leader in history to make four such appearances there. "I am moved by the privilege of representing Israel before both houses of Congress, and of presenting, to the representatives of the American people and the entire world, the truth about our righteous war against those who seek our destruction," an acceptance statement by the Israeli prime minister's office said.


The invitation leader had also been signed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. They said "we join the State of Israel in your struggle against terror, especially as Hamas continues to hold American and Israeli citizens captive and its leaders jeopardize regional stability."


“For this reason, on behalf of the bipartisan leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate, we would like to invite you to address a Joint Meeting of Congress.”


However, some House and Senate Progressives are expected to boycott Netanyahu's address, including Senator Bernie Sanders.


Sanders issued a statement saying "It is a very sad day for our country that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited – by leaders from both parties – to address a joint meeting of the United States Congress."


"Netanyahu is a war criminal. I certainly will not attend," Sanders added. Indeed it is also the first time that a leader who has an arrest warrant out by the Hague-based ICC has addressed Congress and the American people.


All of this is happening at a deeply strained moment for US-Israel relations. Israel's military has plunged deep into Rafah, violating prior red lines issued by Biden. Also, Netanyahu appears to have slammed the door on Biden's publicly backing the current ceasefire deal on the table.


Other Progressive Congressional members say they will ask hard questions during his visit:


The Israeli PM has vowed that the military operation in Gaza won't stop until Hamas no longer has military or governing capacity. He has said he won't withdraw troops until the group is eliminated.

Anonymous ID: 9b9aa5 June 2, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.20956935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6943 >>6968 >>7003

Maher: If Trump Goes To Jail There Will Be A Racial Civil War



SUNDAY, JUN 02, 2024 - 03:10 PM

Authored by Steve Watson via,


HBO ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher has predicted that if Donald Trump is sentenced to any prison time, there will be a civil war that will quickly evolve into a race war because of MAGA supporters.



“Here’s the key question: Is he going to go to jail? Would this judge dare do that?” Maher said, adding “And should he? I heard some people say if his name wasn’t Donald Trump he would definitely get jail time.”


“MAGA nation will go nuts. I don’t know if that’s a reason to or not to do something, but they will,” Maher continued during the discussion with former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod.


Maher went on to suggest that “because the judge’s name was Juan,” putting Trump in jail would lead to racial political violence.


“Everything becomes racial in this country. That’s partly because of our horrible, despicable racial past, partly because some of that racism lives on in the present and some of it because the far left makes everything racial. But that’s what it’s going to be.” Maher further posited.


“A civil war in this country, I’m sorry to say, becomes a race war. That’s the sad truth about this country,” the host continued, adding “And if they put him in jail, I mean, the first thing his supporters are going to say is, ‘Oh, that’s what it is.’ A Black district attorney. You know, all these people who are the district attorneys, they’re black. The judge was not White. This is what it is.”




(Why is everything about race with these assholes? Maga is all races, creeds, colors and tempermemt)