Anonymous ID: 0d613a July 9, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.2096480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6538

‘Prump/Tutin’: New York Magazine goes off deep end of conspiracy pool

Published time: 9 Jul, 2018 20:58


As President Donald Trump gears up to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin next week, New York Magazine has published the craziest ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory yet: that Trump has been a Russian agent since 1987.


The magazine’s article, titled ‘Prump Tutin’, is the lead story in this week’s print issue, and opens by broadly discussing unproven allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016.


“A case like this presents an easy temptation for conspiracy theorists, but we can responsibly speculate as to what lies at the end of this scandal without falling prey to their fallacies,” writes author Jonathan Chait, before strapping on his tinfoil hat and presenting almost 80 paragraphs of the wildest conspiracy theories, alleging that Trump has been a Russian agent since 1987.


It all goes back to Trump’s visit to what was then still the Soviet Union. Under Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR was beginning to open up and Western investors were eyeing up a potentially lucrative market. Trump nosed around, discussed building a hotel in Moscow with Soviet officials, and returned home to his gold-encrusted penthouse. The Moscow hotel never came to fruition.


He did, however, take an active interest in politics upon his return, when he dropped his affiliation with the Democratic party and became a Republican. ‘The Donald’ spent almost $100,000 on a series of newspaper ads blasting America’s NATO spending, a line he still repeats on Twitter to this day.


The United States is spending far more on NATO than any other Country. This is not fair, nor is it acceptable. While these countries have been increasing their contributions since I took office, they must do much more. Germany is at 1%, the U.S. is at 4%, and NATO benefits…….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2018

Anonymous ID: 0d613a July 9, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.2096543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6582

Gavin Williamson is at it again - pointing the finger at Russia without any evidence. This time the UK Defence Secretary is accusing Moscow of being culpable for the death of a British citizen before the probe has concluded.


It is the first time that Williamson, or any UK official, has linked the Kremlin to the death of the 44-year-old woman who was poisoned by what some have alleged is the same A-234 nerve agent used to attack the Skripals.


The Defence Secretary, however, did not explicitly say if he was referring to the attack on the Skripals, the Amesbury poisoning, or both. Williamson was asked in Commons about the threat posed to the British people following Dawn Sturgess’ death.


"The simple reality is that Russia has committed an attack on British soil which has seen the death of a British citizen," he replied. "That is something that I think the world will unite with us in actually condemning."


Police believe that Sturgess and her partner Charlie Rowley handled an item contaminated by the Novichok-type poison. The Amesbury couple live only a few miles from where ex-Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were attacked in March.