What I believe:
I believe Hillary And Bill Clinton had Vince Foster murdered.
I believe Hillary and the DNC had Seth Rich murdered.
I believe the Clintons are traitors to this country deserving of death by hanging in the public square.
I believe Antonin Scalia was murdered to make room for a liberal justice on the USSC, and (unfortunately) we owe Mitch McConnell a HUGE debt of gratitude for stopping at least the second half of that plan.
I believe Barry Sotoro was a Manchurian Candidate president.
I believe he was born in Kenya, but it doesn't matter for his eligibility to be president because his mother was a natural born US citizen, making him a citizen as well… regardless of where he was born (same argument for Ted Cruz).
I believe George Soros is an enemy of Humanity itself, and should be assassinated.
I believe the Jews are honest and persecuted people, who have suffered as scapegoats for centuries, mainly because their cultural values have propelled them to the top of any social strata that they happen to be involved in. People always blame the prosperous when times are tough, even if the prosperous did nothing to cause those tough times.
I believe that sometimes, under the right atmospheric conditions, airplanes leave behind cloud-like water vapor trails.
I believe that vaccines are a modern miracle, and are not the cause of Autism or any other pervasive illness.
I believe that pharmaceutical companies are in it for profit, but are not in a cartel to prevent cures from reaching the market. In fact, I believe that if one company were to come up with a cure for cancer, they'd try as hard as they could to bring that cure to market before their competition… they'd patent it, and make BILLIONS… because at their hearts, companies are staffed by people, and people, in general, are good.
I believe we are not alone in the universe. The math just doesn't support the notion that we would be alone. However, the math also suggests that while other ETI is out there, the math kinda sucks for the chances of us ever encountering it.
I believe faster-than-light travel is possible.
I believe time travel (in the form of Back to the Future) is impossible. However, time compression is not.
I believe we went to the moon.
I believe Q is one of a group of people you can count on two hands (10 or fewer), who are currently executing a plan to take back our government and bring evil people to justice. I believe he is a member of the military.
I believe we have had POTUS talk to us directly, and he signs his posts as Q+.
I believe all of this stuff will come out BEFORE the midterm elections… as in, the entire house of cards will be pushed down, the sealed indictments will begin to be rapidly pushed out, arrests will be made, starting from the very top (so as to not give the richest and most powerful time or opportunity to flee)…
I believe the United States of America is the greatest country ever in the history of the planet, because it was founded on principles that are rooted in fairness, justice, and truth.
I believe Islam is a scourge on humanity and must be eliminated at all costs, by whatever means necessary.
I believe those who believe in God are delusional, but at the same time, I understand their need for their beliefs, in order to get by in this confusing and troubling world.
That's enough for now… that was cathartic. :)
What do YOU believe?