Many were Tested
Few Passed
Congratulations to those made the Grade
To the ones that Failed…
Try harder
Don't be a NAZI
Many were Tested
Few Passed
Congratulations to those made the Grade
To the ones that Failed…
Try harder
Don't be a NAZI
If you want to Buy pot from a Drug Dealer
you need a Reference from someone the Dealer Trusts that isn't a FED
If your business is Child Sex Trafficking
Chances are good you're give a Reference for Child Sex trafficking
do we have Extradition deal with Aus?
Can you put your arm back on?
Civil War Breaks Out
Pro-Hamas Vs. Rainbow People
Meanwhile Americans are Busy with trying to put food on the Table & pay the Mortgage
The Hospitals were Empty
in fact
The only time the Hospitals were Ever Overwhelmed
Was the 2 weeks after a Vax Run
So Weird….
>The White House said last year that the president will not pardon his son if he is convicted.
They also Said he would let Ukraine us US weapons within Russia Border….
Our Hospitals were Empty
But Every time there was a "Vax Clinic"
The Very Next Day we would get a notification saying the Hospital is Overwhelmed Do Not Come Here
Always lasted for a week or two
Then empty again
Pro-Hamas will Escalate
Rainbow People Beware
you know the Rules
The Civil War so far
Pro-Hamas Vs. Rainbow People Vs. BLM
Just waiting for Patriot Front hole to join in and the Prophecy will be complete
Raskin: You worship Trump a Convicted Felon
MTG: Ya'll Worshiped George Floyd….
I can See it meow
Pro-Hamas Vs 2SLGBTQIAP+ Vs. Patriot Front hole Vs. Menstrual Tribe
ty B