>The plan is apparently to keep dragging their feet until we are all dead.
Well then, I guess everything is going according to plan.
>you better click that shit, faggot!
This is the dumbest most low iq plan ever.
No Thanks. I've never been a team player.
100% I am definitely a noob.
>We are fighting a 12,000 years old retard death cult, with memes.
Use guns and missiles instead. This new age approach is dumb and slow.
You are a great fren.
>lose our fucking minds
If I have to small talk with ONE more NPC I'm going to eat GMO corn.
I don't answer questions (me: from pig cops that work for me)
And she gave him a lap dance for the other 9 minutes.
Bruh. I have a baby due any day. If she is born on that DATE….
That's pretty funny.