Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 5:44 p.m. No.20962927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3066 >>3216

Kassam: Nigel Farage Makes Moves To Return To Parliament And Politics.Pray for Nigel, he needs our support. This is such good news. Support Nigel. This seems like the outlaws in England and US are coming back!


Raheem reports: The media said there was only a couple of hundred protesting against the Muslims, the violence & harm they are doing to the UK, when there were 1,000s protesting



Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 5:46 p.m. No.20962935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2940 >>3216

(long but worthwhile info)

3 Jun, 2024 20:02

Has Georgia disarmed the West’s secret weapon? (NGOs funded by USAID, Soros and others are Pissed Off because they can’t do a Color Revolution. Great article) 1/4


A controversial law on foreign influence has come into force in Georgia, sparking mass protests. What will it lead to?

For several weeks now, protests organized by Georgian opposition forces have been raging in Tbilisi.They were sparked by the law “On the transparency of foreign influence”, which came into force this Monday after it was signed by the chairman of the Georgian Parliament Shalva Papuashvili.


French-bornand raised President Salome Zurabishvili was supposed to approve the document, but refused to do so. The ruling party nevertheless had enough votes in parliament to override her veto. The opposition calls the legislation an analogue of Russia’s separate foreign agent law, although in fact, Georgia’s new reality has nothing to do with Moscow.


Law and protests

According to the new law,all non-profit organizations and mass media in Georgia that receive more than 20% of their annual income from abroador which “pursue the interest of a foreign power” must be registered. This process involves filling out a declaration form and stating the organization’s income. Failure to register or submit the declaration could result in a fine of 25,000 lari (approximately $9,000). TheMinistry of Justice of Georgiahas also been granted the right to seek personal data and confidential information (excluding attorney-client privilege)to identify foreign agents.


Georgian legislatorsmodeled the law on the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).However, the Georgian version of the law is a lot more liberal. It only stipulates that violators will be fined, but not imprisoned for up to five years, as is possible with FARA.


However, apparently this wasn’t good enough for the opposition. From April 15, when discussion of the bill was beginning in parliament, protests began in Tbilisi. Theopposition, which had been vocal against what it claimed was a “pro-Russian” law, brought people out onto the streets. The demonstrators provoked the police, and this led to clashes between them and law enforcement. Police officers largely acted with restraint and refused to give in to provocations.


Back in late May, protest organizers, including opposition party leaders, said that rallies against the law would continue until the day of parliamentary elections in October 2024.


Street activismhas indeed been an effective method of putting pressure on the country’s authorities in the past. The law was supposed to be adopted in early 2023. However, after several thousand people took to the streets of Tbilisi, then Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili decided to withhold the legislation. A few months later, Garibashvili again attempted to adopt the law, but once again failed because of protests.


When Irakly Kobakhidze (the former chairman of the Georgian Dream party) became the country’s new Prime Minister, he pledged to do everything to finally adopt the law. Incidentally, despite the scandals, polls show that the ruling party still remains the most popular in the country. However, the Georgian opposition hardly cares about this.


Those who are against

Experts both in Georgia and abroadcharacterize these events as an almost exact replicaof the tactics used forKiev’s Euromaidan in 2013-2014.At that time, a small minority of the population gathered on the city’s main square to try to decide the fate of the entire country. In Georgia, most people do not oppose the new law, according to polls.Those who behave hystericallyare the ones who are somehowaffiliated with the NGOswhichdo not declare their income, sources ofgrantsandexternal funding. The new rules will hit Western-affiliated pressure groups the hardest, so it is no surprise that pro-Western opposition forces have emerged as the law’s main opponents.


The leader of Georgia’s largest opposition party, United National Movement, MP Levan Khabeishvili, even left a hospital where he was being treated, and came to the parliament in a wheelchair in the hope of convincing the parliamentarians not to adopt the law, but failed to do so…

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 5:46 p.m. No.20962940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2975 >>3216




President Zourabichvili, who “reigns but does not rule”, also added fuel to the fire. She was born in France and came to Georgia at the personal invitation of former President Mikhail Saakashvili, who made her Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. She later betrayed him by siding with the opposition. In 2019, through the efforts of the ruling Georgian Dream party, Zourabichvili became the country’s president. According to both legislation and political ethics, Zourabichvili ought to support her colleagues in the Georgian Dream party, but she has betrayed them as well.


On May 18, she vetoed the adopted law, explaining that the initiativecontradictsthe country’s constitution andso-called European standards.


In fact, the parliament may soon impeach Zourabichvili— both the country’s legislation and the Georgian Dream party’s majority in the parliament make this possible. Zourabichvili has been unpopular with a large part of society for some time now.Her active support of LGBT movements and political duplicityall have had a negative impact on her image.


The West holds a grudge against the current Georgian leadershipfor its pragmatic policy in regard to Russia, and Georgia’s willingness to maintain dialogue with Moscow. Tbilisi has not imposed sanctions against Moscow and speaks in favor of expanding trade and economic ties with Russia. A visa-free regime, direct flights between the two countries, and visa-free travel between Georgia and Russia also contribute to the warming of relations between the two countries, which were once allies.


Georgia’s demonstration of sovereignty violates the rules established by theWest and ruins its plan of a phased separation of Transcaucasia from Russia.


Responding to the adoption of the foreign funding law, USState DepartmentrepresentativeMatthew Millerstated that the ruling party “Georgian Dream” has “taken the country away from the path to European integration, ignoring the aspirations of the Georgian people, who have been protesting for weeks,” noting that the movejeopardizes relations with Washington.


Brusselsin turn has emphasized that the Georgian law contradicts fundamental EU principles and values and called onTbilisi to “firmly return to the path” that leads to bloc membership.They also stated that they are “considering all options for responding to these events.”


TheKremlin called it absurd to consider the Georgian “foreign agent law” a “Russian project,” pointing out that the United States was the first country to come up with a “system to combat foreign agents.” (But no NGO is ever prosecuted in the US or abroad, ie Bidens)


It is not a coincidence that a delegation of foreign ministers from the Baltic states and Iceland-recently visited Tbilisi. The Estonian Foreign Minister openly threatened Georgia with severe consequences, while the EU announced that it intends to impose sanctions against Tbilisi.


This reaction was quite expected. The visiting foreign ministers joined the demonstrators on the streets of Tbilisi, demanding the law on foreign agents be repealed. In other words, the EU was directly interfering in Georgia’s internal affairs.


The West has hysterically and systematically accused Russia, China, and even Iran of interfering in its affairs, without providing any evidence. However, it did not hesitate to send its own ‘messengers’ to Georgia to stir up a civil confrontation that could escalate to something worse. US Secretary of StateAntony Blinkenhas already announced that theUS will impose visa restrictions on the Georgian authorities.

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 5:52 p.m. No.20962975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2984 >>3216




According toBlinken, the new law will allegedly“stifle the exercise of freedoms of association and expression, stigmatize organizationsthat serve the citizens of Georgia, and impede independent media organizations working to provide Georgianswith access to high quality information”.(BaHaHaHaHa)


The West has grabbed hold of Georgia and tried to impose its own will upon the country.


Voice of Resistance

A few days ago, Kobakhidze made a major revelation – apparently, one of theEuropean commissionershad openlythreatenedhim with the fate of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who had miraculously survived an assassination attempt on May 15.


The official in question turned out to beOlivér Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement. Várhelyi immediately started making excuses and said that his words had been taken out of context.


On the eve of Georgian Independence Day, the Secretary General of the Georgian Dream party and mayor of Tbilisi, Kakha Kaladze, openly stated thatWashington was exerting pressureon the Georgian authorities and had threatened to impose sanctions for the adoption of the foreign agent law. “Georgia and the United States, as it turned out, are not partners, but enemies,” he said.


Kaladze drew aparallel between the Georgian protests and the Euromaidan events in Ukraine in 2014, and said that “Ukrainization will not happen in Georgia”.


Many Georgian experts and analysts agree that the Georgian leadership will be able to overcome the challenge if it does not deviate from its course and manages to calm the people down without succumbing to both internal and external provocations. Georgian Dream has many supporters, otherwise the leadership of the party and the country would not have risked adopting the new law.Numerous left-wing parties, which advocate integration with the European Union,are not particularly popular.


The ruling party understands this well. If earlier theparty followed a “pro-European” course, now it is slowly but surelymoving away from it.External pressure and Western interference in Georgia’s internal processes, as well as the degradation of Western European elites, suggest that the Georgian leadership must act only based on its national interests instead of following a pan-European course as it had done for many years.


It is not a coincidence that Tbilisi now aims to develop pragmatic relations with Moscow and strengthen ties with China. This year, Beijing and Tbilisi signed an agreement on visa-free travel, and last year, then-Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili (now the chairman of Georgian Dream) made a week-long visit to China, proclaiming a “new super partner in the international arena”.Washington and Brussels could not hide their dissatisfaction, and recalled the fact that the Georgian constitution stipulates “Euro-Atlantic integration”.


Anti-Western trend

Clearly, the law on foreign agents simply became an excuse for the opposition, allowing it to shake up the political situation in Georgia and earn additional political points ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for the fall of 2024. The West is trying to take advantage of this, since it is dissatisfied with the policy of the current Georgian authorities, including the interaction between Tbilisi and Moscow, the active expansion of ties with Beijing, and Georgia’s growing orientation towards the Global South.


It is noteworthy that theGeorgian foreign agent lawhas alsoinspiredneighboring Türkiye.


The Turkish parliament is now actively discussing the need to introduce an analogue of the Georgian law in order to ensure thetransparent financing of a number of NGOs, which receive unknown amounts of money.


In Hungary, the law against foreign influence has also been quite effective. In 2017, theHungarian parliament passed a law tightening control over NGOsthat receive at least 7.2 million forints (18,000 euros) per year in foreign funding.


The government has directly stated that it intends tofight the influenceof the Budapest-bornbillionaire George Soros, who, according to some reports,wanted to stage a “color revolution” in his homeland.


According to the Hungarian law,all foreign-funded NGOs must be registeredas “organizations receiving funding from abroad”, must display this label in media publications and at public events, and must provide an annual report on their activities. Organizations that do not comply are subject to closure.

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 5:53 p.m. No.20962984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3216




The following year, Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party adopted a moreextensive package of measures called “Stop Soros”, aimed at combating illegal migration and protecting traditional values. In 2020, the European Court of Justice ruled that the law on the transparency of NGOs contradicted EU legislation and should be repealed. However, the fight against Soros has not stopped.


In December 2023, a new law “On the Protection of National Sovereignty”, was adopted, and the Sovereign Protection Office was established in January. This state agency is designed tofight external attempts to influence Hungarian elections. The law stipulates imprisonment for up to three years for theforeign funding of election campaigns. Since Hungary is a member of the EU and NATO, Brussels does not approve of Hungary’s sovereign position, so it is exerting pressure on Budapest. But there’s not much else it can do.


Despite the fact that Georgia’s law is much more liberal, the West still believes that it can openly interfere in the sovereign affairs of a country that is not even a member of its institutions and alliances, and say which laws it should and shouldn’t adopt.


Obviously, the law’s entry into force will lead to a greater divide between Georgia and the West, and the next few weeks may be decisive for Tbilisi.


(Countries are wising up that the US is sending NGOs to enact color revolutions on European Countries. Many of those countries applied to be in the EU and usually have to wait 17 to 20 years. The EU considers themselves less corrupt than these countries. The countries lucked out they didn’t get in. Ukraine is desperate to get in the EU, so they can corrupt it more)

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 6 p.m. No.20963038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3216

3 Jun, 2024 17:14

Putin congratulates Jews


The Russian President called Salvation Day, which celebrates the defeat of Nazi Germany, one of the most important dates in Jewish history


Russian President Vladimir Putin has wished Russian Jews ‘all the best’ as they celebrate theDay of Salvation and Liberation- a holiday dedicated to the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.


While the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, or Victory Day, is recognized on May 8 in Western countries and May 9 in Russia and parts of the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia, in 1945 that date fell on the 26th day of the Jewish month of Iyar.This year, that day coincides with June 3.


In a statement published on the Kremlin’s official website, Putin wrote “26 Iyar is one of the most important, significant dates in the centuries-old history of the Jewish people,”which connects eras and generations and personifies “the unfading memory of the Great Victory” and the “immortal feat” of those who crushed Nazism and saved the Jewish and other peoples from annihilation.


“This is a tribute to deep, sincere respect for people who, in the most difficult trials, showed steadfastness and courage and did not submit to a cruel and merciless enemy,” Putin wrote.


The president went on to describe the holiday as a celebration that enriches the “historical, religious, and cultural traditions of Russian Jews, promotes high spiritual, moral, patriotic ideals and values in society, especially among young people, and serves to consolidate efforts in opposing radical nationalism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.”


“I wish you success in implementing your plans and all the best. Happy holiday!” Putin’s message concluded.

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 6:06 p.m. No.20963093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3148 >>3216

3 Jun, 2024 23:54

Biden officially snubs Zelensky’s ‘peace summit’


Vice President Kamala Harris and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will go to Switzerland instead


US President Joe Biden has chosen not to cancel a scheduled Hollywood fundraiser and will be sending Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to the Ukraine “peace summit” in Switzerland instead.


The international conference proposed by Vladimir Zelensky is intended to drum up support for Kiev’s demands regarding the conflict with Russia. Moscow has not been invited, however, while Beijing has declined to participate.


“Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Lucerne, Switzerland on June 15 to participate in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine,” her spokesperson Kirsten Allen said on Monday, adding that this “will underscore the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to supporting Ukraine’s effort to secure a just and lasting peace.”


Allen also confirmed that Sullivan will be joining Harris at the conference, scheduled to take place at the Burgenstock resort.


Biden’s travel itinerary had him scheduled to visit Europe later this week, to attend the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings in France and “part of” the G7 summit, scheduled for June 13-15 in the south of Italy. This has given rise to speculation that he could “stop by” Switzerland or have Zelensky come to him.


Last week, the Ukrainian leader tried to pressure the US president into lending legitimacy to the “peace summit,” arguing that his absence would “not be a particularly strong move,” and let down other world leaders who “need President Biden.” Zelensky also claimed that anyone who missed the conference was a tool of Russian President Vladimir Putin. (KEK)


Monday’s announcement, however, appeared to confirm reports that Biden would prioritize a political fundraiser in Hollywood, headlined by actor George Clooney and expected to feature actress Julia Roberts and former President Barack Obama.


Harris, whose 2020 presidential bid fizzled even before the first primary, became Biden’s running mate as part of a deal with the Congressional Black Caucus to endorse the elderly Democrat. Although the White House has rebranded the current presidency as a “Biden-Harris” one and tried giving her several important portfolios – from immigration to abortion and voting rights –Harris has mainly been regarded as a gaffe machine on par with her boss.(They are both gaffe machines)

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 6:13 p.m. No.20963155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSNBC Guest: “Almost Every Official I Spoke To In Europe Thinks Donald Trump Is Going To Win”




MSNBC hacks are clutching their pearls because under a future Trump Administration, the US might no longer be the “lynchpin” of Europe’s defence. Of course,they never explained why American taxpayersshould be paying for lazy Europeans’ defence in the first place.


Even after Josh Hawley put an end to ClaireMcCaskill’ssenatorial career in 2018, this stupid woman has learnt literally nothing,rambling on about “virulent nationalism”. I’ll lay it out for her — the US is the “lynchpin”, yes — of the globalist hegemonic order. This is exactly what Trump will put an end to — and it’s why our Sociopathic Overlords are already panicking at the prospect.


(I can’t figure out why the left doesn’t want patriotic Americans that will protect our country when needed. Are the all traitors to America, so bad they want us destroyed?)

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 6:43 p.m. No.20963333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3404

Howell: Time For External Legislative Special Counsel To Investigate Weaponized Actors



Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 6:58 p.m. No.20963400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3407 >>3428

Winters: Fauci Hearing Was Limited Hangout To Make EcoHealth Alliance Seem Like A One Off Mistake. Poor Fauci, had credible death threats, he personally killed millions around the world!

And now he cries in front of Congress. Fuck Fauci and may his punishment be a dog collar around his necks, stuck in a clear box filled with fleas, ticks and scorpions. Let’s see how sorry he is for his fucking crimes. Even Republicans are sympathetic to Fauci. Must listen.


Seriously Fuck Fauci



Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 7:04 p.m. No.20963428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Must listen Natalie attended the hearing, republicans and democrats were not at all serious about challenging Fauci, they let him off the hook. WTF is wrong with these people?

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 7:20 p.m. No.20963476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3478 >>3489

Thayer: The Lessons And Legacy Of Tiananmen Square Massacre. Tomorrow June 4, 1989. History of CCP and tyranny of Chinese People.



Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 7:30 p.m. No.20963511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3526 >>3708 >>3745

Jill Biden appears at Hunter gun trial as dad Joe hails ‘inspiring’ son

June 3, 2024, 8:39 a.m. ET


(This is big scam, nothing is going to happen, Weiss has to look like he tried. They all look too happy)


WILMINGTON, Del. — First son Hunter Biden received some powerful family support on the first day of his federal gun trial Monday — with his stepmother, first lady Jill Biden, and half-sister Ashley in attendance while President Biden issued a statement calling his son “inspiring.”


Hunter, 54, walked into court around 8:10 a.m., wearing a suit and tie and holding hands with wife Melissa Cohen as his defense attorneys trailed behind him.


The first son — who was outwardly calm and composed — did not speak or answer reporter questions on his way inside, but had to engage in some fancy footwork to avoid tripping over a security barrier.


Moments later, Jill Biden — who celebrated her 73rd birthday Monday — showed up to the courthouse, clad in a purple suit, after most of the media had been let inside the building.


Later in the morning, President Biden issued a statement saying: “Jill and I love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today.


“Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery are inspiring to us,” his dad added. “A lot of families have loved ones who have overcome addiction and know what we mean.”


The commander-in-chief made a show of declining to comment on specifics of the case against his son, but did say that “as a Dad, I have boundless love for my son, confidence in him, and respect for his strength.”


“Our family has been through a lot together, and Jill and I are going to continue to be there for Hunter and our family with our love and support.”


The campaign of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump — who was convicted in his own criminal trial last week — took aim at his Democratic adversary while wishing the younger Biden well.


“A deeply troubled degenerate who sold out his country and disgraced his family, Crooked Joe Biden is now a failed President running a losing campaign,” spokesman Steven Cheung said. “As for Hunter, we wish him well in his recovery and legal affairs.


“Only President Trump can Make America Great Again,” Cheung added.


The first son’s primary patron, Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer sometimes referred to as Hunter’s “sugar brother,” arrived earlier and was accompanied by Ashley.


While Ashley Biden departed the courthouse early Monday afternoon, Jill Biden stayed through the entire day’s proceedings, which included the selection of a jury, and embraced her stepson with a kiss before leaving.


Hunter is the first offspring of a sitting president to stand trial. He faces three counts including illegal possession of a firearm while addicted to crack cocaine andknowingly lying about his dependency while filling out a federal background check form.


The trial comes on the heels of Donald Trump’s bombshell conviction in a hush money scheme Thursday — which marked the first time a president has ever been found guilty of crimes. Both trials could have implications for the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.


Prosecutors say Hunter purchased a Colt Cobra .38-caliber revolver on Oct. 12, 2018, after marking “No” in response to a question on an application form about whether he was a user of controlled substances.


He illegally had the gun for 11 days before Hallie Biden, his sister-in-law-turned-lover, threw the weapon into the garbage, prosecutors say.


Hallie is slated to be called as a prosecution witness, as is Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle.


The Biden son faces up to 25 years behind bars if convicted. He’s pleaded not guilty to all three charges.


Last year, Hunter had been slated to plead guilty under the terms of a plea agreement reached 12 months ago, but the deal abruptly broke down in court after his side discovered the agreement wouldn’t protect him from other potential prosecutions.


The younger Biden also faces a separate trial in September in Los Angeles for allegedly skipping out on paying $1.4 million in federal tax income from 2016 through 2019 — though the tab has since been paid.

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 7:42 p.m. No.20963549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3555

Citizen Free Press



James Comey is fantasizing about Trump going to prison.


November 5 will be a very (emotionally) painful day for Comey.


Charlie Kirk

9:48 PM · Jun 3, 2024

·12.2K. Views


Comey should have stayed in the shadows

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 7:49 p.m. No.20963575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3705 >>3708 >>3745

Federal appeals court blocks Fearless Fund from issuing grants to only Black womenKEK.

5:02 PM EDT, Mon June 3, 2024


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has blocked a Black-owned venture capitalist firm from awarding grants exclusively to Black women entrepreneurs.


In an opinion released Monday, the judges ruled that the Fearless Fund’s Fearless Strivers Grant Contest is “substantially likely to violate” the provisions of Title 42 of the US Code, which ensures equal rights under the law and prohibits the use of race when awarding and enforcing contracts.


In the ruling, the appellate court ordered a federal court in Georgia to enter a preliminary injunction blocking the fund from closing its grant application process while the case continues to be litigated.


It also states that the fund’s program is unlikely to be protected by the First Amendment.


The court’s decision marks a victory for anti-affirmative action legal strategist Edward Blum, who filed a lawsuit last August against the fund on behalf of his group American Alliance for Equal Rights.


AAER attorneys have argued that their members, who were unnamed in the lawsuit, were excluded from the grant program because they weren’t Black and that they faced “additional harm” from the illegal act of racial discrimination, CNN previously reported.


Blum, the legal strategist behind the Supreme Court case that dismantled affirmative action in college admissions last year, said in a statement Monday that he was “grateful” for the court’s ruling.


“Our nation’s civil rights laws do not permit racial distinctions because some groups are overrepresented in various endeavors, while others are under-represented,” Blum said.


“Programs that exclude certain individuals because of their race such as the ones the Fearless Fund has designed and implemented are unjust and polarizing. Significant majorities of all Americans believe that an individual’s race should not be a factor in our nation’s public policies.”


Arian Simone, CEO and founding partner of Fearless Fund and founder of the Fearless Foundation, said in a statement to CNN Monday that the court’s ruling was “devastating.”


“I am shattered for every girl of color who has a dream but will grow up in a nation determined not to give her a shot to live it,” Simone said. “On their behalf, we will turn the pain into purpose and fight with all our might.”


Simone said the ruling sends a message that diversity in corporate America and education should not exist.


“America is supposed to be a nation where one has the freedom to achieve, the freedom to earn, and the freedom to prosper,” she said. “Yet, when we have attempted to level the playing field for underrepresented groups, our freedoms were stifled.”


Eleventh Circuit Judge Robin Rosenbaum issued a dissenting opinion in the case, arguing that Blum’s lawsuit is the equivalent of an athlete “flopping” on the field to draw a foul.


“As American Alliance has portrayed its members’ alleged injuries, it has shown nothing more than flopping on the field,” Rosenbaum wrote in the opinion.


“Although three of American Alliance’s members pay lip service to the idea they are ‘ready and able’ to participate in Fearless’ Contest, their declarations show, in context, that none has a genuine interest in actually entering the Contest.”


In September 2023, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta granted the AAER’s motion for an injunction, which halted the program for the duration of the AAER’s lawsuit. The Fearless Fund later challenged that ruling and its attorneys presented oral arguments to the appeals court in January.


The legal battle over the venture capitalist firm’s grant program comes amid a string of attacks against diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in corporate America, schools and higher education in recent months.


Blum and other conservative strategists have filed lawsuits against organizations challenging their race-based programs.


In March, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Latino settled a lawsuit with the AAER that required the museum to open its Latino-focused internship program to students of all races and ethnicities.


Black business leaders say they fear these efforts to dismantle DEI programsstand to undo decades of progress toward leveling the playing field for Black and brown people.

Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 7:59 p.m. No.20963601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3614 >>3680 >>3689 >>3695 >>3708 >>3745

President Trump specifically asked everyone to watch this Mark Levin clip (timestamped).Why the Supreme Court must get involved


Mark Levin: Biden, Democrats hate the Constitution

60K views · 23 hours ago#



Anonymous ID: 6e9c5f June 3, 2024, 8:22 p.m. No.20963695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3698 >>3745


I’m going to keep on posting this until every anons listens to it like PDJT told us to..


President Trump specifically asked everyone to watch this Mark Levin clip (timestamped).Why the Supreme Court must get involved


Mark Levin: Biden, Democrats hate the Constitution


60K views · 23 hours ago#
