Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.20966493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6546 >>6556

>>20966449 And this will destroy Fani's racist bullshit with her father being from the Black Panther Party. Seems like blacks are coming out and telling America that Trump is not a racist, he loves and supports black people and all colors, creed and religions. Bidan has been lying about Trump to all the black people. When Bidan actually hates black people.

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 11:13 a.m. No.20966559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Collin Rugg



REPORT: Donald Trump sees new wave of support from wealthy donors amidst his conviction in New York City.


Here is a list of new wealthy donors who are considering or have already pledged support for Trump:


Doug Leone, Sequoia Capital: "I have become increasingly concerned about the general direction of our country, the state of our broken immigration system, the ballooning deficit, and the foreign policy missteps, among other issues. Therefore, I am supporting former President Trump in this coming election."


Forbes net worth: $7.9 billion.


Shaun Maguire, Sequoia Capital: Announced on X that he was donating $300,000 to Trump after donating to Hillary Clinton in 2016.


David Sacks, Craft Ventures: Hosting a fundraiser for Trump in the Bay area with tickets costing $300,000.


Chamath Palihapitiya, Social Capital: Hosting a fundraiser for Trump in the Bay area with tickets costing $300,000.


Bill Ackman, Pershing Square: Likely to back Donald Trump after supporting Democrats in the past according to the Financial Times.


Forbes net worth: $4.3 billion.


Steve Schwarzman, Blackstone: Announced he will be backing Trump for the 2024 election, saying he shares "the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction."


Forbes net worth: $37.6 billion.


(Some of these guys gave $10-$50 million to DeSantis and Haley, they are cheaping out. Definitely not impressive, if they want access, they’ve got to pay moreDid they all agree to limit the contribution to $300,000?)

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 11:24 a.m. No.20966618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6630


It’s Illegal To Be Right Wing

Raw Egg Nationalist | June 3rd 2024, 11:20 am1/2

The system torments and persecutes genuine right-wingers in a variety of ways


It’s illegal to be right wing in large parts of the Western world today. Or it might as well be.


No, there aren’t any laws making it a crime to be right wing—criminalising the belief, for example, that nations are more than just economic groupings whose output can and should be maximised by unrestricted immigration, or that patriotism, rooted in love of place, people and their shared history, is the highest value—but there might as well be.


Conditions are now so prejudicial towards right-wing people, and even the most basic expressions of right-wing values and ideas, that for all intents and purposes being right wing really is illegal.


We shouldn’t be naïve about the way the law or power works. If we’ve read our Aristotle and our John Stuart Mill, we should know that, yes, tyrants make bad laws, but they also rely on other less formal methods to get what they want. That includes selective enforcement of the law and also, significantly, the weight of public pressure. In the 21st century, there’s a whole array of institutions Aristotle could never have dreamed of, not least of all the mainstream media, that can be used to single out, shame and thoroughly ruin the lives of ordinary people at the behest of the tyrant.


After all, the government didn’t have to make vaccination mandatory during the pandemic for vaccination to be mandatory. Instead they relied on fear, herd dynamics—the common aversion to sticking out from the crowd—and threats, including the threat of being unable to travel or visit loved ones, to make most people feel they had no choice whatsoever in the matter. Of course, people did have a choice, but the barrier to exercising a genuine choice was courage—and courage is a commodity that’s always in short supply.


Anyway, in support of my proposition that being right-wing is basically illegal, here are two examples.


First, Germany. A video circulates of a group of wealthy party kids partying at a club on the wealthy party island of Sylt. They’re dancing and clowning around singing “Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus!” —“Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!”—to the tune of cheesy noughties Eurodans hit “L’amour Toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino.


Whatever you think of the sentiment—pretty innocuous in right-wing terms, where a nation, as I say, is more than just an arbitrary economic grouping—it would have been hard to predict the firestorm that awaited these young revellers.


The video has become a national scandal in Germany. “Respectable” newspapers like Bild swooped in, ruthlessly, to identify the partygoers, reveal their personal details—something German newspapers generally refuse to do, especially when crimes involve foreigners or leftists—and basically just ruin their lives. Some of the kids identified have already been fired or face expulsion from university.


But it gets worse. Now German politicians are demanding the “maximum penalty” for these dangerous subversives. That makes it sound like they’re seeking the death penalty, and they surely would if it were available to them. Instead they’ll have to settle for a judicial stretch. The video has been condemned by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and SPD politician Bärbel Bas has described the chant as an “unconstitutional slogan.” The maximum sentence for “unconstitutional symbols,” by the way, is five years in prison.


Five years in prison, for singing “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!”


(This is NOT an exaggeration)

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.20966630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6636



Second example: England.Sam Melia, a young father, has recently been sent to prison for possession of stickers. The stickers were not illegal, a fact acknowledged by the prosecution and by the judge who presided over the case. The stickers stated basic truths about the speed of demographic change in the UK, and urged readers not to feel guilty about being patriotic or white.


• “Nationalism is nurture,” read one.

• “We will be a minority in our homeland.”

• “Diversity: designed to fail, built to replace.”

• And here’s a particularly chilling one: “Love your nation.”


What was at issue in the case, rather than the slogans themselves, was Melia’s intent with the stickers.The prosecution claimed, and the judge agreed, that because Melia is right-wing—and therefore obviously a racist—his intent was to stir up racial hatred, so that’s what he was convicted for.


Again, it gets worse. In the last week,Melia and his wife, Laura Towler, were told that prison authorities had deemed him a threat to his own children, and so Laura would no longer be able to bring him photographsof his two children, including his new daughter, who was born after he entered prison, nor would she even be able to speak to him about them. Sam was labelled a “Person Posing Risk to Children” (PPRC) because of his “racist posters, insignia and literature” and his “racist and offensive attitudes.”


So a man in Britain can be a threat to his own children, on the order of a sex offender or rapist, simply for telling his fellow countrymen, “Love your nation.” It’s worth remembering that Britain is a country where pedophiles regularly walk free from court, and Asian grooming gangs abuse and rape British girls on an industrial scale, with impunity, simply for being white and British.


As a Brit myself, I don’t really know what to say. I love my country, but I also hate it, as only a man in love can hate.


Across Europe, left and right—or “right,” should I say—are united in persecuting ordinary patriotic men and women for loving their countries and abhorring the terrible chaos that has been unleashed upon them by their craven, self-serving elites. Germany’s ruling left-liberal coalition and Britain’s fake Conservatives are terrified of the emergence of a genuine popular right-wing movement that holds them accountable for their crimes and sweeps them from power into the dustbin of history.


In Germany, that means the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has become the single most popular party in the nation and, crucially, the most popular party among young people under 30. Now, perhaps, you see why that video of attractive young Germans harnessing rebellion and vitality to right-wing ideas elicited such a reaction from the sclerotic, dead-eyed functionaries who rule Germany.


In Britain, a true right-wing movement is less well formed, for various reasons including the nature of the electoral system, but it’s of significance that Melia is or was a prominent member of the right-wing group Patriotic Alternative.


Germany’s ruling government and the Conservative party both face electoral wipeout—the Tories in a matter of weeks—which will only make their attempts to suppress true opposition from the right even more desperate. And in Germany, at least, the government has openly flirted with the idea of actually making it illegal to be right wing, by banning the AfD altogether. They may yet do so, but for the moment, such openly anti-democratic measures are not needed.

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 11:51 a.m. No.20966760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6770 >>6773 >>6791 >>6825 >>6968 >>7004 >>7046 >>7101 >>7172 >>7190

GameStop Shares Double After 'Roaring Kitty' Posts $180 Million Bet



Shares of GameStop Corp. jumped as much as 100% in early premarket trading in New York after the Reddit account affiliated with 'meme' stock trader Keith Gill, aka Roaring Kitty, posted an image of what appears to be a massive position in the struggling video game retailer.


The Reddit account "DeepFuckingValue," also Gill's, posted a screenshot of what appears to be his brokerage account late Sunday night. It shows five million GME shares with a cost basis of around $21.27 per share. On line two, he bought 120,000 call options worth $65.7 million, expiring on June 21.



Bloomberg, MarketWatch, and other financial media outlets all emphasized Gill's position could not be verified. GME shares jumped as much as 103% in premarket trading. As of 0600 ET, shares are up 70%, around the $39 handle.



On X, Gill, using his Roaring Kitty account, posted an image of a UNO reverse. In the game, players use the card to change the card-pickup direction. As of early Monday, the post garnered nearly 6 million views.


Last Wednesday, the company revealed it had raised $933 million by cashing in on the first rally earlier last month, also ignited by Gill. The company said it completed its previously disclosed offering for 45 million shares and will use the proceeds for possible acquisitions and investments.


Besides GME, AMC Entertainment Holdings is up 25% in premarket trading to the mid-point of the $5 handle. During the meme stock frenzy, the struggling movie theater chain also closed an at-the-market equity offering last month.



Goldman's Retail Sentiment basket shows the first wave of meme stock buying early last month, with gains evaporating in just a few short trading days.



After the Covid mania, Reddit traders should've just bought big tech.



Gill's pump of GME, combined with the subsequent equity offering by the struggling company, raises concerns.

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.20966868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6874 >>6968

Republicans Vow To Scorch The Earth After Trump Conviction


Authored by Philip Wegmann via RealClearPolitics,1/2


Spurred by the volcanic temper of their base, Republicans are now preparing to scorch the earth in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s conviction, potentially setting off a chain reaction that could fundamentally alter the American political system entirely.


No one knows exactly how far they will go in their response.


What is clear is that conservatives have no patience for President Biden’s argument Friday morning that justice was served in Manhattan, that “the American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed.” They see the conviction instead as unprecedented “lawfare” meant to interfere with the coming election and, some say, an unprecedented response is now in order.


“The good guys must be as tough as the villains or freedom is doomed,”senior Trump advisor Stephen Miller told RealClearPolitics without offering exact details. Rep. Mike Collins, meanwhile, was explicit. “Time for Red State AGs and DAs to get busy,” the Georgia Republican said Thursday, floating the idea that Republicans should begin using the courts to pursue their political enemies.


“Hillary Clinton’s campaign-funded Steele dossier is a good start,” Collins continued, referencing how the former Secretary of State’s presidential campaign misreported their spending on the infamous opposition research document. Clinton was later fined $11,000 by the Federal Election Commission. No criminal charges were brought.


“The statute of limitations expired but I’m told that’s not a thing anymore,” Collins said.


Republicans on Capitol Hill are preparing a more traditional counter-offensive, one within established parliamentary rules.Led by Utah Sen. Mike Lee, eight Republicans have vowed to oppose all major legislation “not directly relevant to the safety of the American people” and blockade all judicial nomineesin protest of Trump’s conviction.


“We can’t pretend that our political world didn’t change yesterday pretty dramatically and for the worse,” Lee told RCP. The Utah Republican admitted that legislation normally slows ahead of an election but White House efforts to get anything through the Senate “just get a lot harder for them.”


A legislative blockade alone may not satisfy a conservative base hell-bent on retribution.


“I don’t want to hear elected Republicans complaining. I don’t need to see their tweets and statements condemning the verdict.The only thing I want to hear from these people is which Democrats they will have arrested. Don’t tell us that you’re sad about the verdict. We don’t give a shit about your feelings. We want to see corrupt Democrats frog marched on camera in handcuffs. If you won’t do that, then shut up,” Matt Walsh, a Daily Wire columnist with a following in the millions, wrote on the social media website X.


Replied conservative influencer Chaya Raichik: “Exactly. Where’s the list! Here’s a start: Obama Hillary Joe Biden Hunter Biden.”


Mike Davis, a longtime Republican strategist floated as a potential Trump attorney general, told Axios he wants prosecutors in red states like Georgia and Florida to open criminal probes into Democrats for allegedly conspiring to interfere in the election by indicting the former president.

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.20966874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6968



For his part, Lee stopped short of endorsing those efforts. He likened it to some campaigns on the left to pack the Supreme Court, an initiative he has long opposed, warning that it would lead to “lawlessness” and “politicization.”


“I think this is an analogous circumstance,” the senator said of the prosecution of a major presidential candidate, something that the Department of Justice has long avoided.“They’ve broken a seal,” Lee said of the Trump conviction. “I don’t know that it can be contained.”


He held out one remote possibility: If Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his team experience a change of heart during the appeals process. “They could confess error on appeal,” Lee said. “Other instances of lawfare, wherever they exist, could be dropped.You could put this genie back in the bottle still, but not for very much longer.”


Trump could potentially temper the rage of the right before Republicans start dragging their Democratic political opponents to court. He has already vowed to appoint a special prosecutor “to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family.”


Trump famously promised to “lock up” Clinton during the 2016 election, but he quickly abandoned that pledge after winning the election. “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Trump told the New York Times. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I am not looking to hurt them at all. The campaign was vicious.”


Asked if he was comfortable with the idea of drawing up lists of political enemies to prosecute,South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott leaned on scripture, telling CNN that“vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. We’ll leave that there.”


“The bottom line is simply this, without question, President Trump has looked me in my eyes and a room full of other folks and said, you know what, the best revenge is success,” continued Scott, a potential Trump VP pick. (Typical non fighter, how does he think God is going to take care of it, without human intercession?)


Talk of their own lawfare, for now, is just talk.

The most immediate, and concrete, consequence of the conviction has been dollars. Republicans have been raking in political donations hand-over-fist, with the Trump campaign announcing a 24-hour fundraising haul of $34.8 million – 29% of which came from first-time Trump donors.


Asked if he was worried about being prosecuted after leaving the White House now that some on the right have declared open season in response to the Trump conviction, Biden told Fox News, “Not at all. I didn’t do anything wrong. The system still works.”


Pressed to respond to Trump’s assertion that he was driving the legal cases against his political rival, the president smirked, “I didn’t know that I was that powerful.”

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.20966895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20966846notableTrump up to 36% of black voters! Bidan down from 61% yo 47% and it's going to get way worse imo

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.20967058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Updated Jun 2, 2024, 9:27pm EDT

Money woes, staff issues strain the Intercept


Staff at the Intercept are imploring the nonprofit’s board to fire its CEO and chief strategy officer amid a dispute that involves allegations of gender bias, the likely departure of two top staffers, and the failure to secure a major donor who expressed interest in funding the news site.


In April, Semafor published a story noting that the proudly progressive news organization was on track to run out of money by sometime early next year, and that two of its top journalists, co-founder Jeremy Scahill and Washington bureau chief Ryan Grim, had unsuccessfully petitioned the Intercept’s board to take over the organization themselves.


Since the story was published, internal tensions have stretched the organization to the breaking point, particularly over issues related to fundraising and spending. Following Semafor’s report, the Intercept was approached by what multiple sources described as a high-level donor who expressed interest in making a significant contribution to help keep the publication afloat. But the board of directors has not yet reached an agreement with the potential donor.


The inability to secure that crucial support alarmed the news site’s remaining employees, who saw it as a further sign of managerial incompetence. In its letter to the organization’s four-member board on Tuesday, the Intercept’s unionized staff urged board members to take drastic measures “aimed at rescuing the organization from what we believe will be its inevitable demise.”


The union made three demands:the immediate dismissal and termination of CEO Annie Chabel and Chief Strategy Officer Sumi Aggarwal, a commitment to restructure the business, and transparency about the board’s recent discussions with prospective donors. The newsroom’s union “has zero confidence in its current business leadership,” the union said in the letter. “Its relationship with the current CEO is not salvageable.”


The Intercept’s board and leadership have balked at staff’s push for new leadership. They’ve pointed to some modest fundraising successes, saying the news outlet raised $400,000 in major donor gifts in the spring, with a goal of reaching $1 million in contributions. In a letter from the board of directors on May 8, the board said it stood by the CEO, CSO, and other non-newsroom leaders, but acknowledged that funding was “diminishing” and “platform algorithms are choking distribution.”


Management also pushed back directly against other staff complaints. In response to a series of letters the union sent to the board, Chabel and the new interim editor-in-chief Ben Muessig said that the fate of the Intercept is “uncertain.”But they also accused staff of expressing bias against women in executive roles.


“We are concerned the union has singled out salaries from two female executives, but raises no concern about the male executives, nor other highly compensated positions. We would also like to note that the executive team was the only group to take substantial, voluntary pay cuts, and is also the only group that has made voluntary major donor level contributions to the Intercept.” (DEI will be the end of them)

Anonymous ID: 54a5b5 June 4, 2024, 1:22 p.m. No.20967064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7118