Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:29 a.m. No.20966641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6645

Five Minute Read


Some publications on our satanic internet use a caution like FIVE MINUTE READ as a service to busy readers on a tight time budget. It is a cult practice because the consciousness of time is ultimately destructive of the deeper understanding that can only arise from unbudgeted contemplation. Better to learn to distinguish what is real, important and true from what is simply an effort to persuade us to love, hate or purchase something or someone.


We have a whole-of-civilization problem in which intelligence agencies and covert organizations claiming to represent popular aspirations slaughter each other in undeclared wars and at staged “mass casualty incidents” in schools and malls, at concerts and social gatherings, all reported in exhaustive visual detail by five entertainment conglomerates aka “MSM” and on social media.


Everybody knows the internet is a poisonous sewer where narcotics, weapons and human beings are bought, sold and rented every day.


Every home, every individual around the world and all our devices are part of a spy-built network which was always intended to be what the internet has become: a universal surveillance and social control system.


In itself, the internet is knowledge of good and evil. Mankind could sort of deal with the physical temptations once; the whore town, the Casbah, the dealer-in-the park – we understood good and evil more clearly; but the internet erodes distinctions with fake news and blame. The internet does not require assured identity and without assured identity there is deception, and eventually, given the skill and persistence of deceiver(s) we are all fooled. As we have been.


We the People could easily fix the internet; we could make it a public utility – our problem is cognitive not technological. Anonymous networks will not support civilization because they connect the highly intelligent greed driven sociopathic minority to the rest of us. This is not an opinion, or a theory; it's an ‘’axiom,’’ and the damage we have sustained as a result of Information Poisoning has left most of us unable to understand what is happening to us.


We can't form social or economic views based on network derived information. We cannot set social or economic policy based on one set of lies or another. It is trivial for an aggrieved or ill-disposed entity to manipulate facts and context and story in virtual no man's land.


Until the integrity of information distribution systems is assured, the system remains what it as designed to be. What Orwell, Huxley, McKuen, and George . S. Trow foresaw it would be, a monstrous political mind control system, a spiritual and social tyranny, a pseudo reality where the many may dispose of the few however they see fit, simply by controlling both sides of the question and its presentation to the public.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.20966651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6668

If We the People do not control our communication network(s), then those networks control us; they are what they were engineered to be, a consumer mind control apparatus.


Just as the cult sought and acquired control of the railroad networks and used that hidden control to determine which towns and whose businesses would flourish and which would stagnate, the cult sought control of information traffic for the same reason. To control the physical, or today, information networks, is to control future economic development of the nation or world. By setting railroad freight rates the cultist’s rail networks favored satanic enterprises and thwarted competition. Today, by controlling who knows what, and when they know it, the pedovore cult does the same thing, favoring cult enterprises more efficiently and secretly.


The cult’s subterfuge, disguised ownership and control, corporate shells, special stock classes, and other SOP con tactics concealed the cult’s ownership and control of the railroads. Now, the same system in far more complex forms like “opaque financial instruments” disguises ownership and control of media companies – this is the "hidden hand;" the secret society control systems known as webs.


We the People rely on ideologically partisan networks for information. Since ‘’’ all ‘’’ ideologically segregated partisan networks selectively amplify FUD and suppress facts contrary to partisan narratives, ‘’’ no single set of facts exists for We the People to argue over the interpretation of. ’’’


With no trusted information supply, in the middle of a multi polar information war, there is no method to determine which information is real, true and important and which is trivial, false and maliciously intended. How do we make decisions when ‘’’all’’’ information is corrupt and controlled?


Computational civilization rests on information. The better, more accurate, the information, the less error it contains, the better a society performs by measures like the rate at which new, objectively true scientific knowledge is created.


Civilizations which fail to set a high value on information integrity for all citizens, are inevitably tyrannies where deception is the rule; communities which cannot, and do not, survive as advanced computational civilizations subside into barbarism, and ultimately, into collective, instinctual animal life.


Civilizations which set the highest value on the accuracy and integrity of their information supply view truth as a sacred, know that error correction and secure networking are essential to the maintenance of the life of all advanced, computation dependent civilizations.


The deep integration of computation into every sphere of human endeavor has supercharged our science and taken our civilization to an unfamiliar place, beyond material limitations, where the rules, God's rules, are the rules of the universe, and have their ultimate and mysterious source in the timeless properties of natural numbers.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.20966681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6688

The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species.


Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest.

One famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins. Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions.


Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command. Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create fanatically loyal adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain ‘’’instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.’’’


Let us consider the bugs. Certain beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules – they read and write the language of the victim's perceptions.


"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young.


How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?


…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.

"A very successful strategy. "


Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognizes the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated. We never suspect our senses are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception. Tiny eye movements called saccade each take 100 ms, during which time we are blind, and our visual cortex supplies a matching image which we perceive as continuous.


No big deal, except that saccades are so frequent that 100 ms blindness per saccade sums to 4 hrs a day.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:39 a.m. No.20966693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No race, no people has ever been free from slavery, either as slave or as master. Every race and every people ever enslaved became at every opportunity enslavers themselves:


Greek enslaved by Greek in the time of Aristotle, black enslaved by black since time immemorial in Africa and in the 19'th century, the American south. Slavery was never predicated on race except as circumstances rendered it. Many of the vast number of slaves of ancient Rome were fair skinned, fair haired Germans and Anglo Saxons.


The universal truth of slavery, that it has been throughout history one of the defining manifestations of human nature, has been suppressed both by history and by that nature.


The enduring myth that slavery was imposed on Africa by outside forces, that it was introduced by the Portuguese in 1444, is belied by the fact that slavery and the slave trade were ancient and commonplace within Africa long before the arrival of any white slaver. (The trans-Sahara slave trade route between West and North Africa likely had it's beginnings as early as 1000 B.C., hundreds of years before the Ethiopians, long enslaved by Egypt, conquered and gave to Egypt its Twenty-Fifth Dynasty; hundreds of years before Homer wrote in the Iliad that half the soul of man was lost when "the day of slavery" came upon him.")


"Slavery was widespread in Africa," writes Professor John Thornton in Africa and the Africans in 'The Making of the Atlantic World, 1400 - 1800,' "because slaves were the only form of private, revenue producing property recognized in African law."


To the 'odehye' - the freeborn - elite of West Africa, the outside forces of Europe, England and the Americas imposed no evil, but merely presented a new market, increased demand, and lucrative new export opportunities that the indigenous powers welcomed and readily exploited.


We bewail our past as slaves - experienced or ancestral, real or fancied - but never commemorate our enslavement of others.


Only circumstance separates slave from master; and for much of history, freedom and the will to enslave have been one. The oppressed, in the blessing of their deliverance, become the oppressors.


"The ox," said Aristotle, "is the poor man's slave."

Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.20966720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6723



"An odd word that recurs obsessively in the Bible, where it appears in forty passages: "Burn their Asherah in the fire and cut down the idols of their god", "Cut down their Asherah and burn their idols in the fire." How many times and with what stubborn vehemence, does Yahweh enjoin his people. Asherah designates a goddess, the partner of Baal. And at the same time certain sacred poles, which were worshiped. Asherah is a name that condenses within itself the abomination of idolatry. Yet for a long time, until the reign of Manasseh, it happened that "the objects that had been made for Baal, for the Asherah, and for all the heavenly host" were housed inside the temple for Yahweh. For Israel, the perennial risk was that the house of Yahweh still contained the altars of other divine beings. Hence Manasseh "made his son pass through fire and practiced astrology, and magic and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. "


"Solomon's temple stood for three hundred and eighty years. For two hundred and thiry six years Asherah had a place in it and was worshipped there. For one hundred and forty four years she was excluded from it and considered an abomination. Thirty-five years after Rehoboam, Asa removed the goddess. Joash brought her back, until, a century later, Hezekiah removed her again. Twenty-seven years went by until Manasseh brought her back agin. Seventy-eight years later, Josiah removed her. "He had the Asherah taken out of the House of Yahweh and out of Jerusalem to the river Kidron, where he burned her to ashes and threw the ashes on the tombs-of-the-children-of-the-people." It still wasn't enough: "He destroyed the houses of the sacred male prostitutes who were in the House of Yahweh and where the women weave linen for the Asherah." But when Josiah died, Asherah was brought back once more. And there she would stay until the first destruction of the Temple, in 586 BCE."


-Roberto Calasso

The Book of Books



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.20966779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7129

Even one third human blood was enough to make Gilgamesh mortal and two thirds divine blood was insufficient to quiet his fears or to grant immortality.


Is there any way at all Gilgamesh could acquire immortality?


There is always a way, just like there's always a price, but Utnapishtim had to think about it.


Not about the means, a tiny plant on the ocean floor, but about immortalizing Gilgamesh with this information.


Mightn't the gods react poorly? How would Isis (then called Ianna) feel, for Gilgamesh was the only man who had ever turned her down. He built her bed too, the amatory platform, which he shaped from the very same sacred willow as his ball and bat.


Isis might hate or adore Gilgamesh for that, but she would know about the hate first and murder him. Later, after he was dead, she would adore him.


Utnapishtim is immortal, and so is Isis, why not admit Gilgamesh to the club?

Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20966789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing or caring much about who, or what the clapping was for?


It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.


It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.


Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.


Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.


Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.


Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, noon No.20966804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vril type 1 lizards (terrestrial aliens) are parasitic, carnivorous and malevolent. They’re about one to two feet tall. Their head resembles the body of a king crab and their body is covered in red diamond-shaped scales. They dwell underground. They’re dumb (and are able to talk) but smarter when they turn a human into a host (drone). They have a proboscis (called the Quill), which is located on the top of their head. The proboscis (which looks-like a chocolate chip) contains everything that the lizard is (its consciousness). Their lizard body is dead once the proboscis leaves its body. They can only do this once in their lifetime and if they fail (turning a human into a host), they die. The human that is about to be bodysnatched is either unconscious or restrained. The proboscis enters the human’s eye and spirals around the optic nerve. It then proceeds to go to an area of the brain (driven by taste) that tastes like butterscotch to them. Then, they do a feeling of holding your breath and pushing outwards. Finally, it does what's called “Sweating the Quill” (at the tip of the proboscis), which excretes the parasitic cells that take over the human body. This kills the human and replaces their consciousness with the Vril lizard’s consciousness. The Vril lizard becomes that human (after about a month’s recovery time). This transition from Vril lizard to human is what’s called "Droning". Once a Vril lizard becomes a human, they are then known as a Drone, Host of Vril or a Parasited Host. A person that has had this happen to them, may be referred to as someone that had been possessed by a demon. This is what demonic possession is. In addition, some hosts of Vril (drones) call themselves “walk-ins”, in which they describe how an alien consciousness or soul took over their body. The slit-eye videos that you see all over the web are fake. The Illuminati put these out intentionally to mislead everyone into thinking that one can tell who is a “reptilian” (Vril lizard and a host of Vril aka drone) by checking to see, if their eyes turn to slits. This doesn’t occur and they cannot do this. However, the eyes ARE one way to tell… Sometimes, there may be an eye that pops outward (or inward) due to the droning process or it makes the eye stray, so it looks-like the person is cockeyed or walleyed. There is no shape-shifting either. The so-called shape-shifting is the transition from Vril lizard to human. Those that talk about “reptilian shape-shifters” are referring to Vril and people who have been droned. Drones (Parasited Hosts of Vril) mimic human behavior. They are willing slaves with no compassion and only care about droning other people, torture and sex. They’re murderers. They killed the human to "use" their body and live life

Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.20966810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IO, IO, IT'S Off to Work We Go


Calendrical Warfare


Does it matter who controls the calendar? Assigns Public Festival Dates?


By supplying curated news / information into our information feeds and perceptual stream, the cult is able to induce us to voluntarily act against our own interests. To slaughter our neighbors, prompted by false flags and media hate mongering. To destroy our own nations in the belief we are protecting ourselves from threat of disease or from fanatical enemies


By controlling what we see and where and when we see and hear it, they induce us to join or oppose the phony political movements they create or the endless embroidery of materialist ideologies. When we argue about ideology, we never consider the materialism as the predicate fraud.


Control of the information supply, the news and entertainment media, allows for the establishment and support of cult's fake left-right division, the maintenance and perpetuation of cult myths, celebration of cult heroes or antiheroes.


Control of the information supply allows the cult to change the calendar, emphasizing or deprecating traditional Holy days, commemorating certain historical events and abolishing others.

By altering the calendar different fields of influences - positive or not - can be brought to bear on nations, and on a civilization.


Can you think of engineered assassinations or terrorist attacks that changed our calendar? Our economy and way of life?


If we look back in history do we find other changes that produced significant temporal social effects?



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.20966832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Many people assume that technology is in some way artificial. It is as natural as a bird’s nest or a beaver’s dam, and every individual, each species and all nations have a unique developmental course. As with a seed, the full life of individuals, species and nations is inherent, contained in their beginnings. There is no such thing as ‘’artificial’’ intelligence; there is only intelligence. It is found everywhere, in plants and animals and in myriad life forms which flourish outside the range of material sense perceptions.


A billion networked autonomous biological computational devices form an evolutionary inflection point: when the quality and speed of the connection between the nodes is optimized, it is no longer a network – it is an ‘’’evolved, parallel computational organism’’’ of unimaginable power.


If the data circulating in that evolved organism, circulated by and among autonomous biological processors, chiefly news and entertainment, is error corrected at successive stages, as is done with other biological networks like our blood stream, and in silicon-based networks and distributed computation; the performance of networked individuals and of the civilization in which they participate must be enhanced by orders of magnitude.


Human beings have two identities, the smaller, individual identity is personal, comprised of our life history, our thoughts and our sensory perceptual experience. The second, much greater identity, is collective. We all participate in this greater common identity because we participate in civilization. No single individual ever creates anything of value. Every work of imagination, every invention, scientific discovery or artistic innovation is the work of many human beings, among the living and dead.


The words, numbers and images we share are common property; they make of us what we are; they are living things with immutable properties.


Everyone contributes to civilization, and all are free to withdraw from the transgenerational repository of mankind’s treasury of accumulated knowledge. The achievement of each benefit all without any Marxist management at all.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.20966891   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"


Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.


Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.


In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.


Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.


Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.


Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.


US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.


Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.


Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.


Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.


The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.


Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.


Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.


Porn is good for you

Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.20966906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The dark powers are guided and shaped by cultists’ rituals, nourished by them over millennia by blood sacrifice; the entities which result, while created by men, are “real.” They live in that deeply mysterious part of the human mind which the Persians call the Mundus Imaginalis. Every great work of art, every scientific discovery every improvement or innovation is a gift of imagination.


The Imagination, the Mundus Imaginalis, is a real place, not a literary metaphor, an actual space, capable of formal, mathematical definition, accessible to us, and to the deception from which we struggle to free ourselves.


Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of associated, interconnected symbols, sigils and glyphs. These symbols constitute the satanic “brands” – marketing identities which now surround us; advertising has conditioned us from infancy to view the branding and marketing of consumer goods as “normal.”


Recognizing occult elements and understanding how they insinuate themselves into consciousness to become unconsidered, automatic repetitive, conditioned or ritual behaviors is part of what the "Great Awakening" is about.


Repeated exposure to satanic symbols, sigils, images and glyphs embedded in advertising and entertainment media content activates corresponding influences within us.


Hypersexualized, materialist culture is not an accident; it is not the product of creative competition – it is the product of occult rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices engineered to produce the illusory materialist environment in which we are, many of us, confined.


Pedovore cultists openly promote satanic “art” rituals in media, content which is marketed to children on You Tube.


Ritual ceremonies are disguised as children’s activities, "art," theater, comedy and concerts


More than 1 million unborn human infants are sacrificed to Moloch and the Asherah every year in the US.


Hypno-sexual mind control components ancient runes, demonic sigils, talismans and glyphs perfuse engineered pop culture. News and “entertainment” media content is pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and subliminal images related to SEX and DEATH. These overt and covert occult influences accumulate and their combined effect over decades has produced and sustained a selfish, shallow and violent materialist consciousness, a culture where satan runs commerce and where trans dimensional entities may more easily manifest the hierarchical, slave society of pedovore criminality they prefer.


The satanic cultists have expended much cleverness to channel and confine human consciousness. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary, socially mandated tasks, economic slavery and engineered social conflict, has no time for the reflection that leads to psychospiritual growth.


We can awaken to the true nature of reality and to the powers of big G God inside us.

Satanic cultists can’t. All cultists can do is what they've always done, use drugs, sex, illusion and NLP mind tricks to create endless cycles of revenge and retribution.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20966919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.


What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.


Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.


Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.


What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.


It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.


By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.20966929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6961

The owners of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are the architects and operators of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.’’’


Many of our fellow citizens are so trapped in pseudo reality created by legacy media news and entertainment content they will never escape. We call the brainwashed “NPCs,” but they're victims of legacy media information poisoning.


We think we can watch legacy media news and entertainment content safely, that it won’t and hasn't hurt us… but it has. We've heard more lies about the world than we can remember. Those unremembered lies are the basis for important assumptions we make, about who is a friend and who's not, about what we do in our spare time and what we dream of for our children.


We've been exposed to hundreds of thousands subliminal images, subsonic induction, ultrasonic brain state modulation, images we’re not aware we even saw of sex hate death greed, all of which influence our behavior, creating a form of unrecognized PTSD, which victims often project outward as hate.


Legacy media has gradually, over decades reduced the common vocabulary and amplified the violence, venality, selfishness, greed and overt occultism in programming.


Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer physical symptoms, increased blood pressure, respiration, perspiration and pulse – people shake, stutter at the mention of the name of a man they have never met. A man they know only from the thousands of negative stories about him in every media, every hour of every day on every conceivable media platform. The physical symptoms are a psychogenic illness produced nonstop adverse IO, cultist Information Operations, aka psyops.


By gradually reducing our vocabulary and simplifying discussions legacy media has gradually reduced our cognitive capacity and normalized bizarre fetishes and psychopathology; moral subversion is a recognized tactic of unrestricted war; lifetime exposure from infancy means that many of us are no longer able to understand what is happening to us.


Legacy media protects satanist pedophile occultists, ignores massive evidence, discredit and slanders honest researchers, elevates fake experts to debunk perverts like Epstein, and scandals like Pizzagate, the Presidio, Keating S&L perverts, and dozens of other similar scandals equally serious and always dismissed as "satanic panic" which is now the approved explanation for the McMartin preschool scandal in Los Angeles.


There, at McMartin the children described ritual abuse, but. as always. the the Daily Beast assures us is an hallucination



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.20966966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"It's a court of law, not justice."

- Oliver Wendel Homeboy


We could fill ten buildings with lawyers and they would no more produce justice than a bulldog will honey. What's more, no sane reasonable person would expect law courts to produce ideals at all, for that is not their purpose.


So why call it a "Department of Justice?"


To engender confusion? To distract from parasitic rapacity? To remind us knowledge is power? Lawyers create litigation, and legal process, and raise with solemn oaths and statutes a celebration of themselves and the triumph men's law over God's living Spirit, a manifestation of the luciferian deep state.


Partial list of DOJ employees.


lawyers with grease spotted ties, lawyers with strabismus, lawyers with TMJ, mumbling lawyers, dog faced lawyers, lawyers with leg braces, one eyed lawyers, rotten-tooth breathed lawyers, tattooed lawyers, limping lawyers, angry lawyers with knotted pulsing jaw muscles, blinking lawyers, aphasic lawyers, lawyers on three or more anti depressants, lawyers with huge watches, drug dealing lawyers, homo lawyers, garlic stinking lawyers, cutter lawyers, twitching lawyers, lawyers with obsessive disorders, suicidal lawyers, lawyers with taped glasses, snaky lawyer, sneaky creepy sociopath lawyers, lawyers with warts on their lips, lawyers with failed hair transplants, jelqing lawyers who tie weights to their penises, farting lawyers, herniated lawyers, bigamist lawyers, lawyers with speech impediments, pedophile lawyers, lawyers who sleep in their cars, lawyers with alopecia, 13 cat lawyers, leather pants wearing dyke lawyers, earnest lawyers, well intended lawyers, narcoleptic lawyers, lawyers who hate lawyers, tire sealant sniffing lawyers, black eyed lawyers, fish eyed lawyers, after shave drinking lawyers, squeaking nervous lawyers, lawyers with ambiguous genitalia, coughing lawyers, sneezing lawyers, lawyers who eat scabs, lawyers with psoriasis, whiny lawyers, perjurer lawyers, lawyers who spit when they talk, tourettes lawyer, lawyers with bushy nose hair, name dropping lawyers, gossiping lawyers, dead lawyers just left sitting in their office, unvaccinated lawyers, jabbering coked up lawyers, sea lawyers, car pooling lawyers, lawyers who grunt when they write, dyslexic lawyers, cannibal lawyers, wise cracking lawyers, clay eating lawyers, soft spoken, modest lawyers, bitter lawyers, onanistic lawyers, cowardly, backstabbing lawyers, clown lawyers, lawyers with bell's palsy, schizophrenic lawyers, dement lawyers, pedophile protecting mason lawyers, obese lawyers, anorexic lawyers, leperous lawyers, weasel-looking lawyers, card cheat lawyers, coprophage lawyers, doodling lawyers, lawyers with prosthetic noses, and no-business-being-born, insecure, junkyard lawyers.


If we were awake, "Department of Justice" set up and run as a permanent institution by the legal profession would be adequate warning.



Anonymous ID: 9d1a5e June 4, 2024, 1:16 p.m. No.20967037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Intelligence agencies and the advertising industry have developed sophisticated mind control technologies over decades of research in quest of an engineered 100% complaint human being.


Individuals heavily exposed to MSM media content and/or MK / traumatic conditioning become NPCs, trapped by “common knowledge”in an MSM fabricated pseudo reality; NPCs and MK victims may both require therapeutic expertise to assist their recovery, due to the severe nature of the spiritual trauma and extensive alterations to the psyche.


As Wilson Bryan Key put it back in the 1980s, In spite of the evidence presented, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is now driving ever larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors.


Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function equivalent to trauma PTSD.


SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence, distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas.


‘’’British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 separate scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined by external events over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception, p 322’’’


1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual thresholds

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality


The list of subliminal effects demonstrates how humans are programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media.




Do not expose yourself or you family unnecessarily to MSM psyops running on all media of every cult platform.


’’’Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.” ’’’


The US public has had decades of exposure to subliminals and years of exposure to acute phase Information Operations conducted by the advertising-media complex for commercial and political ends.